Starting a conversation with a Scorpio man can be difficult sometimes. Scorpios are intimidating people. Sometimes it’s hard to approach them.
If he’s in a social mood, though, it’ll be quite easy to strike up a conversation. You just need to know how to approach him.
Some Scorpios are social creatures, others not so much.
This means that sometimes, you’re just not going to be able to strike up a conversation with a Scorpio no matter how hard you try. Don’t let that discourage you, though.
No matter how you approach him, be confident. If you seem tense or unsure, he’s going to pick up on that.
You two won’t have a very pleasant conversation if he senses you’re nervous about speaking with him.
Just act natural. Be yourself. Bring up a topic or two you think he’d like and see what happens.
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Eye Contact
Any good conversation with a Scorpio man starts with some solid eye contact.
Scorpio has an intense gaze. If you’re able to catch his eye and maintain eye contact with him, that will show him you’re confident. It’ll tell him you mean business.
He’s also good at sensing when somebody is looking at him. Even if you don’t have an intense stare, he’ll notice. Looking at him is a good way to get his attention.
Sometimes, you don’t even need to start a conversation with a Scorpio. You’ll make eye contact with him and suddenly, he’ll be walking over and striking up a conversation with you instead of the other way around.
Eye contact is a good way to see if Scorpio is feeling social too. He’ll refuse to catch your eye if he doesn’t want to talk to you. He knows you’re looking. He just doesn’t want to acknowledge it.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Scorpio man (they work like magic) →
Make Observations
If you’re having trouble coming up with things to say to a Scorpio man, just start making observations about the people around you. He likes to people-watch. He is likely making some observations of his own.
They can be observations about anything, really. You can make a comment about the music that’s playing. If there’s some interesting decor in the place you’re at, mention that.
Scorpio isn’t above gossip either. If you overheard an interesting conversation, ask him if he also heard it. Ask what he thinks about the weird ensemble one of your mutual friends is wearing.
You can ask about something he’s wearing or doing too. It’ll show that you noticed him while also giving you an easy conversation-starter.
If a Scorpio makes a seemingly out-of-place comment to you, he’s trying to start a conversation. Just go with it.
Be Confident
Be confident when you approach a Scorpio. He can smell fear.
He’s not going to ignore you just because you’re a little nervous but it’s better if you put your best foot forward when approaching him.
You don’t want to leave any room for him to doubt your intentions. He might think you’re up to something if you seem overly anxious about talking to him. He reads into things a little too much at times.
Scorpio also just appreciates confidence in people. He’ll be more likely to want to keep talking to you if he sees that you’re a confident, assertive person.
Don’t hesitate. Just walk over to him and strike up a conversation. The worst that can happen is he turns you down.
Use these secrets to make your Scorpio man love you (they work like magic) →
Be Persistent
If a Scorpio doesn’t “take the bait” the first time you try to talk to him, don’t give up. He’s not always in the mood to chat, especially if you don’t know him well. Just look for a different opportunity to strike up a conversation.
Being persistent doesn’t mean that you continue to talk to him after he’s made it clear he doesn’t want to talk. You won’t always be able to start a conversation with a Scorpio every time you see him.
If he’s busy when you approach him, wait until he’s alone. If he seems like he’s in a bad mood and isn’t responding to you, try again the next time you see him. He might be in a better mood then.
Scorpio isn’t going to talk to you if he’s not in the mood. If he doesn’t know you well, he’s not going to want to chat if he’s feeling down.
Don’t Rush Him
Scorpio will talk to you when he’s good and ready to talk to you. Don’t push if he’s not in a chatty mood.
Don’t text him over and over and over again until he responds. He’s more likely to just block you than to give in to your pestering.
When he does talk to you, don’t make disparaging comments about the times when he didn’t want to talk.
That’s an example of what not to say to a Scorpio man. He knows he’s not always in a social mood. You don’t need to pick at him because of it.
When he does talk to you, there’s no need to be in a rush with the conversation either. Let it flow naturally.
You’re not going to get to know everything there is to know about Scorpio in one conversation. Don’t feel like you have to. You can get to know him slowly.
A tiny trick to snatch your Scorpio man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Ask Introspective Questions
Introspectives questions are the best questions to ask a Scorpio man when you’re getting to know him.
Scorpio is an introspective person. He likes to think about his own inner workings. He wants to know what makes him tick and what makes him him. He is a fan of self-reflection.
Introspective questions are different from personal questions. He’s not necessarily going to want to talk to you about his childhood or spill all his secrets to you.
However, he’ll be more than happy to answer some thought-provoking, philosophical questions.
You can even do something as “simple” as asking him to describe himself. That’ll get the ball rolling, assuming he’s interested in a conversation with you.
If he seems deep in thought, you can always ask what he’s thinking about. If he wants to talk but doesn’t necessarily want to tell you what he’s really thinking about, he’ll come up with an interesting answer anyway.
Occult Topics
If you have no idea what to say to a Scorpio man when you first meet him, try bringing up a topic related to the occult.
Scorpio is associated with the occult and most Scorpios have an interest in at least one or two occult-related topics, if not more. Occult topics include anything that is related to the supernatural, the mystical world, or magic.
Ask him if he believes in ghosts. If you saw a horror movie recently, bring that up. He probably likes horror movies.
Texting with a Scorpio about the occult is especially fun. Even if he’s not chatty in person, he’ll probably have loads of information to text you.
It’s fun to talk about the paranormal even if you don’t consider yourself an “expert” on occult topics.
If Scorpio is really into something related to the occult, you’ll be able to get hours of conversation out of that alone.
Is your Scorpio man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Try to Connect
A Scorpio man expressing feelings during a first conversation is rare but it’s still good to try and connect with him whenever you speak to him.
If he mentions that he likes a certain movie you also like, connect with that. Strike up a conversation about your favorite or least favorite things about the movie.
If you two have a mutual friend, talk about the friend! Scorpio values their relationships with people. He’ll be interested to hear about his friend from the perspective of somebody else.
It doesn’t have to be anything deep or intense. You can start connecting with somebody based on the most minor of details.
Tell Him About Yourself
Telling Scorpio about yourself is a great way to connect and start up a conversation without making him feel like he’s on the spot.
If you’re not sure what to text a Scorpio man to get his attention, just start talking about yourself.
Scorpio loves learning about other people. New people are a mystery and listening to them talk about themselves is just one way he “solves” that mystery.
What a Scorpio man wants to hear is honestly anything you’re willing to share with him.
If a Scorpio man doesn’t listen when you talk about yourself or doesn’t ask you questions about yourself, those are signs a Scorpio man is not interested in talking with you, at least at the moment.
Sometimes, Scorpio will let others go on and on about themselves so he can avoid sharing any personal details about himself. If you just start talking about yourself, he’s not likely to argue with you about it.
Is your Scorpio man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Scorpio back in. →
Be Flirty
Scorpio likes to flirt. His flirting is more intense than a Taurus or a Gemini but it’s not something he always does seriously.
If a Scorpio is flirting with you, he might just be doing it for fun. If you’re able to just flirt for fun, go for it!
It’s a good way to initiate a conversation. You’ll be able to approach other topics as he gets more comfortable with you.
If you approach him with a flirty, friendly demeanor, he might be receptive to it. If he’s not, you can always back off.
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