When you know how to make a Scorpio man feel guilty you can keep him in line. Playing on his sympathies gives you an upper hand.
Avoid triggering his anger by making him feel remorse. You can hold a Scorpio man accountable.
If you know how to play on his empathy, you can make a Scorpio man feel sorry for hurting you. He may never apologize but he feels guilty for hurting you.
When you trigger his protective and sensitive nature, a Scorpio man feels bad for hurting your feelings. Don’t confront him directly.
If you want to make a Scorpio man regret losing you, learn how to trigger his guilty feelings. He only responds to specific tactics.
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Point Out Hurt Feelings
Scorpio men can be manipulative, but they don’t want to hurt your feelings if they like you. If you can remain calm and explain how he hurt your feelings, a Scorpio man feels guilty.
Point out your hurt feelings without triggering his defenses. Your Scorpio man can be protective and loving. If he unintentionally crosses a line, he will come around if you talk about how he hurt your feelings.
Tell him clearly how you feel. Avoid sarcasm or blame when you talk to him about how he hurt you. Speak about specific feelings. You can make a Scorpio man feel guilty if you get him to see how hurt you are because of his actions.
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The first response with a Scorpio man should be an appeal to his rational side. If that doesn’t work, use passive-aggressive measures. If he won’t listen to how he hurt your feelings, make him feel guilty by sulking.
You can get a reaction from your Scorpio man if you show how hurt you are through body language. Give him an innocent pout and cast your eyes down.
Your Scorpio man can’t stand watching the woman he loves in distress. If you can come close to tears without breaking down, your Scorpio love interest will come to his senses.
He doesn’t want to be responsible for your hurt feelings. Seeing you sulk pulls on his heartstrings. He can’t stand by while you are on the verge of tears. You can make him feel guilty through a sulky expression.
When a Scorpio man feels guilty, he may not apologize. Yet he wants to make amends when he sees that you are hurt. He takes partial responsibility for his actions if you sulk around him.
Go Quiet
If you suddenly go silent, a Scorpio man knows he did something wrong. He uses silent treatment to get to others. When you shut down, you are beating him at his own game.
You can make a Scorpio man feel guilty if you withdraw. He feels anxious when you go quiet because he can’t read your feelings as easily. He wants to avoid the tension of walking on eggshells around you.
If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man feel guilty, shut down and go quiet. He panics when you stop responding to his texts. A Scorpio man wants to resume a conversation with you.
He gets nervous when you are withdrawn. Your Scorpio man realizes he’s done something wrong. He tries to find out why you are suddenly quiet and will try to make it up to you.
Follow a no-contact rule with a Scorpio man if you want to make him feel guilty. You can get him to take responsibility for what he did wrong if you stop communicating with him.
If you’re wondering how long to give a Scorpio man space, he won’t stay away for long. He rushes to make it up to you if you go quiet. He is more likely to take responsibility if you shut down.
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Play the Victim
Another way to make a Scorpio man feel guilty is to play the victim. You can hold him accountable by forcing him to see how hurt you are. Scorpio men are sensitive.
They have a soft spot for wounded people. If your actions, body language, and tone show him that you are the victim he feels guilty for hurting you. Getting others’ sympathy also gets his attention.
Your Scorpio man wants to save face. He doesn’t want others to know that he did something to hurt your feelings. He feels guilty and may come close to an apology if you play the victim role.
If you’re wondering how to make a Scorpio man regret hurting you, the best thing you can do is play to his sympathy. Make him feel sorry for how he treated you by showing him you are wounded.
If others see you as a victim your Scorpio man has no choice but to accept responsibility. He doesn’t want to prolong the sympathy you receive from others. He tries to repair his reputation by making amends.
Don’t Blame Directly
One of the mistakes women make with a Scorpio man is pointing fingers when Scorpio men do something wrong. You can make your Scorpio man feel guilty if you blame him overtly.
Scorpio men are more sensitive than they appear. They protect their egos and vulnerability. If you openly blame a Scorpio man for hurting you, he becomes defensive.
Never make direct accusations if you want a Scorpio man to feel guilty. You can push him away unintentionally by coming on too strong. Explain how your feelings are hurt by his actions.
Hold him accountable but avoid calling him out directly and publicly. You can make a Scorpio man feel guilty if you speak assertively or use body language to do the talking for you.
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Don’t Confront Him
In addition to avoiding direct blame, never act confrontational when your Scorpio man hurts your feelings. You can make him feel guilty if you appeal to his intellectual and empathetic sides.
But if you are confrontational and push for an apology, you’ll get locked into an ongoing battle of wills. Scorpio men inevitably win such stalemates. Locking horns with a Scorpio man gets you nowhere.
When you are confrontational, he becomes the victim. You can’t win when a Scorpio man feels attacked. You must avoid making him feel cornered when you want him to feel guilty.
Avoid raising your voice. Act sad or hurt, but don’t act angry when you speak to your Scorpio man. He reacts to anger with a defensive posture and ignores your hurt feelings.
Play on His Protective Side
A Scorpio man can become more protective of you if you know how to push his buttons. He is caring and intense when he likes you. A Scorpio man feels guilty if you play to his instincts.
You can make him feel remorse if you act vulnerable. Your Scorpio man instantly becomes protective and nurturing. A Scorpio man feels guilty even if he doesn’t directly apologize.
Scorpio men avoid apologizing because they want to hide their humility and vulnerability. You can make him feel guilty if you build up his ego as your protector. He feels remorse and demonstrates this by trying to make you feel better when you are hurt.
When you know how to turn the tables on a Scorpio man you can make him feel guilty. He wants to show how powerful he is. Make him feel remorse because he let you down.
What hurts a Scorpio man the most is feeling like he let you down. You can make him feel guilty for hurting you if you build up his image of being a caring, protective man.
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Act Naive
Scorpio men don’t like being challenged. He must save face when he does something wrong. When you want a Scorpio man to feel guilty, act naive. Let him see you are upset but don’t focus on him as the cause.
The guilt he feels inside will eat him alive. Your Scorpio man feels compelled to speak up and take responsibility because he doesn’t want you to be hurt anymore.
You can make him feel guilty by downplaying his role in hurting you.
Acting naive should not be your first step. Only use this tactic if other strategies aren’t working. A Scorpio man doesn’t want to admit responsibility for hurting your feelings. Yet he feels guilty if you pretend you act innocent.
Do Scorpio men regret losing you? They may be remorseful, but they seldom admit it. Make a Scorpio man feel guilty before he leaves you. He responds to you if you seem naive and innocent.
If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man chase you, act naive when he does something wrong.
Don’t put him on blast or corner him for an apology. Instead, make him feel guilty when he realizes he did something wrong. He’ll pursue you to apologize.
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