If a Libra man is hiding his feelings, you may feel at a loss. Men born under this sign can be romantic but turn cold when in love.
They send mixed signals to avoid showing vulnerability; you must know how to respond when he’s distant.
The biggest mistake you can make with a Libra man is to try too hard to get him to show his feelings. Men born under this sign can be distant when they feel overwhelmed.
If you chase a Libra man or give ultimatums, you’ll make him shut down. Expect him to shift between being expressive and aloof, and take small steps to help him open up.
Be patient with a Libra man when he hides his feelings. Being too assertive or having high expectations can undermine your potential. Libra men need a gentle approach.
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Don’t Pressure Him
Never pressure a Libra man when he is hiding his feelings. You can make him shut down altogether if you ask him directly about his feelings, Libra men are sensitive to pressure.
They must feel they have choices. If you encroach on their freedom, he becomes more distant. You can make a Libra man run away from you if you come on too strong.
If he thinks you will expose his vulnerable side, a Libra man shuts down. Don’t put pressure on a Libra man, or he will never open up about his feelings. Libra men need to feel secure before they share their emotional side.
As an air sign, Libra men are intellectual more than emotional. Your Libra man is uncomfortable showing his feelings, but if you ease him into the process, he can become more confident.
He needs time to warm up to being expressive. When you put him on the spot and ask him about his feelings, you can scare a Libra man away. He doesn’t know how to respond and panics.
Libra men crumble under pressure. You don’t want him to associate you with feeling anxious and uncomfortable. Pressuring a Libra man backfires; he won’t respond well to ultimatums.
When you see signs a Libra man secretly likes you, give him a chance to warm up. Don’t lose hope if he is subtle initially. Libra men change their minds frequently. He may be transparent and then become distant.
A tiny trick to snatch your Libra man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Take Small Steps
Will a Libra man hide his feelings once you’re dating him? He opens up slowly. Take small steps to make him feel comfortable. Show him you care about him and reassure him when he has breakthroughs.
Don’t hide your feelings from a Libra man to beat him at his own game, but be patient. Expect him to make progress in small steps. Use positive reinforcement when your Libra man tells you his feelings about specific situations.
You can make a Libra man open up more if you are receptive to his feelings when he hints about his feelings. He won’t pour his heart out to you in one step.
You must meet a Libra man at his level. Start at his pace and let him open up gradually. He may tell you about his feelings when he’s stressed or after a few drinks.
It is not a bad sign if he clams up the next day and becomes quiet again. As the sign of the scales, a Libra man can be inconsistent. He is not trying to confuse you but retreats after showing his feelings.
Celebrate small victories when a Libra man reveals his interest in you. He may not define the relationship initially. Encourage him to show you how he feels as he works in stages.
Stay Optimistic
Stay optimistic when your Libra man shows signs he likes you but won’t openly admit it. The more supportive and comforting you are, the more you can put him at ease. He lowers his defenses when you cheer him up.
Seeing the silver lining makes a Libra man warm up to you. You can get a Libra man to acknowledge his feelings when you have a positive personality.
A Libra man finds you irresistible when you are caring and inspiring. Show him you are upbeat, and your Libra man will want to express his love for you. You can get him to show his feelings when you see the bright side of each situation.
Why does a Libra man hide his feelings? He can be reluctant to open his heart if he is unsure about you. Libra men take a long time to settle down in a relationship. You can get him to talk about his feelings when you are cheerful.
Do Libras hide their feelings when they have a crush on you? Be patient when you’re getting to know a Libra man.
You can make a Libra man open up about his feelings when he likes you, but he is cautious unless you are encouraging. Be patient until you see signs a Libra man is not into you.
Your attitude can help a Libra man progress in love. He talks to you about his feelings if he thinks you can hold space when he’s having a challenging day. Your optimistic attitude goes a long way to comfort him.
This magic will make your Libra man want a relationship with you. →
Role Model Emotional Language
As an intellectual air sign, your Libra love can be expressive and articulate. Yet he struggles to find the right words to convey his feelings. You can help him become expressive if you use emotional language.
Use phrases to describe your feelings when you talk to your Libra man. He picks up on your cues and begins using more emotional language when he talks to you.
You can make a Libra man open up about his feelings when you demonstrate the language he can use to tell you about his emotions. Your Libra man responds by mirroring your habit of describing your feelings.
When your Libra man hides how he feels, you can help him break this habit by showing him how to be more expressive and talk about your feelings, and he follows suit.
Does a Libra man feel guilty for hiding his feelings? He doesn’t regret keeping his feelings secret. He prefers being cautious and fears rejection. Help him lighten up by showing him you care about him.
If you see signs a Libra man is playing you, avoid chasing him. You don’t want to make him feel overwhelmed. You can help him express his feelings when you are open about your interest in him.
Use Positive Reinforcement
When your Libra man is ready to let his guard down, he tests the waters. He tells you how he feels in low-risk situations. See his attempts for the effort they are. He is trying to open up about his feelings.
Use positive reinforcement to encourage him to open up more. You can get a Libra man to share his feelings when you praise him. Show affection and admiration.
Libra men take gradual steps to open up emotionally. Their progress may seem insufficient, but when he does his best to show love and consideration, he needs your reassurance before he becomes more expressive.
Pay attention to his cues if you’re wondering how to know if a Libra man is hiding his feelings. He sends mixed signals if he likes you but isn’t ready to show you. If he only acts distant he is not romantically interested in you.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Libra man. →
Compliment Him
One of the best ways to get a Libra man to open up about his feelings is to compliment him. Libra men are sensitive and need to know you care. You can make a Libra man’s heart melt if you build up his self-esteem.
He can be indecisive and hides his feelings when he’s unsure of himself. Encourage his confidence by complimenting him, and a Libra man reveals his desire for you.
You can get a Libra man to talk about his feelings when you acknowledge his unique strengths and admire his good looks. Tell him how you feel about his successes and accomplishments.
If you see signs a Libra man just wants to be friends you can test him to see if he is hiding his feelings. Give your Libra love interest compliments about his tastes in books, movies, and music. Show your interest in his hobbies, and he warms up to you.
A Libra man’s mixed signals can frustrate you. Keep encouraging your Libra love interest to talk about how he feels instead of shutting down. Shower him with authentic compliments, and he lets his guard down.
Libra men can be sensitive and respond well to flattery. Be sincere, and your Libra man lets his defenses down. Your genuine compliments help him respond to you by sharing his feelings.
He comes out of his shell when he feels seen and appreciated. Gratitude and words of praise help a Libra man get comfortable in a relationship. When he feels supported he is more likely to share his vulnerable side.
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