
10 Ways to Hurt a Taurus Man

Updated December 30, 2024

Hurting a Taurus man is easy if you understand his personality. In fact, he tries to act tough but is more sensitive than he lets on.

When a Taurus man is hurt by something you’ve said or done, he may disappear for days or for good.

If you see signs a Taurus man has lost interest, it could be that he’s overwhelmed by the relationship. It could also be an indicator that he is hurt or offended by something you did.

If he’s upset with you because he’s feeling hurt, he won’t openly express this. Instead, he’ll shut down. If your goal is to hurt a Taurus man, it won’t take much.

Just be aware that accidentally hurting his feelings can destroy a relationship. Intentionally hurting a Taurus man can mean he’ll close the door forever.

1. Lie to Him

When a Taurus man is sorry for something he’s done wrong, he seldom admits it outright. He’ll try to make amends through actions, not words. Yet if he discovers you’ve lied to him, all bets are off.

Even if he is responsible for some transgressions of his own, he’ll ignore his responsibility for the conflict and focus only on the fact that you’ve lied to him. He may explode in anger or just disappear.

One thing is almost certain, if you lie to a Taurus man, it will hurt him. Lying and dishonesty trigger his deep need for security. You’ll know he’s hurt because he will shut down completely.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →

2. Play Mind Games

When a Taurus man goes quiet, he may be upset with you. He may also just be busy or stressed out or contemplative. Taurus isn’t always outgoing. He trusts you to be able to handle some distance in the relationship.

Yet if you intentionally play with his mind, you’ll take him by surprise. Taurus can be cautious and defensive at first, but once he’s in a relationship with you, he’s counting on you to be honest and direct.

If you play mind games with him after he’s taken the chance to trust you, you’ll hurt him. You may also find that he gives up on any chance of a future relationship because he won’t tolerate this kind of treatment.

3. Make Him Jealous

A Taurus man may try to work through troubles in the relationship if he’s made a solid commitment. When a Taurus man is done with you, it is usually because he couldn’t reconcile a specific trigger or no longer feels secure.

One of the best ways to hurt a Taurus man so that he’ll end the relationship forever is to make him jealous. There are a few things Taurus men will not tolerate, no matter how much they love someone. Triggering his jealousy is one of these things.

Taurus men need to know they have no competition in order to feel comfortable in a relationship. When he’s no longer comfortable in a relationship, he’ll look for the nearest exit. This is a surefire way to hurt him and cause irreparable damage.

Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in. →

4. Insult His Appearance

It may seem odd, but as much as Taurus men project an image of being solid and stoic, they are actually quite sensitive to any kind of personal criticism. Taurus men also value their appearance and image.

If you want to hurt a Taurus man, an easy way to do this is to criticize or insult his appearance. Point out that he’s gaining weight or that his clothes are no longer trendy. Taurus men love beauty and this includes their own sense of self-image.

If you drop hints that make him doubt his beauty and attractiveness, you’ll get under his skin. This kind of insult or criticism can be damaging to a Taurus man’s self-esteem and will definitely hurt his feelings.

It could also harm the relationship, so only do this if you are certain you want to drive him away. Taurus men need to feel admired, accepted and secure in a relationship. Using this tactic to hurt him could also mean the end of the relationship.

5. Criticize His Profession

When a Taurus man misses you, he may take a chance and seek connection again, even if you’ve really hurt him in the past. There are a few issues that he won’t be able to overcome, though.

If you hurt a Taurus man by criticizing his profession or professional accomplishments or by criticizing him for being underemployed or unemployed, he’ll disappear. This kind of criticism is devastating for a Taurus man.

Almost as much as he values his appearance, a Taurus man values his work and career. He is ambitious and productive and can feel personally devastated if he loses a job or if things aren’t going well in his career.

If you criticize him for any reason related to his work, especially if he hasn’t been doing well, it can be a significant trigger for a Taurus man. It is one he won’t easily bounce back from and he may block you altogether if you use his career struggles to insult him.

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6. Never Act Satisfied

Taurus men don’t express their feelings verbally. When a Taurus man loves you, he’ll try to show you through his actions. He’ll go out of his way to do things for you and pamper you. If you are perpetually unsatisfied, he takes it personally.

He may never say it, but a Taurus man is hurt when he sees that he can’t seem to make you happy. If you want to know how to make a Taurus man regret losing you, this is not the way. He genuinely wants to be with a woman who admires him.

He needs positivity and needs to know he is keeping his partner satisfied. If you criticize everything he does for you or never seem to be pleased with his efforts, you’ll hurt him. In addition, he’ll eventually give up on you.

7. Tell His Secrets

A Taurus man testing you may share some insight about his life that he expects you to keep confidential. An easy way to hurt a Taurus man is to betray his confidences. When a Taurus man knows you’ve told others about his private life, he’ll be hurt.

He will also likely shut down and no longer trust you at all. This is not something to be taken lightly as Taurus men have trust issues and don’t easily open up in the first place.

When a Taurus man ignores you, you may be tempted to retaliate by making him angry or hurting him. While you can definitely get his attention this way, it could also cost you any future possibility of a relationship with him.

Taurus men usually tell a few “casual” secrets before sharing any deeper secrets. Yet even if you share his casual secrets with others, he’ll still be deeply hurt. He was testing you, but also trusted you enough to consider opening up to you. This is a wound he won’t forget.

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8. Waste His Money

If you’re seeing signs a Taurus man doesn’t like you anymore, it could be because you hurt him in some way that isn’t obvious. One of the common ways to hurt a Taurus man without even knowing it is to disrespect him.

If you waste a Taurus man’s money or time, he’ll view this as a sign of disrespect. He’ll take it personally. Money is particularly important to materialistic Taurus. If you spend his money carelessly or are wasteful in general, he will be hurt.

He views money as an extension of his time and effort, so when you waste his money, you are communicating to him that you don’t value him. This can be psychologically damaging to a Taurus man.

9. Hurt His Reputation

Taurus men carefully guard their status and reputations, especially at work or in career. If you really want to hurt a Taurus man, say or do things to bring his reputation in to question. Embarrass him, especially in public or at work.

If you create a scandal, a Taurus man’s sense of stability will be completely shattered. He’ll scramble to try to preserve his good name and do damage control. He may be hurt but he’ll also see this measure as unforgivable.

Just as he expects you to keep his secrets and not air his dirty laundry to others, so does a Taurus man also expect you to help safeguard his reputation. He loathes being associated with any kind of controversies or drama.

This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you. →

10. Trigger His Insecurities

If you’re wondering how to know when a Taurus man is done with you, the best thing to look for are signs that he is shutting down. One of the most common reasons for a Taurus man to fade into the background is that he’s feeling insecure.

If you trigger his insecurities intentionally, this is a sure way to hurt him and to also compromise the relationship. Many things can make him feel insecure. If you keep him guessing about where he stands in the relationship, for example.

Taurus men crave consistency. Even if he is not always consistent himself, he expects you to be there for him like clockwork. If you don’t answer his text or if you’re not where you said you’d be, it will trigger his insecurities.

A Taurus man can be hurt and become suspicious and possessive if he thinks you’re not reliable. Triggering his insecurities can damage a relationship and can continue to damage a Taurus man’s psyche long after the relationship is over.

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