A heartbroken Aries man might behave differently depending on what exactly caused his heartbreak.
Many Aries men will not ask for support or even act like anything is wrong. A heartbroken Aries man still has his pride, after all.
An Aries man might put on a brave face after a heartbreak and pretend like everything is fine. He might be angry or depressed, but he’s unlikely to show that to the world.
Instead, an Aries man will try to take his mind off things. He will go to parties, work out at the gym more, and keep busy as many ways as possible.
Aries men are likely to rebound, but that doesn’t mean they’ve moved on from their heartbreak. Rebounds are often just another distraction while they sort through their feelings.
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Won’t Ask For Support
When an Aries man is heartbroken, he is unlikely to ask for support from the people around him. He might feel like he has to deal with his feelings alone, even if his loved ones would gladly offer support.
If you have an Aries friend who just went through a bad breakup, you will probably have to reach out to him. He’s not likely to go to you, even if he does need support.
Aries men rarely like discussing their feelings. Often, their partner is the person they are most likely to get vulnerable with. If they just had a breakup, they won’t be able to get support from their now-ex.
Don’t directly address the breakup if you want to support an Aries male friend after a breakup.
You can offer support by inviting him out or letting him tag along when you go on a trip. Getting out will help him keep his mind off things.
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Pretends Everything Is Fine
An upset Aries man will often pretend like everything is fine, especially in public. You will likely never see the full extent of his heartbreak.
An Aries man after a breakup might seem angry or irritable, but you are unlikely to see him moping around. If he does express any emotions related to the breakup, they will likely be anger, not sadness.
He’s more likely to just go on with his life and pretend nothing happened.
Aries men are straightforward, but they aren’t open books. An Aries man isn’t going to post about his breakup all over social media or openly chat about it, even to his close friends.
Very few people will ever see the full extent of an Aries man’s heartbreak, if anyone sees it! He is more likely to just try to brush past everything and deal with his emotions.
He’ll Ignore You If He’s Done
Will an Aries man take you back after you break his heart? If he’s still talking to you, there’s a chance he might. If he’s ignoring you entirely, that is often a sign he’s done for good.
An Aries man might keep in touch with his ex if he wants her back or genuinely wants to stay friends. He will likely completely ghost her if he’s done, though. He’s not the type to stay friends just to be nice.
If you want a relationship with your Aries man after breaking his heart, you may need to give up on that idea if he refuses to talk to you. An Aries man will often ignore his ex when he wants nothing to do with her.
Before breaking up with your Aries man, make sure that’s what you want. Don’t break his heart on a whim or because you’re trying to get his attention. He might not forgive you.
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Puts On A Brave Face
When an Aries man is heartbroken, he often puts on a brave face, especially around his ex. He doesn’t want her to know that he’s torn up inside.
An Aries man’s heartbreak is rarely apparent. If you see your Aries ex out living his life and think he’s entirely over your breakup, that might not be true! He may just be acting.
Why do Aries men put on a brave face when they are heartbroken? Aries men are very prideful. They often think that sadness or heartbreak can make them appear weak.
Your Aries ex might not want you to see how much you affected him after breaking his heart. This will be especially true if you cheated on him or did something else to seriously betray him.
An Aries man wants to appear like he’s moved on, even when he hasn’t. He might be sad and not over a breakup, but you won’t be able to tell.
He’ll Go To Parties
Even an Aries man who isn’t generally into the party scene might start going to many events after being heartbroken.
Parties are an excellent way for an Aries man to take his mind off his broken heart. There will likely be plenty of people for him to interact with and new women for him to flirt with.
An Aries man will love going to events with new people because they likely won’t know his ex. He won’t want to be around people who might ask him about the breakup or bring up the person who broke his heart.
This is an excellent way for an Aries man to let loose. If he’s got a lot of pent-up energy from refusing to express his emotions, clubbing activities like dancing might help release it.
Parties are also an excellent way for an Aries man to meet new people. If he’s looking to rebound, he will likely pick up new people at parties, bars, clubs, etc.
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He’ll Go To The Gym
Aries men are very active people. Going to the gym feels good to them. This is one of the ways they let off steam and also one of the ways they keep up their appearance.
An Aries man will go to the gym more often when he’s heartbroken for a couple of different reasons.
One reason is that he is likely repressing his emotions. If he’s got a lot of pent-up anger or sadness that he’s refusing to express, working out can help relieve some of the physical tension.
Another reason is that working out can keep his mind off things. When he’s focused on lifting weights or running around a track, he won’t focus on his broken heart.
An Aries man might also just want to work on his appearance. This will help if he wants to start dating around again. He might also be able to meet new people at the gym.
He’ll Keep Busy
How does an Aries man deal with heartbreak? He will often do anything he can to keep busy. He has less time to sit around and stew in his feelings if he’s constantly on the go.
Some Aries men might do drastic things like head out of town after a breakup. They will not want to deal with being in the same area as their ex, and they won’t want to answer any questions their friends might have.
An Aries man might also start working more when he’s heartbroken. Staying at the office a few extra hours beats going home and dealing with his emotions.
Some Aries men become more impulsive when heartbroken as well. They will do anything to keep busy and shift the focus away from their breakup, even if the things they choose to do aren’t always good ideas.
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He Might Rebound
Does an Aries man miss his ex? He might. That won’t stop him from rebounding or pursuing other relationships, though.
Some men will avoid relationships until they are over their ex. Aries men aren’t the type to do that, though. They might immediately start dating around. This is often just another way to keep them busy.
Whether an Aries man rebounds or not has nothing to do with how he truly feels after a breakup. He might be hung up on his ex but still choose to date other people.
An Aries man will likely not start a serious relationship right after a breakup, but he’ll have no problem dating or having a casual relationship.
It can make an Aries man feel better to know that he’s still desirable. If his ex cheated on him, that would be a severe blow to his pride. Dating around can boost his ego again.
Will Take Time To Move On
How do Aries men get over breakups? They often just need time, more than anything else. An Aries man will keep himself busy and try to handle things, but he may take time to genuinely move on.
An Aries man will often pretend like he’s moved on, even if he hasn’t. This is most obvious if he keeps in touch with his ex.
You will know your Aries ex has moved on if he turns you down when you try to get back together. Even if you just want to start up something casual, an Aries man who is genuinely over you will say no.
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