
How to Compliment a Scorpio Man

Updated December 30, 2024

Complimenting a Scorpio man is actually quite easy. As long as you’re being sincere, he’ll likely accept the compliment.

There are certain types of compliments he likes more than others. You also have to be sure not to overdo it.

Complimenting his appearance is usually a safe way to go. Scorpio likes to be told he’s sexy.

He likes to know what you like about his physical appearance. If you like something about the way he looks, feel free to tell him.

You can also use compliments to show support and appreciation. He gets insecure sometimes. A genuine, supportive compliment might be just what he needs to cheer up.

You don’t need to go overboard with compliments, though. He’ll appreciate one honest compliment far more than a million insincere ones.

His Appearance

Scorpio takes pride in his appearance. He probably has a carefully curated aesthetic going on.

It should be easy to find something you like about Scorpio’s appearance. Scorpios often have striking features.

The way they carry themselves makes them more attractive as well. Even an average-looking Scorpio will be more attractive just because of how he carries himself.

When a Scorpio man smiles and stares at you while you two talk, that’s a sign he’s having a good time. Compliment that smile or his eyes. He’s sure to light up from the praise.

He will be grateful for compliments on the aspects of his appearance he’s chosen. He is a fashionable person so tell him how much you enjoy his outfits.

You don’t need to overdo it. He’ll love hearing that you think his smile is nice, that his new haircut flatters his face, or that the shirt he’s wearing looks great on him.

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Tell Him He’s Unique

The truth about Scorpio men is that they all think they’re extremely unique. Your Scorpio man thinks you’ve never met anyone like him. Play with that when you compliment him.

You don’t need to make anything up to tell him he’s unique either. Scorpios often are unique. They stand out from the crowd.

Pay attention and you’ll easily find some interesting things about him. He’s fashionable but he doesn’t necessarily follow fashion trends. He’s intelligent but not in the same way a Virgo or Gemini is.

He likely has unique interests that you don’t see often. He’s a mysterious person and as you get to know him better, you’ll discover more things that make him stand out from everyone else.

Make your compliments unique as well. Anyone can say, “I like your eyes.” What do you like about his eyes? Feel free to get a little poetic. He appreciates some drama now and then.

Tell Him He’s Sexy

A good thing to text a Scorpio man when he sends you a picture of himself is, “You’re sexy.” It’s simple and to the point but he’ll love reading that response.

Scorpio is sexy. You don’t need to lie or exaggerate to tell him he is! Scorpio is a very sexual sign and this comes through in how Scorpio looks and acts.

Being sexy isn’t just about looks, either. Listen to Scorpio’s voice. His words likely have a sexy element to them when he speaks.

Pay attention to the way he walks as well. He has a naturally attractive swagger. He carries himself well too and that makes him even sexier.

If he sends you pictures of himself, he’s looking for compliments. This is especially true if they are more risque in nature. Give him what he wants and tell him how sexy you find him.

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Supportive Compliments

How does a Scorpio man show love? One way is through being supportive when a friend or partner needs him.

If he’s been particularly helpful or supportive, compliment him by telling him what a great friend/partner he is. Tell him how much you appreciate his support.

Sometimes, the compliment he needs to hear isn’t one about his appearance. It’s one that shows you support him too.

Scorpio gets down on himself sometimes. He doesn’t always think he’s a good person or a good friend. Tell him that he is. Tell him all the good things about him. Remind him what his strengths are.

He needs words of encouragement sometimes too. If he’s having a hard time with a project he’s working on, remind him just how talented he is. Tell him that you believe in his ability to finish the project and to do well.

Compliment His Friends

If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man chase you, show him that you get along with his friends and family.

Scorpio’s friends are important to him. He often has a hard time being in a relationship with somebody if they don’t get along with his friends.

Show him that you do get along with his friends. When he introduces you to someone, tell him what you like about them. Put in an effort to get to know them so that you can see their good side.

You don’t need to go overboard. You don’t want to make him jealous so don’t tell him all his friends are sexy! Just say that his friends are nice and you enjoy spending time with them (assuming that’s true, of course).

Compliment him on his choice of friends as well. Scorpio likes to think of himself as somebody who gets a good read on people. When you tell him how great his friends are, that validates his opinion of himself.

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Compliment Him in Bed

When you two are in bed together, feel free to throw out a few words of encouragement. Boost his ego a little bit while you’re sleeping together and it’ll make the experience even better.

Scorpio prides himself on being a good lover. He wants his partners to feel just as good as he does. If he’s making you feel good, be sure to let him know.

If he does something you like, point it out. This will lift his mood and ensure that he continues doing whatever it is more in the future.

Depending on the Scorpio, he may want to keep any sex-specific compliments between the two of you. He’ll love to hear all about how great you think he is in bed. He doesn’t necessarily want other people to hear those compliments.

Stroke His Ego

Jealousy is one of a Scorpio man’s traits because he can get very insecure about himself. When you compliment him, say something that will boost his ego.

Sometimes, the things you like about Scorpio aren’t necessarily things he likes about himself. Show him that you honestly love the parts of him that he isn’t a fan of.

As long as you’re being genuine, he’ll appreciate it. He’ll know when you’re being genuine too, as he is great at reading people. Even if he doesn’t agree with the compliment, knowing you honestly like something about him will lift his spirits.

When a Scorpio man is in love, he can still get insecure about himself and his relationship. If you’re dating a Scorpio, you may need to throw in some compliments to boost his ego and also show him that your relationship is secure.

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Be Sincere

What a Scorpio man wants to hear is the truth. He doesn’t care how nice a compliment is if it isn’t true.

If you honestly can’t give Scorpio sincere compliments, that’s a problem all by itself. Why are you so focused on trying to compliment somebody if you don’t like anything about them?

Just speak from the heart. If he shows you a new outfit and you don’t particularly like it, don’t claim to.

If he shows you something he’s been working on, tell him what you actually like about it. He won’t be offended if you don’t like every single thing he does.

When he knows you’re a sincere, honest person, your compliments will actually mean something. Even if you compliment him sparingly, they’ll always cheer him up because he knows you’re being truthful.

Don’t Over-Compliment

Even when a Scorpio has a crush on you, he’s not going to be overly complimentary. You don’t need to overdo it when you compliment him either.

Scorpio will only tell you things he actually likes about you, not just what he thinks you want to hear. Return the favor.

If he’s in a bad mood and isn’t responding to compliments, try to do something else to cheer him up. Compliments aren’t always what he needs to turn his mood around.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Scorpio man (they work like magic) →

Appreciate Him

A Scorpio man’s likes and dislikes when it comes to compliments are going to vary. Some Scorpios like to be complimented more than others.

All Scorpio men, whether they like being verbally complimented or not, love to feel appreciated.

Tell him how grateful you are when he does something for you. Tell him you love how he makes you feel. When he’s being particularly helpful, don’t let that go unnoticed.

Show your appreciation with your actions as well as your words. Sometimes, a token of appreciation speaks louder than anything else you could say.

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