A Capricorn man needs many things from a relationship and is willing to wait until he finds someone who can give him what he needs.
The things a Capricorn man needs aren’t at all unreasonable. Work on building your bond, and you’ll be able to meet his needs.
Capricorn men want stability and security in life and need those things in a relationship. They can be with a partner who is a little wild, but the relationship needs to be stable.
Respect, honesty, and equality are also important in a relationship. Without those things, a Capricorn man won’t stay with his partner long.
A Capricorn man wants a partner who he genuinely loves and trusts, but he also needs more than that. Loyalty and reliability are important to him. He also needs independence and patience, especially when stressed out or busy.
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1. Stability
What does a Capricorn man look for in a woman? He’s searching for someone that he can have a committed, stable relationship with. He wants someone he can settle down with.
Like all earth signs, stability is one of the things a Capricorn man craves most. He wants to know that his relationship will last and that he can rely on his partner for a sense of stability even in tough times.
Capricorn men do not like sudden changes and need to know that their partner won’t suddenly pull the rug out from under them. They want to learn and grow as they get older, but they don’t necessarily want to mix everything up!
A Capricorn man will become stressed out if his partner can’t offer him stability. If he is with a partner who is constantly changing or who is indecisive, he’ll start to feel unstable, which may doom the relationship.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Capricorn man... →
2. Security
If you want to know how to keep a Capricorn man and make him happy, you need to make him feel secure in your relationship. Without security, he won’t be able to stay in the relationship for very long.
Capricorn men act confident, but they get insecure sometimes! They are pessimists by nature and may always feel like something will go wrong in their relationship.
Make your Capricorn man feel secure. Reassure him when he feels insecure, and remind him of your love as often as possible.
Capricorn men also want to be financially secure. They work hard to become financially successful and need a partner who understands their need to control finances. He doesn’t want to be with someone who will spend all his hard-earned money!
3. Honesty
Honesty is essential to Capricorn men. If they cannot trust their partner to tell the truth, they won’t be able to maintain a relationship for long.
Capricorn men might hide certain things, but they do not lie. They especially do not ever want to purposely lie to someone they love!
A Capricorn man needs a partner who will tell him the truth, even if it’s not always what he wants to hear. He doesn’t want someone who will falsely flatter him or tell him he’s right when they don’t think he is.
Be as honest with your Capricorn man as possible. If he catches you in too many lies, even minor ones, he will not be able to trust you!
Honesty isn’t always easy, but it will help strengthen your relationship with your Capricorn man. He needs to know he can always trust what you tell him.
This magic will make your Capricorn man want a relationship with you. →
4. Patience
Who is a Capricorn man’s soulmate? A Capricorn man needs a partner who can be patient with him. He needs someone who can understand and give him the time he needs when he’s having difficulty opening up or being vulnerable.
Capricorn men require a lot of patience at the beginning of a relationship. They take a long time to open up and fall in love, so their partner cannot rush them.
Your Capricorn man will need patience from you throughout your relationship too. There will be times when he’s overworked and unable to attend to your needs as usual. You will need to wait until he can spend more time with you.
Capricorn men can also be incredibly stubborn. They will learn to compromise and want to listen to their partners, but they still require a lot of patience.
5. Respect
When a Capricorn man respects you, and you respect him, your relationship will be more successful! Even if a Capricorn man loves you, he can’t have a relationship without mutual respect.
If your Capricorn man doesn’t feel like you respect him, he won’t want to stay in a relationship with you. He will end things if you constantly disrespect him or push his boundaries.
A Capricorn man needs to respect you as well! If he feels like he can’t respect you for one reason or another, he won’t want to continue your relationship. He needs respect from both sides to be happy in any relationship.
A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
6. Equality
Capricorn men can be traditional in many ways, but they want equality in their relationships. Your Capricorn man might be a gentleman who may want to care for you but doesn’t want to control you.
Your Capricorn man doesn’t want you to control him either, and he doesn’t want a partner who looks down on him. If you think you’re better than your Capricorn man, or if you hold him up on a pedestal, your relationship won’t last.
A Capricorn man wants to feel like he is on equal footing with his partner. He doesn’t want someone he has to completely take care of, and he doesn’t want to lose any of his independence.
Your Capricorn man wants a partner who offers equal amounts of support and does equal amounts of work in the relationship.
He understands that people have different skills and won’t expect you to do everything he does, but he wants things to be as equal as possible.
7. Independence
What attracts a Capricorn man to someone in the first place? One trait is independence. If you want a relationship with a Capricorn man, you need to maintain your independence and allow him to have his.
A Capricorn man’s ideal woman tends to be someone who can take care of herself most of the time. Your Capricorn man will support you and care for you, but he doesn’t want you to rely entirely on him.
He won’t be entirely reliant on you, either. He will expect you to respect his wishes when he wants to do something alone.
Your Capricorn man will always give you your independence too. He’ll trust you to go do things by yourself. This mutual sense of freedom will strengthen your relationship.
Use these secrets to make your Capricorn man love you (they work like magic) →
8. Reliability
You must be reliable if you want a long-lasting relationship with a Capricorn man. He does not want a partner that he can’t rely on at all times.
A Capricorn man needs to know that if his partner says they will do something, they’ll follow through with it! If he can’t trust them, the relationship will go nowhere.
If you make a promise to your Capricorn man, keep it. Make a point of arriving on time when you two make plans. He needs to be able to rely on your punctuality and your honesty.
A Capricorn man who can’t rely on his partner won’t stay in that relationship long. He’ll move on if he can’t trust you or has doubts about you.
9. Loyalty
A Capricorn man in love will be an incredibly loyal and devoted partner. He expects the same level of loyalty in return.
Capricorn men tend to prefer committed monogamous relationships. They expect their partners to remain faithful, and they will return the favor.
If you ever cheat on your Capricorn man, that will likely end the relationship. He can forgive some things, but that is one thing he may not want to forgive.
Show your Capricorn man how loyal you are by reminding him you only have eyes for him. Keep your commitment to him and always remain faithful.
Is your Capricorn man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Capricorn back in. →
10. Quality Time
A Capricorn man’s love language is quality time. When a Capricorn man is serious about you, he will always try to make as much time for you as possible.
Capricorn men are busy, so they understand that you will have other priorities in your life.
He won’t expect you to spend all your time with him, but you still need to ensure that you schedule some quality time together when possible.
Something as simple as a regular date night will keep a Capricorn man happy. If you two live together, he may also enjoy having certain nights set aside where you two have dinner together or watch a movie.
When spending time with your Capricorn man, you should focus on him. He doesn’t necessarily care about the amount of time you two spend together. He does want the quality of that time to be high, though!
Listen to your Capricorn man as he talks about his day. If you’re watching a film, focus on the film. Talk to him about it afterward. Don’t just sit around on your phone or do something else when you two are together.
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