An Aries man and Pisces woman compatibility is highly challenging. Both are childlike and can be naïve, but this is where their similarities end.
They both have entirely different needs and ways of expressing their emotions.
Are an Aries man and Pisces woman a good match? Typically, no. This pair will unintentionally hurt each other because their priorities are so different. An Aries man is bold, boisterous and loud.
A Pisces woman is introverted, sensitive and intuitive. This pair may attract each other initially, but they won’t be likely to maintain a strong connection to each other.
Each may be completely absorbed in their own fantasies and assume they are on the same page when they aren’t. Both can feel betrayed when reality sets in.
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Aries man and Pisces woman stories usually start out the same. She is captivated by his confidence and determination. He is drawn to her vulnerability and imaginative nature. They may meet in unusual places and unlikely situations and both will read a great deal into this.
They may feel they were destined to come into each other’s lives. As friends, this pair will intrigue each other. She is mystical and fascinating. He loves to share wild stories about his many adventures. She loves to live vicariously through him.
Yet when this pair has a chance to actually go out and do things together, she may hesitate. Even if a Pisces woman is feeling adventurous, she will defer to an Aries man’s authority. This is music to his ears as he loves to be in charge. Yet after a few weeks, a Pisces woman will begin to feel overwhelmed.
She may try to get him to spend more time relaxing and doing things she is interested in. The problem is, unless they happen to have a lot of common interests- and usually they don’t- an Aries man will not reciprocate. He tends to be self-centered and when this becomes clear, a Pisces woman will be turned off.
Why are Aries attracted to Pisces? He may know instinctively that she is passive and will acquiesce to his interests and decisions. Yet if she is too accommodating, an Aries man will begin to feel bored because the relationship is no longer challenging enough.
If a Pisces woman doesn’t become overwhelmed by an Aries man, she may go in the extreme opposite direction and become too clingy. Pisces women, even in friendships, can sometimes latch on to people and want to spend all their time with a friend who interests them.
She may see his careless ways and believe it is her job to heal him. She may also try to absorb some of his courage and confidence by being in his presence. He may find this flattering, but after a few days he’ll start to feel suffocated. If he tries to step back and spend time with other friends, she may be hurt or feel abandoned.
Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in. →
Knowing how to attract an Aries man as a Pisces woman can lead her to change her personality enough to get his attention at first. A Pisces woman can be like a chameleon. She’ll change herself to adapt to her surroundings and to become more like her love interest.
Yet superficial changes are not going to make a difference in the long run. It won’t take long for an Aries man to realize she was just accommodating. A Pisces woman is also likely to realize after a while that she can’t sustain the relationship because she’s not being true to herself.
When she starts to act like her authentic self again, an Aries man will likely lose interest. He needs to be challenged in order to feel excited about a relationship. She won’t assert herself and therefore her willingness to accommodate and appease him takes the spark out of the relationship as far as an Aries man is concerned.
If an Aries man is jealous over a Pisces woman, he may become more demanding and controlling. A Pisces woman may push back eventually, but first she will let him set the rules. She may distance herself from friends to avoid jealousy and conflict. But doing this only leaves her more isolated and unhappy.
If an Aries man and Pisces woman break up, they may start to forget how difficult the relationship was. Both are prone to impulsivity and active imaginations. If they romanticize their memories of the relationship, they may believe they can make it work.
Yet this is a theory that this pair may prove wrong again and again. In rare instances, this couple may succeed long term, but this takes quite a bit of adjustment and accommodation for both partners. She is highly sensitive and emotional and he finds this overwhelming.
He can be intimidating without realizing it. This pair may start out with good intentions but end up in a cycle of codependency and toxic relationships. For an Aries man and Pisces woman, love at first sight can be about fantasies and unresolved wounds, not actual love and connection.
An Aries man and Pisces woman in marriage have likely overcome many of their differences. If a relationship lasts long enough for both parties to walk down the aisle, they may have been able to delineate roles that are mutually beneficial. This couple can learn to maintain their connection.
An Aries man is likely to find a way to be the determined leader without overstepping boundaries. He will likely find a way to slow down enough to pay attention to a Pisces woman’s signals and know when he should dig deeper to find out what she’s thinking.
Pisces women can be introverted and aren’t always the best verbal communicators. Aries men are impulsive and don’t always communicate because they assume everyone else already agree with them.
If this pair is able to work out their communication issues, they can find a strong connection. Yet they will both have to stretch outside of their comfort zone in order to be successful in a relationship.
An unusually assertive and bold Pisces woman may also be able to complement an Aries man in marriage. Especially if he is more emotionally connected than the average Aries man. Yet this is not an easy relationship. Both needs to adjust to acting in ways that are unnatural for them.
If an Aries man and Pisces woman succeed in marriage, it is usually because they are the exception to the rule. Even as individuals, they are likely to be atypical. He may be more emotionally sensitive and able to express his feelings openly. She may be more confident and independent.
Yet her signature deep moods and introverted nature will usually clash with his bold, outgoing and demanding nature. A marriage between these two is likely to be stormy and difficult and both could end up heartbroken if they can’t resolve their many differences.
If an Aries man and Pisces woman marry early on impulse, as both can easily do because they are driven by passion and fantasies, they may become frustrated and hurt when the realities of the relationship set in. If this couple is serious about marriage, they have many issues to work through first.
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In Bed
An Aries and Pisces sexually attract each other quite easily. Both are driven by fantasy, imagination and passions. A Pisces woman and Aries man may try to engage in a friends with benefits relationship but this is likely to backfire.
A Pisces woman usually mistakes sexual encounters for emotional connection and love. No matter how many times an Aries man tells her he is not in love and only wants to be friends, she will interpret his sexual interest as a sign of deeper feelings. It isn’t, though, and she will feel betrayed when this becomes clear.
An Aries man and Pisces woman in a romantic relationship can experience a passionate and satisfying sexual connection, but both need to be honest about what degree of emotion is involved in their sexual relationship.
He is passionate, assertive and can encourage a Pisces woman to expand her sexual interests. She is drawn to role-play and other creative expressions of intimacy in the bedroom. An Aries man doesn’t need to use his imagination in bed but will enjoy her creative nature.
His instincts and urges may outpace a Pisces woman’s but if she is confident in her boundaries, she can communicate this to an Aries man. He may need to slow down and show more romance and emotional vulnerability for a Pisces woman to truly feel satisfied in bed.
Yet she will commit to trying to please him and will try to keep up with his intense sexual interests. Though this couple can inspire each other in the bedroom, if the emotional connection and solid lines of communication aren’t established, their sexual relationship alone won’t sustain the partnership.
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2 Comments Add one
I have a Aries friend with benefit situation and am kinda lost since my Aries partner told me that I am “growing on him” after I told him I loved him? We became friends the moment we first met, and he said this when we were intimate….
It sounds like he’s starting to care about you more. Take it slow and see where it goes.
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