
What to Do When Your Aries Man is Angry?

Updated January 8, 2025

If your Aries man is angry, you might not know how to react and what to do to calm him down.

How should you respond when this zodiac sign gets mad?

Every zodiac sign expresses anger in different ways, and an Aries guy tends to explode and lash out when provoked.

Should you give him time alone to work through his feelings, or should you bombard him with affection to help him cool off?

Once you understand more about how this star sign’s anger, you will know exactly what to do when an Aries man is upset.

Give Him Space

Some zodiac signs bottle up their feelings and try to hide them, while others wear their hearts on their sleeves and allow all their emotions to show.

An Aries man falls into the latter category, and one of the typical Aries personality traits is being quick to anger.

You might see this as one of Aries’ bad traits, but in some ways, his short fuse is actually a good thing.

Because he has such a short temper, you never have to worry about an Aries man hiding his feelings. He is expressive and impulsive, so he lets you know right away when he’s upset rather than simmering in resentment.

If you want to know how to make an Aries man miss you and come crawling back after an explosive argument, you need to give him some breathing room.

Don’t leave him alone for too long or he will get angry at you all over again because that’s what happens when you ignore an Aries man.

Instead of realizing that you’re giving him space to cool down, he will think that you’re punishing him. As childish as he can be sometimes, he doesn’t appreciate being treated like a child.

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Don’t Argue With Him

Each zodiac sign has a heavenly body that guides them through this world. The guiding planets reveal some of the most important personality traits of the signs.

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war, aggression, and passion. The influence of Mars tells us that one of the common Aries characteristics is combativeness.

An Aries man can be quite argumentative and abrasive, and he never backs down from a verbal or physical fight.

He is highly competitive and skilled at debating, so don’t expect to outlast an Aries guy in any sort of battle.

There is no point trying to argue with an Aries man when he’s upset. Disagreeing with him will only escalate the argument and make him even angrier.

Wait until he has cooled off a little, then approach him and calmly present your side of the situation.

Don’t Raise Your Voice

Just as each sign has a guiding planet, every star sign also correlates with one of the four natural elements: earth, fire, air, or water.

The elements reveal the disposition and temperament of the signs, including how they handle and express their emotions.

Aries is a fire sign, and fire signs are known for being courageous, physical, and passionate.

One of the typical Aries traits is loudness, even when he’s happy. When he gets mad, he is likely to raise his voice and yell.

As tempting as it may be to give him a taste of his own medicine or defend yourself by yelling back, try to resist this urge.

When you yell back at an Aries man, you only rile him up more and stoke this fire sign’s inner flame. Do your best to stay calm and quiet, and set an example for him by keeping your cool.

He will get embarrassed when he realizes that he’s the only one shouting, and he will quiet down much faster if you keep your tone soft and low.

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Say You’re Sorry

When an Aries man gets upset, he won’t sweep the issue under the rug and move on without an apology.

For his anger to dissipate completely, he needs you to tell him that you’re sorry verbally. Apologizing with gestures and gifts without actually saying the right words isn’t enough to put his mind at ease.

If you don’t think you did anything wrong, you could still apologize for upsetting your Aries man or hurting his feelings.

Sometimes, a simple apology is enough to stop an Aries man’s anger in its tracks. He moves on quickly after you apologize, so just bite the bullet and say that you’re sorry when you know you’ve done something wrong.

Look Him in the Eye

An Aries man will almost always gladly accept your apology, but you have to convince him that you’re sincere.

If you offer a reluctant or begrudging apology, your Aries man will be able to tell and it will only make him angrier.

For him to know that you mean what you’re saying, you must look him in the eye and say calmly and rationally how sorry you are.

Explain exactly what you did wrong and be contrite so that he knows you’re not just trying to end the argument with a meaningless apology.

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Touch Him

Aries is a very physical and tactile zodiac sign, so touch and sensuality can go a long way towards calming down an angry Aries guy.

Even when you’re arguing, try holding his hand, kissing him, or placing a hand on his knee to help diffuse the tension.

If he shrugs you off or resists your touch, don’t keep trying to make physical contact with him. But if he is receptive to your advances, then he is already starting to cool off.

Since he is so passionate and expressive, an Aries man might want to take his feelings out in the bedroom.

He might crave rough, carnal sex to release stress and take out his aggression in a safe way, or he might yearn for tender, emotional sex to strengthen your bond.

Physical touch can help you both feel connected, even amid a terrible argument.

Give Him a Gift

Every astrological sign has a spiritual age determined by the order of the zodiac. As the first sign, Aries is the youngest sign, meaning he has the newest, purest soul.

An Aries man is childlike in many ways, both good and bad. He can be egocentric, selfish, and bratty. He can also be curious, innocent, and sweet.

When an Aries guy is upset, sometimes it’s best to distract him, as you might with a child who is throwing a temper tantrum.

One of the best distractions that you can offer is a gift, which also serves as an apologetic token.

You still have to apologize verbally, but reinforcing your apology with even a small present will go a long way towards making your Aries guy forget why he was so mad in the first place.

The gift doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or expensive, unless you really messed up by, say, cheating on your Aries guy.

Something as simple as buying his favorite takeout meal or giving him a shoulder massage will help you calm down an Aries man and show him that you’re truly sorry.

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Forgive His Anger

You might be afraid that an Aries guy getting so upset all the time means that he doesn’t like you, but the opposite is true.

When an Aries man is done with you or he thinks you’re not worth his time, he is much more likely to shut you out or ignore you than argue. When he tells you he’s upset, it’s a sign that he cares.

Although he is quick to anger, he is also quick to forgive and forget. He needs a partner with thick skin that can excuse him when he lashes out.

If you want to know how to make an Aries man addicted to you, you have to forgive him quickly once he apologizes for blowing up at you.

When he says he’s sorry for the hurtful things he said or did in a rage, he genuinely means it. You need to recognize his sincerity and forgive his outbursts.

This doesn’t mean that you should make excuses for him or ignore it when he blows up at you without an apology. But once he has expressed his contrition, you need to forgive him and move on.

Let It Go

Forgiving him is important, but if you want to know how to make an Aries man obsessed with you, you have to truly let it go after he apologizes for losing control of his anger.

He will get mad again if you keep bringing up the past and reminding him of old mistakes.

The tricky thing about an Aries man is that he is likely to make the same errors over and over again.

It’s extremely difficult for this young fire sign to control his passionate temper, so he is sure to lash out at you again with his sharp tongue when he gets upset.

Even though he means his apologies, you can expect him to repeat the pattern of getting mad quickly, exploding with rage, and then saying he’s sorry.

This is just what it’s like dating an Aries, and you have to either accept it or move on to a partner with a different zodiac sign.

But if you can truly let it go when you forgive him and refrain from reminding him of his flaws, you can have a happy and successful relationship with an Aries man.

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