
10 Tips to Win Back the Heart of a Capricorn Man

Updated December 27, 2024

If you want to win back a Capricorn man, you have your work cut out for you because this is a very stubborn and decisive zodiac sign.

So, how can you steal his heart again?

Whether you dumped him or he broke up with you, a Capricorn man doesn’t like to move backward, so it’s hard to rekindle a flame with this astrological sign.

But there are certain steps you can take to improve your chances of getting him back.

By gaining a better understanding of his zodiac sign’s typical characteristics and behaviors, you will know how to win back the heart of a Capricorn man.

1. Give Him Time

A Capricorn man moves very slowly in relationships. It takes him a long time to get to know a woman well enough to settle down and commit to her.

He is very patient and prefers to be thorough when making any decisions so that he can get the best possible outcome.

Since it takes him a while to make choices and to fall in love, it makes sense that it also takes him some time to reconsider a breakup.

A Capricorn man does a great job of hiding his feelings, but even if he is the one who ended the relationship, he is hurting deeply.

No matter what caused your breakup, a Capricorn guy only enters a relationship if he thinks it will last forever. Once he lets someone into his inner circle, it’s hard for him to let go.

When a Capricorn man is mad at you, he needs some space to think and work through his feelings.

If your Capricorn man is distancing himself from you after a breakup by not answering your calls or texts, it means he is in pain and needs time to heal.

Don’t force yourself on him or pursue him too aggressively thinking that it will pressure him into taking you back. You will only push him further away if you try to rush his decision.

Just let him know that you still care about and have feelings for him, and tell him that you’ll be there for him whenever he’s ready.

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2. Apologize Sincerely

If you want to know how to make a Capricorn man want you back, the first thing you need to do is apologize sincerely.

He has to see that you know what you did wrong in the relationship and that you are truly contrite.

He’s a very direct and straightforward guy, so he needs you to tell him that you’re sorry instead of trying to sweep any past issues under the rug.

He won’t be able to forgive you and move on unless you issue an apology and convince him that you have good intentions.

3. Show How You’ve Changed

Although you need to say you’re sorry, a verbal apology alone isn’t enough to make a Capricorn man take you back.

A Capricorn guy believes that actions speak louder than words. It’s not enough for you to tell him that you won’t hurt him again; he needs to see proof that you have changed.

If you want to know how to make a Capricorn man want you back, you have to prove that you won’t make the same mistakes again.

For example, if the relationship ended because you were unfaithful, tell your Capricorn man that you are no longer in contact with the other guy and give him the lock code to your phone to show him.

If you dumped him because you thought he was too addicted to his work, tell him that you’ve come to appreciate his strong work ethic and that he has inspired you to devote more time to your career, as well.

When you give a Capricorn man tangible evidence that your relationship will be better this time, he will be more likely to take you back.

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4. Be Dependable

Every zodiac sign belongs to one of the four natural elements: earth, fire, air, or water. A sign’s natural element reveals that sign’s personality and disposition.

Capricorn is one of the earth signs, and earth signs are known as being steady, reliable, and down-to-earth. If you have a Capricorn friend, you know you can always count on him.

Trust and loyalty are incredibly important to a Capricorn guy. You will only be able to win him back if you show him that you’re dependable.

Even after you break up, you must always respond to his text messages, answer his calls, and be there for him when he needs you.

Show him that you are willing to help him and that you can keep your promises. This will make him more likely to take you back.

5. Be His Friend

Because a Capricorn man likes to know everything about a woman before he commits to her, he is often friends with someone first before entering a romantic relationship.

After you break up with a Capricorn guy, your priority should be rebuilding your friendship with him before trying to be his partner again.

If you want to know how to make a Capricorn man miss you, you should remind him of what a good friend you are.

Tell him that you know he needs some time apart to clear his head but that he’s very important to you and you want to be there for him as a friend.

Hang out in a group with all your mutual friends to show your Capricorn guy that you fit into his life and can at least be his friend.

Once you remind him how fun you are to be around and how much you have in common as friends, he will remember why he was with you in the first place.

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6. Show Your Worth

If you are wondering how to make a Capricorn man chase you again, show him how much value you add to his life.

Remind him how good it can be when he has a partner who loves and understands him. Once you have reentered his life as a friend, it is much easier to prove your worth.

Cook his favorite meals for him, take chores and tasks off of his plate, and be there for him to talk to when he has a bad day.

Help him celebrate his successes, and comfort him when he’s not doing well. Try to add positivity and light into his day rather than being negative and draining him of his energy.

7. Live Your Best Life

If you’re wondering how to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you again, you can’t hold yourself back from living your best life.

He doesn’t want or need you to spend time moping and feeling sorry for yourself after a breakup, and he definitely won’t want to be the one who has to console you, especially if you dumped him.

First, you need to let him know that you’re sorry, you’ve changed, and you want to be there for him. But then you need to continue living your life to the fullest, even if he’s not around.

Go on vacation, spend time with friends, practice your hobbies, and set goals for yourself at work.

Take pictures of all your adventures and post them on social media where your Capricorn ex can see them, or even text him the photos with a friendly caption that says you wish he was with you.

When a Capricorn man misses you and remembers all the fun times you shared, he is more likely to want you back.

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8. Don’t Make Him Jealous

Although you should let him know that your life will continue with or without him, you shouldn’t do anything to make your Capricorn jealous if you want to get him back.

Capricorn is a very jealous and possessive sign, and he won’t want to compete with another man for your love.

When a Capricorn man is done with you, trying to make him jealous won’t work. Seeing you with another guy will only push him further away from you.

Don’t post any pictures of yourself with another guy on social media, and don’t brag to your mutual friends about all the guys you’re seeing.

Instead, let your Capricorn man know that you are still only interested in dating him and that you will wait for as long as he needs to come back to you.

9. Be Honest

Capricorn is a very honest and direct sign. A Capricorn man won’t tolerate a partner or even a friend who lies to him.

He is also not especially intuitive, so he won’t know how you’re feeling unless you tell him directly.

You might think you’ve made it clear that you want to get back together, but you need to spell it out for him in no uncertain terms.

He will respect you more if you are honest and open. And when a Capricorn man respects you, he is one step closer to loving you again.

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10. Make a Move

Although Capricorn is a very traditional sign with conventional views of gender roles, a Capricorn man can be shy and hesitant to make a move on a woman.

Even if you dated him before, he might be too scared of rejection or getting his heart broken to ask you out again.

Don’t be too aggressive – after all, he likes to be the pursuer in a romantic relationship. But make a move and let him know how much you still care about him.

If the moment is right and he is giving you signals that he wants you again, lean in for a kiss and see how he responds.

Maybe your Capricorn guy is just waiting for a clear sign from you before he asks to get back together, so don’t be afraid to make a move on him.

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