Why are Sagittarius men so fun to be around but unreliable in love? If you fall for a Sagittarius man, you’ll know the struggle.
He can light up a room and his charm is inspiring. But he’s slow to commit and needs so much space.
A Sagittarius man’s favorite body part is his brain. He’s proud of his intellectual skills and will want to see that you are witty and intelligent as well.
Sagittarius men know how to work a room and love to expand their social networks. They are great teachers, mentors and coaches but they aren’t as great at intimacy.
How does a Sagittarius man act when in love? He’ll spend more time with you, but don’t expect him to settle down exactly. A Sagittarius man’s personality is optimistic and carefree.
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Why are Sagittarius Men so Cute?
If you’re wondering how to know when a Sagittarius man is playing you, this is a reasonable question to ask. Sagittarius men can in fact be players. They are endearing and charming and they know it. A Sagittarius man will act cute to encourage you to let your defenses down.
Sagittarius men are cute because they are spirited, carefree and childlike. When a Sagittarius man shows his attractive side, you may think he’s in love with you. Don’t jump to conclusions though. A Sagittarius man can act cute and flirty and have no intention of a relationship.
He uses his good natured personality and attractive appearance in order to get your attention and influence you. He may only be interested in hooking up. He also may only want fun conversation. Don’t assume a Sagittarius man acting cute means he’s serious. To him, it’s a tactic.
This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you. →
Why are Sagittarius Men so Hard to Love?
If you want to catch the signs a Sagittarius man has feelings for you, you have to watch for subtle signals. Sagittarius men have a reputation for being hard to love. This reputation is well deserved. Sagittarius men are easy to fall in love with but are not the easiest men to keep in a love relationship.
Sagittarius men are hard to love because they are so independent. Even when they begin to fall in love, they’ll distance themselves from you because they become stricken with wanderlust.
Sagittarius men are also hard to love because they live from their intellectual perspective. They don’t express themselves emotionally and may even avoid emotional topics altogether. So you may not really know how he feels about you.
When a Sagittarius man is not interested in you, he’ll ignore you as much as possible but he may also still be kind and friendly when he sees you. He’ll also act much in the same way when he’s attracted to you. This can also make him hard to love.
Why are Sagittarius Men so Hot?
Signs a Sagittarius man wants to marry you can be few and far between. He’s reluctant to settle down even when he is in love with you. Sagittarius men are hot and they know it. They don’t want to settle down if it means limiting their other options.
A Sagittarius man’s weakness when in love is similar to his weakness in general. He’s a gambler. When it comes to career or love, Sagittarius men take big risks.
He’s a fire sign, so he’s naturally hot and feisty. He’ll take chances when it comes to passion and intimacy but he won’t always take chances with vulnerability.
A Sagittarius man’s compatibility is complicated. He is best able to connect with women who share his independence and love of travel. He knows he’s hot and women can’t resist him, so before he settles down with one woman, he’ll want to be sure of you.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man. →
Why are Sagittarius Men so Annoying?
When a Sagittarius man likes you, he’ll try to influence you and inspire you. He may build you up and make you feel like you can conquer the world. As amazing as he is, a Sagittarius man can also have some annoying traits.
A Sagittarius man can be annoying because he is so morally driven that he can sound self-righteous. He easily gets on a soap box and can be pedantic and even snobby.
He doesn’t intend to be an elitist. He just prides himself on his intellectual abilities and can appear to talk down to people who do not share his education or ideals. This can also be annoying to the people in his life.
Sagittarius men can also be annoying because they are independent and hard to pin down. A Sagittarius man who is in love will talk himself out of intimacy and commitment. He will still stay on the outskirts rather than delving into a deeper emotional connection.
Why are Sagittarius Men so Complicated?
Sagittarius men are complicated because they are idealistic, dreamy and compelled by their morality, yet they are also very human. They strive to be God-like but are fallible and have an ego.
They try to make the world a perfect place, yet they are also prone to making mistakes. Sagittarius men want to be instructive and influential, yet they may also have a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality. They are also prone to vices.
A Sagittarius man’s vices all have to do with pleasure and expanding their minds. They want to experience all that life has to offer whether they can afford to or not. Sagittarius men are also complicated because they are fun loving and also conscientious.
A tiny trick to snatch your Sagittarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Why are Sagittarius Men so Detached?
A Sagittarius man is detached because he approaches life from an intellectual and rational standpoint. He doesn’t allow himself to become emotionally attached as much as possible. He is detached because he prefers to be the observer and facilitator, not to be fully immersed.
He also avoids vulnerability. He prefers to be confident, strong and optimistic. He will show a detached personality even when he is in love. His is the sign of the philosopher and so he is interested in spirituality, healing, morality and issues of right and wrong.
He knows justice needs to be blind and therefore he tries to analyze situations rather than allowing his emotions to make decisions for him. A Sagittarius man will try to keep himself emotionally detached in order to show use his best intellectual skills.
Why are Sagittarius Men so Funny?
Sagittarius men are funny and there is no denying their sense of humor. Sagittarius men often see multiple side of an issue so it is easy for them to use double meaning to make witty jokes. A Sagittarius man is also easily able to find the humor even in a tragedy.
He’s optimistic and cheerful and he will laugh at himself before he allows himself to cry or be discouraged. A Sagittarius man will try to bring everyone else’s mood up as well. He knows how to make others laugh and find the silver lining.
Sagittarius men are funny and entertaining. They know how to make others laugh and can be amusing and charming to listen to. They are social and understand how important humor is to keeping others engaged.
Use these secrets to make your Sagittarius man love you (they work like magic) →
Why are Sagittarius Men so Flirty?
Sagittarius men flirt as easily as they breathe. They don’t use flirtation to show romantic interest. They will easily flirt with a number of women at the same time. They don’t use flirtation to designate a special attraction or interest.
Sagittarius men are known for being flirty and pleasure seeking. They are hedonistic and want to experience the best of what life has to offer. To a Sagittarius man, flirting is a form of playful socializing.
He may be flirty when he wants attention or when he’s getting to know you. He’s naturally charming and he flirts when he’s trying to spark your interest. Yet he’s not always interested in a serious long term relationship. He prefers to flirt to pass the time and have fun.
Why are Sagittarius Men so Generous?
Sagittarius men are known for their generosity. Whatever a Sagittarius man has, he’ll gladly give it away to uplift others. He can have a benevolent streak and is kind-hearted. He will give all of what he has to make sure others have a fair chance.
A Sagittarius man loves to be the center of attention and life of a party. He’ll throw large parties and invite everyone he knows, generously sharing his abundance as a host. He’s also generous as a friend or loved one. He loves to accumulate things, believing more is better.
Yet he doesn’t hoard for himself. Instead, he tries to share his wealth with others. He’ll try to show you he cares about you by giving generously to help you or to make you feel supported and secure. He’s also generous when it comes to volunteering his time and giving to important causes.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Sagittarius man (they work like magic) →
Why are Sagittarius Men so Goofy?
Sagittarius men are childlike and playful. They take their morals seriously but they aren’t stodgy. They have a goofy side and their silly nature can endear them to others.
Sagittarius men can enjoy a good goofy prank. He’ll take any opportunity to laugh and make others laugh. The only thing he won’t goof around with is a joke or prank that could hurt someone who has already been down on their luck or scapegoated.
Sagittarius men are goofy and carefree. They like to disarm others with their goofy nature. A Sagittarius man has no problem clowning around to bring joy to others.
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