Often, a Taurus man’s marriage isn’t the most exciting of marriages. So if you want excitement and intense passion, you might want to look elsewhere.
However, he makes up for what he lacks in excitement in other ways, such as being loyal and devoted.
What kind of husband is Taurus? In many ways, he makes an excellent husband. He takes his role as your partner seriously.
You can expect a lot of cuddling and physical affection from a Taurus husband. He likes to show you that he cares with hugs, kisses, and soft touches, as well as gifts.
He’s not perfect, of course. He can be possessive and, at times, self-centered. As a result, change can be difficult for him as well.
He’s often willing to work on things to make his relationship stronger and more stable, though.
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Taurus men in relationships can be very devoted to their partners.
This is a man who wants stability in his life. He wants to be able to settle down and call it good. And, once he’s married, he’s not likely to want to change that.
He’s not going to run at the first sign of trouble. Instead, due to his stubborn nature, he’s more likely to dig his heels in and do what it takes to make the relationship last.
He is also unlikely to cheat. He doesn’t want to put in all the effort required to lead a double life, for one.
But, on the other hand, he also doesn’t want to do anything that would jeopardize the domestic stability he’s gained from being married.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
Taurus is also known for being loyal and reliable in a relationship.
Once he loves you, it’s going to be hard to get him to stop. If you argue, he’s still going to be there when you’ve cooled off.
If you have health problems or financial troubles, he’s not going to run off. He’ll stick around and do what he needs to do to be there for you.
You can trust him to stand by you no matter what. He takes his wedding vows very seriously.
Taurus is unlikely to change his feelings about you, and if that does happen, you’ll be the first to know. He is not the kind of person to sneak around or to up and leave without warning.
Taurus men can be both jealous and possessive. This is one of the most common reasons a Taurus fights with their partner.
When you are married, you are in a relationship with him. You are his partner. He doesn’t want to feel like others are catching your attention.
This can show up in many ways. Some Taurus men are better about hiding those possessive urges than others. He might simply feel jealous, realize he’s being silly, and then get over it.
Taurus’ communication problems happen when they let this possessive nature get out of control. He might let the feelings fester, only to have them explode later. If he just talked things out with you, this wouldn’t happen.
He might also become controlling, so be aware of that. And, keep in mind that you aren’t his possession, and if he is feeling jealous, he needs to talk to you.
If this does become a problem, talk to him about it right away. He’d rather work on this negative part of himself than risk losing you.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man. →
Taurus can be a grounded, down-to-Earth person, just like the other Earth signs.
This is a man who is honest and straightforward. What you see is what you get in many ways with a Taurus.
Sure, he likes nice things, but that doesn’t mean he’s pretentious about it. He doesn’t think he should have nice things because he’s better than anyone. He just likes to have them! They make him feel good.
He won’t lie or pretend to be someone he’s not to impress you. He’s just going to be himself.
Taurus loves the finer things in life, and he also loves it when the people he loves have nice things as well.
One of a Taurus husband’s traits is his generosity. He wants you to be comfortable. He wants you to have anything you could ever want. Gift-giving is one of a Taurus man’s love languages, both giving and receiving.
He’ll take you for a spa day on your birthday. He loves going to excellent restaurants, so he’ll take you to his favorites on date night.
Expect your home to be covered in fine art and filled with all kinds of fineries. If you’ve had your eye on a painting for a while, mention it to him. He just might get it for you.
This doesn’t mean he necessarily shares, however. He might buy you all kinds of expensive gifts, but his possessions are for him.
He might not want you driving his brand new car or eating the chocolate he picked up for himself at the store.
Is your Taurus man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
While Taurus can be generous, he can also be extremely materialistic.
Taurus loves to have nice cars, food, clothes, shoes, electronics, etc. If he wants it, he has to have it. He thinks he deserves to have the most refined things money can buy, even if he can’t actually afford them.
Marrying a Taurus man might come with some level of debt because of this. So be aware of this before you marry him.
If you two have fought, he might choose to buy you a gift over actually apologizing. He’d rather have the things than the apology as well.
This can cause problems during gift-giving holidays. For example, he’ll buy you an expensive necklace and then be upset if your gift isn’t as expensive, no matter how thoughtful it is.
It’s good to take time for yourself and to focus on your own needs. However, it’s not good when you do this constantly and at the expense of the needs of others.
A Taurus man may love you, but it can take some time for him to learn how to make you a priority in his life.
Sometimes Taurus gets so caught up in how he feels and what he wants that he forgets to care about the feelings and desires of those around him. Unfortunately, this won’t necessarily stop just because you two are married.
Your husband suddenly caring more about himself than you isn’t necessarily a sign that a Taurus man has lost interest.
He may not always be self-centered, but if he’s stressed or in a bad mood, he may only be able to prioritize himself until he’s in a better mood.
Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic) →
One of Taurus’ traits is their sensuality. So if you are married to a Taurus man, you can expect a lot of physical affection from him.
He isn’t afraid of giving or receiving affection. He’ll kiss you just because he feels like it. He’ll hold your hand while walking down the street. He’ll keep a hand on your knee while sitting in a restaurant.
This is a man who enjoys cuddling. This isn’t just something he does after sex; it’s something he enjoys all on its own. So expect him to snuggle up close while you two are watching a movie on the couch.
His way of showing love is very hands-on. If you aren’t as physically affectionate, this can take some getting used to. He may have a hard time feeling loved if you aren’t initiating contact or if you turn him down.
When a Taurus man goes quiet, it might simply be because he’s thinking of a memory you two share, or he’s lost in your eyes. He’s sentimental like that.
He can also be quite the sap. For example, you might find him pouring over your wedding album randomly, even when it’s nowhere near your anniversary.
He’ll get nostalgic for moments you’ve shared in the past. He’s a man who remembers your first kiss, first date, the day he proposed, etc., just as vividly as if the events happened yesterday, not years ago.
Expect him to have loads of pictures of the two of you. Of course, if you have children, he’ll be taking pictures of them all the time as well! He likes to capture every moment he holds dear.
His sentimentality can seem over-the-top at times but know that it’s coming from a genuine place. He really does just get choked up because of how much he loves you sometimes.
A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
The married life of Taurus isn’t always exciting, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less romantic.
He’s not an explosive, over-the-top romantic like Leo can be. Instead, his romance is softer, more intimate.
This makes sense, as Taurus’ ruling planet is Venus. Thus, he is keyed in with all things related to love and beauty.
He likes to woo his partners with flowers, chocolate, and candlelit dinners. And, of course, this won’t stop once you’re married, either.
If he’s artistically inclined, expect music or poetry dedicated to you. He may think of you as his muse and want you around while he’s creating.
His type of romance is one that is meant to last, not fizzle out when the honeymoon phase is over. So it’s not always fireworks and riding off into the sunset. It may seem dull to some people, but it’s secure.
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