It can be frustrating if a Taurus man is hiding his feelings, but you should try to be patient with him!
Some Taurus men are good at hiding their feelings, while others might be more obvious. Try to make him comfortable if you want him to open up.
Taurus men tend to be emotional people, but they can be ashamed of that fact. They sometimes hide their feelings out of shame or because they are nervous about opening up to others.
Your Taurus man might ignore you if he’s trying to hide his feelings, and he thinks you’ll notice. He will avoid eye contact and may seem cold and distant.
A Taurus man might seem shy around you if he’s hiding a crush. He may even seem scared, especially if he’s unsure how you’ll react to his feelings if you find out.
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He’s Good At Hiding Feelings
Will a Taurus man hide his feelings from you? He might! Depending on how well you know him, he may also do a great job hiding them.
Taurus men are sensitive and emotional but don’t always come across that way. A Taurus man might seem perfectly calm sometimes when he’s incredibly upset about something.
Some Taurus men are better at hiding their feelings than others, but most can hide them pretty well. Your Taurus man might be able to successfully hide his feelings from you for a while, especially if you’re not paying attention.
If you know your Taurus man very well, you likely notice that something is off about him. If your Taurus friend suddenly develops feelings for you and starts behaving shyly around you, that will be obvious!
A Taurus man who genuinely does not want you to know that he’s sad or angry about something will probably do an excellent job hiding it at first. He won’t be able to hide forever, though.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic) →
He’s Sometimes Ashamed Of His Emotions
When a Taurus man hides his feelings, it might be because he’s ashamed of his emotions. A Taurus man will conceal that he’s upset because he doesn’t want others to think he’s weak.
If your Taurus man is ashamed of his feelings, he will hide any emotions he feels are “negative” from you. He will do his best to appear happy and content around you.
A Taurus man in love with his best friend might feel ashamed of that fact if he thinks his friend doesn’t feel the same way. If your Taurus friend develops feelings for you, he might try to hide them out of fear of rejection.
The best way to help a Taurus man who feels ashamed of his emotions is to open up to him about how you feel. He might feel more comfortable expressing his genuine feelings to you if you openly express yours.
He’ll Go Quiet
A Taurus man hiding his feelings from you might suddenly go quiet. Something is up if you two usually talk a lot and he goes silent with no explanation.
Your Taurus man might stop talking to you if he’s angry at you or you did something to upset him. If this is the case, reach out to apologize, and he’ll start talking to you again.
A Taurus man may go quiet if he develops romantic feelings for you. He might not know how to handle those feelings, or he may be worried that talking to you will make his feelings obvious.
Reach out to your Taurus man and tell him you’re there for him if he needs to talk. Remind him that you care about him and he’s always welcome to open up to you. That might help if he’s hiding his feelings.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
He’ll Seem Cold & Distant
One sign a Taurus man is hiding something from you is that he’s suddenly cold and distant. Something is wrong if he’s usually warm and open with you but cuts you off.
If you want to connect with a Taurus man who is suddenly cold and distant, show him that he can trust you with his feelings.
A Taurus man might act cold to cover up his feelings when he doesn’t think he can openly discuss them with you. Show him that he’s wrong, and he might stop being so distant!
Make your Taurus man feel comfortable around you. Show him that you don’t judge other people for their emotions and will gladly listen when your friends and loved ones need to talk about their feelings.
He Might Seem Shy & Nervous
How do you know if a Taurus man likes you but is hiding his feelings? A Taurus man trying to conceal a crush on you might appear shy and nervous whenever you’re around.
Pay attention to how your Taurus man acts when he’s around you compared to others. If he doesn’t typically seem shy, but he’s shy around you, he might be hiding his feelings for you.
A Taurus man hiding other emotions might seem nervous around the people who know him best. He may be good at hiding sadness or anger from strangers, but he won’t always be able to hide them from his friends.
If your Taurus man always seems nervous around you, he might be hiding something. He may be hiding feelings for you, his emotions in general, or something else.
A Taurus man who is shy around everyone might just be shy. One who is only shy around you might be concealing his feelings.
Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in. →
He Won’t Make Eye Contact
How does a Taurus man hide his feelings? A Taurus man might try to hide his feelings from you by avoiding eye contact.
Taurus men can be pretty expressive, especially with people who know them well. You might be able to tell how your Taurus man feels just by looking him in the eye!
If your Taurus man is hiding something from you, he’ll avoid looking you in the eye. If he knows his gaze will instantly give him away, he’ll do anything to avoid eye contact with you.
A Taurus man who loves you won’t be able to hide that when he looks at you. If your Taurus man has a crush and doesn’t want you to know, he’ll try to avoid looking at you. He won’t always be successful, though!
Your Taurus man’s feelings should be apparent once you catch his eye. If you try to make eye contact and he’s actively avoiding it, assume he’s hiding something.
He Avoids Certain Topics
If you have been trying to talk to a Taurus man about feelings and he changes the subject, he’s hiding something! If he avoids specific topics, whether it’s just with you or with everyone, there’s a reason for it.
One of the signs a Taurus man secretly likes you is that he will refuse to talk about dating or his love life with you. He won’t want to talk about love when you’re the one he’s secretly in love with!
Pay attention to how your Taurus man responds when others bring up his love life. If he’s evasive, it might be because he’s hiding his feelings for someone. That someone might be you!
If your Taurus man never wants to talk about your love life, a crush might also be the explanation for that. He won’t want to hear about your crushes when he secretly has a crush on you.
A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
He Might Ignore You
If a Taurus man is confused about his feelings for you, he might sometimes ignore you while he tries to sort things out.
A Taurus man who is hiding his feelings may ignore you if he knows that he won’t be able to hide his feelings from you. If you know him too well, he’ll avoid you altogether.
If your Taurus man is suddenly ignoring you, one potential explanation is that he’s hiding something from you. He might be upset and not want you to know. His feelings for you may have also changed.
A Taurus man won’t ignore you forever if he cares about you. He might want to sort through his feelings before he potentially reveals them to you, and ignoring you is the only way to ensure he can do that.
He May Seem Scared
Are Taurus men shy around their crush? Many of them are. A Taurus man might also seem scared around you if he fears rejection.
A Taurus man who develops feelings for a friend might fear that those feelings will ruin his friendship. If your Taurus man really cares about you and doesn’t want to lose you, he’ll be afraid of messing things up.
Your Taurus man might seem scared if he’s hiding other feelings from you too. This usually happens when he’s unsure how you will react to his feelings or when he truly believes you will react poorly.
If your Taurus man is scared of ruining your friendship with his feelings, he will hide them. Talk to him if he seems nervous around you or you believe he’s afraid of something.
Reassure your Taurus man and let him know that he can talk to you about anything. Tell him you won’t stop being his friend just because he opens up. Make sure he knows that his feelings won’t change how you feel about him.
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