Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman compatibility is one of the more challenging in the zodiac. Even with common ground, they will clash easily.
Though each has a passionate nature, their needs and perspectives are entirely different. They easily frustrate each other.
Can a Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman be soulmates? Anything is possible, yet if they are, this couple has many lessons to learn. Theirs is not an easy partnership.
Even as friends, they challenge and frustrate each other. They can learn to work together but it takes great effort from both the Sagittarius woman and Scorpio man.
Their needs are completely different. Not only that, they have very different personalities. This can excite a Sagittarius woman at first but then can lead to greater difficulties in the relationship.
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A Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman experience life in a very different way. To a Scorpio man, shadows lurk behind every corner and he feels he always needs to be on his toes. He is suspicious of everyone and looks for proof that you are really on his side.
A Sagittarius woman doesn’t understand this. This is why, even as friends, this couple struggles. Sagittarius women are optimistic, independent and free thinking. They can’t understand why Scorpio men are always so mistrusting.
Scorpio and Sagittarius arguments usually center around these two seeing completely different things when they look at the same situation. Scorpio men see the cup as half empty and the world as a threatening place. Sagittarius women are the opposite.
Scorpio vs. Sagittarius fights usually simmer for a long time before exploding to the surface. A Scorpio man can be intense and intuitive. He may sense problems coming from a distance but the undercurrent is so subtle, no one else can see what is coming.
A Sagittarius woman will always look at the silver lining no matter how bad things get. She will try to stifle her anger or downplay any negativity. Yet when there are problems brewing, the tension will build until a Scorpio man overreacts and sets off the anger reaction in a Sagittarius woman.
Scorpio and Sagittarius friendship compatibility can be challenging. Even in a low stakes relationship, Scorpio is intense and dominating. Sagittarius won’t want to compromise their ideals and values to succumb to Scorpio’s demands.
What can salvage a friendship between Sagittarius women and Scorpio men is if these two live at a distance from each other and have minimal expectations of each other. Sagittarius women love to travel and see new places anyway.
Having plenty of breathing room gives a Scorpio man a more pleasant perspective. He’ll be on his most upbeat, best behavior when it comes to seeing his Sagittarius woman since she isn’t around as much. These two can also have a good time in social settings.
As long as the focus is not on the two of them specifically. When it’s just a Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman together, they will easily shift their focus to fixating on each other’s flaws. When they do, they will become more frustrated with and hostile toward each other.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Scorpio man (they work like magic) →
If Scorpio and Sagittarius soulmates make it to a romantic relationship, they are a rarity. Still, this couple has a lot of work to do to maintain the relationship. They both have to work hard to keep each other’s interest and not overwhelm each other.
A Scorpio man’s tendency to be intense, possessive and controlling will scare a Sagittarius woman away no matter how much this couple loves each other. Their attraction can be intense and they are both passionate.
Yet a Sagittarius woman needs freedom and a Scorpio man needs to be constantly in control of the relationship. This can heighten the friction this couple feels toward each other in the relationship.
The best way for a Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman to be successful in a romantic relationship is to draw on the passion created by tension or friction in the relationship. Both can more easily tolerate the challenges in the relationship by seeing it as an adventure.
A Sagittarius woman can become more open to trying to understand a Scorpio man’s moods and need for brooding and questioning the deeper meaning in everything. Scorpio women strive to find the greater purpose and so both have a desire to make meaning of challenges.
His cynical nature clashes with her optimism. If this tension can be channeled into exciting sexual connection and passionate attraction to each other, it can help to salvage the relationship. Famous Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman couples are a testament to this.
A Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman may have epic fights and then follow this with thrilling make-up sex. Yet at some point, they may come to the conclusion that the tumultuous relationship isn’t what either of them really wants.
Scorpio men are intense and desire deep, intimate connection while Sagittarius women want distance, independence and freedom. He finds her style threatening. She finds his style overwhelming and stifling.
A Scorpio man obsessed with a Sagittarius woman can make the relationship work in spite of their many differences. He will move mountains to have the woman he loves, even if he has to compromise quite a bit.
Scorpio men can persevere and be relentless when it comes to winning the heat of his loved one. A Sagittarius woman is more indifferent and casual about the relationship. As long as he can tolerate this, he may pursue marriage.
Sagittarius women aren’t usually eager to settle down and get married because they see marriage as stifling and oppressive. So she may resist his advances and attempts to marry her at first. She will procrastinate and may even vanish at first.
Yet when both are ready to settle down, this marriage can work or can be filled with dynamic and tense passions. If a Scorpio man wants to marry a Sagittarius woman, either he has to become more open and understanding of her need for space or she needs to tone down her wanderlust.
The chances of either of these two changing to meet the other’s needs is minimal. Yet if one of them is going to make a compromise for love, it will be a Scorpio man before a Sagittarius woman. It takes a lot even for this much compromise to happen.
The ideal marriage for this couple would involve a relationship in which a Sagittarius woman frequently travels for work or is frequently at a distance. This enhances their connection because she will have the space she needs without Scorpio becoming mistrusting and controlling.
One of the positive things about this couple, when it comes to marriage, is both will make sure the other has plenty of excitement and adventure as they can keep the passions blazing in this marriage. Neither will become bored or complacent.
A Sagittarius woman and Scorpio man Twin flame couple can feel they are meant to be together because of all the drama, without stopping to consider that the drama is a sign their relationship may just not be working.
This magic will make your Scorpio man want a relationship with you →
In Bed
A Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman sexually excite each other. Sometimes a marriage or romantic relationship can fizzle out while this couple tries to remain connected through their sexual relationship.
They may confuse a sizzling sexual relationship with actual love. A Scorpio man can be intensely attracted to his Sagittarius love interest. He is drawn to her confidence, sensuality and pleasure-seeking side.
Both a Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman have a hedonistic nature. They can light each other’s flames of passion in the bedroom and can try to overcome their challenges for the sake of remaining sexually connected.
As long as a Scorpio man isn’t expecting an emotional or romantic connection when a Sagittarius woman only wants sex, this couple can have greater compatibility in bed than as friends or romantic partners. They both love adventure and will want to explore new things.
A Sagittarius woman can be independent and her sexual desires reflect this. Scorpio men want intimacy and even want to dominate their partner and so it can be difficult for them to satisfy each other for long.
But a brief affair between a Sagittarius woman and Scorpio man can be sizzling, exciting and intense. Both a Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman can try to take out their frustrations with each other in the bedroom. This can work to diffuse the relationship for a brief time.
In the long run, however, both a Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman will be likely to come to the conclusion that they are not each other’s most compatible partners. A Scorpio man may hold on out of stubbornness.
A Sagittarius woman has no interest in shrinking to fit a relationship that isn’t working. Even the sexual satisfaction involved in the relationship will not be enough to keep her connected to a Scorpio man.
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My wife is a Sagittarius and I’m a Scorpio. We have been together quite a while. 9 years married, 12 years together overall and in each other’s lives for 16 years. Some of this is accurate for us, but not all of it.
While we are still discovering new ways of interactions and communication, we are quite tethered to each other. Part of that is because our baggage and childhood trauma has altered some of the stereotypes of our signs. However, the biggest factor as to why we are more successful than we should be is because of our Meyers Briggs types. Her INFJ and my ENFP are the literal perfect fit for one another. Her INFJ type drastically alters a lot of the summary of the Sagittarius, specifically the permiscuity aspect. That has never been her. Though, she likes space, she enjoys space most when I’m present – but quiet.
For me, the ENFP saturates the dark and intuitive side of the Scorpio. Think of me as a Scorpio to the third power with everything.
I think a lot of what is presented with the signs can be accurate when the Meyers Briggs of an individual is also taken into account.
Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s great to hear how you both complement each other so well.
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