If you’re trying to win over a Leo guy, you need to know how to make Leo man obsessed with you.
How can you make him want you more?
You can figure out what a Leo man looks for in a woman by learning more about his zodiac sign.
Astrology can tell you everything he likes and dislikes in a woman so you know which personality traits to emphasize when you’re around him.
Once you know more about his star sign, you will be able to figure out exactly what to do to make a Leo man obsessed with you.
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1. Play Hard to Get
Some zodiac signs are relieved and grateful when a woman makes the first move, but a Leo man likes it when a lady plays hard to get.
If you want to know how to make a Leo man chase you, you can’t pursue him too aggressively. He needs to be the one pursuing you so he can maintain his interest.
But if you’re wondering, “Does ignoring a Leo man work?” The answer is no.
Leo is a very attention-seeking star sign, so you have to pay your Leo guy some attention if you want him to keep chasing you.
The best way to make a Leo man obsessed with you is to find the balance between flattering him and playing hard to get.
Give him some attention and compliments, but don’t act too eager to jump into a relationship with him. He will pursue you harder when you make him work for your affection.
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2. Stand Out from the Crowd
When you’re trying to make a Leo man obsessed with you, it can be frustrating when it seems like he’s not paying any attention to you at all.
If you’re not sure what to do when a Leo man ignores you, you’ve got to make an effort to stand out from the crowd.
A Leo guy isn’t the type to notice the shy wallflower standing in the corner by herself. He likes a bold, confident woman who draws admiring glances from everyone in the room.
Instead of separating yourself from the group in hopes that your Leo guy will follow you, engage in conversation with everyone and make them laugh.
He likes a lady who is the life of the party more than someone who keeps to herself.
He likes ostentatious, flashy looks more than subtle, modest ones. You can draw him to you by wearing something eye-catching and conspicuous.
A bright red dress, sequins, and sparkly jewelry will make a Leo guy notice you. He will become obsessed with you when he sees all the looks you get from everyone else when you walk into a room.
3. Be Energetic and Enthusiastic
Leo is a very active and lively sign, so a Leo guy enjoys working out and he is always the first one to say yes to an adventure.
If you want to know how to get a Leo man to chase you, you need to show him that you are as enthusiastic and energetic as he is.
Invite him to go to the gym with you or plan active dates like hiking and riding bikes together. When he makes suggestions to try something new, say yes and be excited about the experience.
If he wants to go see a concert for a band you’ve never heard of, dance to the music and show him how much you enjoy the show.
If he wants to check out a restaurant with exotic cuisine, order a bunch of things on the menu that neither of you has ever tried, and share them to make the meal an opportunity to bond and have fun.
Use these secrets to make your Leo man love you (they work like magic) →
4. Be Independent
A Leo guy is romantic and loving, but he is also very independent and can’t stand having a clingy partner.
If you’re wondering how to make a Leo man want you more, you have to show him how independent you are.
He has to see that you’re not a needy, codependent partner so he won’t feel trapped and suffocated by a relationship with you.
Give your Leo guy attention, but also make sure you’re spending plenty of time taking care of yourself and maintaining your life apart from him.
Hang out with your friends sometimes without him, spend some nights alone at your place to relax by yourself, and don’t insist on joining him everywhere he goes.
Don’t ask him for help with every little task you need to do, and don’t call and text him every minute of the day.
He will appreciate the time he has with you more if you’re not always available to him, and he will love seeing how independent and self-sufficient you are.
5. Show Your Passionate Side
Leo is a very passionate and big-hearted zodiac sign, so a Leo guy is attracted to a woman who is excited about her endeavors.
He likes a fiery, animated woman with interests and hobbies that delight her. When you talk about your projects with your Leo man, make sure you show some emotion.
Don’t hold back when describing the latest book you’re reading or the class you are taking. He likes it when you get excited talking about your goals and dreams.
If you want to know how to make Leo man chase you, don’t hold back your passionate side or restrain yourself when talking about your ambitions and favorite things.
He likes seeing your enthusiasm and excitement about the things you love, so there’s no reason to hide how you feel.
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6. Flatter Him
The quickest way to a Leo guy’s heart is giving him compliments. One of a Leo man’s negative traits is pride, so he loves praise and is highly susceptible to flattery.
If you want to make a Leo man obsessed with you, you have to boost his ego and uplift him whenever he’s around you.
Compliment his talents, looks, personality, and accomplishments. If a kind thought about your Leo man pops into your head, make sure you articulate it.
If it’s hard for you to verbalize compliments, send them to your Leo guy over text messages. Even commenting on his social media posts will make his day.
You want him to associate you with feeling good about himself and being adored, so avoid criticizing him, even if you’re just being playful and teasing.
7. Look Sexy and Feminine
The twelve zodiac signs are divided evenly into two categories: positive and masculine, or negative and feminine.
Leo is one of the six positive/masculine signs, which means that a Leo guy likes filling the traditional male role in relationships.
He wants to feel manly and tough next to his partner, so you can make him obsessed with you by putting in the effort to look feminine and sexy around him.
If you want to know how to dress for a Leo man, wear clothes that accentuate your womanly figure.
Try wearing tight pants and skirts that show the outline of your hips or low-cut or tight tops that emphasize your chest and waist.
Putting on high heels, jewelry, accessories, makeup, and feminine hairstyles will also help make your Leo guy want you more.
You don’t have to worry about showing too much skin or being too flashy, either. Some star signs have modest tastes, but a Leo man likes anything flashy and provocative.
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8. Don’t Make Him Jealous
You might think that the easiest way to make a Leo man obsessed with you is to make him jealous.
After all, Leo is a highly competitive zodiac sign, so you may assume that seeing you in the arms of another man will make your Leo guy fight for you.
But while Leo is a very jealous and possessive sign, what a Leo man looks for in a woman is loyalty.
If he gets envious when another man so much as looks at you, it’s one of the signs a Leo man is falling in love with you.
While it’s normal for a guy born under this star sign to get possessive and competitive, you shouldn’t do anything to intentionally provoke his jealousy.
Even when you’re playing hard to get to make him chase you, you shouldn’t do it by acting like you’re interested in other men. You can be unavailable without making your Leo guy jealous.
A Leo man wants a loyal partner, so show him how faithful and devoted you are. Let him see he’s the only man you have eyes for.
Don’t compare him unfavorably to another man or talk about other guys just to make him jealous.
But loyalty is about more than just being faithful and not letting yourself be tempted by other members of the opposite sex.
You must also take your Leo man’s side and defend him against his enemies. Stick up for him in arguments, and never say a bad word about him behind his back.
When he sees how loyal and devoted you are, it will make your Leo guy completely obsessed with you.
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