
Are Leo Men Submissive in a Relationship?

Updated December 31, 2024

Is a Leo man submissive in a relationship? The majority of Leo men are not submissive at all!

Leo men are more likely to be dominant in a relationship, though they can learn to compromise and share dominance with their partners.

Leo men prefer to be dominant. They are natural leaders and also like to be in control. It’s easier for a Leo man to be dominant in a relationship because that is what comes naturally to him.

A Leo man likely won’t be submissive in a relationship. He’s incredibly decisive and focused on getting what he wants. He also wants to be dominant.

Leo men can learn to compromise more in a relationship, share decision-making, and step back sometimes when it’s better for them to let their partners take over. A Leo man won’t ever be entirely submissive, though.

He Likes To Be Dominant

Are Leo men submissive or dominant in relationships? A submissive Leo man isn’t impossible to find, but most Leo men prefer to be dominant.

Most Leo men prefer to be more dominant in relationships. This doesn’t mean a Leo man will never be submissive, but that’s definitely not what he prefers!

Many Leo men feel like being dominant makes them more “manly,” while some just like to feel as if they’re in control.

If a Leo man is ever more submissive in a relationship, it won’t be because he likes to be that way. He might take a step back if his partner thinks he’s too controlling or let his partner call the shots sometimes so that things are equal.

Being dominant makes a Leo man feel good. He prefers to make decisions and take the lead when he can. For example, he’ll want to be the first to ask you out instead of the other way around.

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He’s A Natural Leader

One reason a Leo man is dominant is that he’s a natural leader. Being submissive just isn’t what comes naturally to him!

It’s easy for a Leo man to take control when he’s in a group of people who don’t care to be leaders. A Leo man will naturally just become the leader if he’s around people who are less decisive or who don’t care to take control.

While some Leo men can be controlling, others aren’t trying to be! It’s second nature for them to lead, whether taking control of a project at work or making decisions in a relationship.

Your Leo man might take charge and decide for you if you’re more indecisive. This is likely because he’s just used to doing this. If it bothers you, speak up.

A Leo man will actively have to try not to take charge. He will have to practice stepping back and allowing others to lead if he’s used to always being the leader.

He Likes To Be In Control

What does a Leo man want in a relationship? Many Leo men want to feel like they are in control of their own lives, and that doesn’t change just because they’re in a relationship.

One of the reasons Leo men aren’t typically submissive in relationships is that they don’t want to feel like someone else is controlling them.

Some Leo men have control problems, so look out for that! While many want to control themselves, others take it too far and start trying to control their partners.

Your Leo man might always take charge when it comes to things like asking you out or kissing you first because he also wants to feel like he’s in control of the relationship.

The reality is that a Leo man can’t always be in control. He will have to give up some control to have a healthy relationship. He won’t necessarily have to be submissive, but he can’t always be the one dominating everything.

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He’s Focused On His Needs

A Leo man in bed won’t typically be submissive, and one reason is that Leo men tend to be focused on making sure their own needs are met.

Your Leo man will meet your needs too. Being dominant makes him feel like he’s in charge and able to get his needs met, though. Leo men sometimes worry that they won’t be satisfied if they aren’t the ones in control.

Your Leo man might have difficulty submitting in the bedroom because of how he views submission. Many Leo men don’t want to be submissive because they don’t want to sit back and let someone else take control of everything.

Once a Leo man realizes he doesn’t have to be in charge to have his needs met, he’ll loosen up a bit. When he knows that you’ll meet his needs even if he’s not being entirely dominant, he might be able to be more submissive.

He’s Decisive

Some Leo men are naturally more decisive than others. A Leo man who has an easy time making decisions or jumping into action will likely be more dominant rather than submissive.

If you can’t decide what you want for dinner, your Leo man might decide for you. He’s not necessarily trying to assert dominance or be controlling. He’s just making the decision quickly because he’s able to!

When a Leo man decides he wants something, he will do it. He likely won’t sit around wondering whether or not he should do something for too long.

A Leo man’s decisive nature means he often becomes more dominant in a relationship. If he wants to kiss you, he will. If he wants to talk about taking the next step in your relationship, he won’t hesitate.

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He’s Got A Strong Personality

A Leo man’s personality is a strong one. It’s far more common for a Leo man to be dominant rather than submissive, and his strong personality is one reason why.

Even Leo men who have people-pleasing tendencies won’t often be submissive. Your Leo man will never sit back and let everyone do what they want. He’ll make his opinions known.

You’ll always know precisely how a Leo man feels about something. He can easily take charge in groups and relationships because he is outspoken and expressive.

It’s difficult for a Leo man to be submissive because of his personality. It’s usually more suited to being dominant.

Even if you meet a Leo man who is submissive in some ways, he’ll rarely be entirely submissive. That strong personality of his will always shine through!

He’s Not Usually Submissive

While a Leo man can be submissive, it’s not typically what he prefers. Leo men aren’t naturally submissive in relationships.

Some Leo men think being submissive is negative, so they’ll refuse to do anything that could be considered submissive. Others can be more flexible, though they are still more dominant.

Are Leo men dominant in bed? Most of them are incredibly dominant. Being submissive, in and out of the bedroom, just doesn’t come naturally to most Leo men.

A Leo man’s sexuality is just as dominant as the rest of him. If he’s ever submissive, it will be on his terms. He’ll still want to feel like he has some level of control.

A Leo man’s dominant nature can be overwhelming sometimes. Some Leo men refuse to do anything that might come across as submissive, though some can be more laid back. It all depends on the individual Leo man!

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He Can Learn To Share Dominance

Can a Leo man be submissive in a relationship? Most Leo men will never be entirely submissive. They can learn to share dominance, though.

Leo men often prefer to be with partners who aren’t entirely submissive. They might not want to be submissive, but they also don’t want a completely submissive partner.

You don’t need to be entirely submissive if you’re in a relationship with a Leo man. Your relationship will likely be more successful if you both share dominance.

Some Leo men think they want submissive partners, then learn that this isn’t the case. Most Leo men learn how to share dominance because they become too controlling otherwise.

Your Leo man likely doesn’t want to date a doormat. He might not be submissive in your relationship, but he won’t expect you to let him take over everything. He’ll learn to share things like decision-making.

He Can Learn To Compromise

Do Leo men like to be submissive? Typically, Leo men do not want to be submissive. A Leo man will learn to compromise and be submissive sometimes if he genuinely cares about his partner.

Leo men can be incredibly stubborn and don’t like to appear submissive, so learning how to compromise is challenging. They usually need to learn how to listen to other people, too.

A Leo man who never learns to compromise might always feel like he’s dominant and in control, but he’ll also push people away. He usually needs to adjust his idea of what being submissive means and learn that it’s not necessarily bad.

Your Leo man will learn how to compromise when he cares about you. If he wants a successful relationship with anyone, he’ll figure out he can’t always dominate and control everything.

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