
What does a Leo Man Do When He Likes You?

Updated January 16, 2025

If a Leo man likes you, he will show specific signs. He’s not one to hide his feelings when he’s into you.

He may hide his vulnerable feelings so he can act strong. Yet a Leo man won’t contain his passion when he likes you.

The signs a Leo man has a crush on you can be obvious if you understand his personality. He has a dramatic nature and can be prone to theatrics.

If he likes you, he won’t keep it a secret. He will make sure you know of his intentions. He won’t want to take a chance on losing you to someone else.

He’ll also make it clear he likes you so that others will get the message to stay away. Leo men can be possessive when they are attracted to a woman.

He Acts Chivalrous

What kind of woman does a Leo man like? He looks for a woman who is strong, creative and independent, yet who will also let him be the hero. He follows a traditional code of chivalry.

A Leo man wants to be admired, even as he’s pursuing you in a relationship. When he likes you, he’ll do more than just hold a door open for you. He’ll walk you to your car and use other traditional acts of chivalry to prove he’s a prefect gentleman.

A Leo man who likes you will let you order first when you’re out to lunch together. He’ll pick up the tab if you go out for drinks. He will hold an umbrella over your head if you’re walking together in the rain.

When a Leo man acts old-fashioned, he’s not trying to stifle your independence. He is acting on his moral code. It makes him feel good to nurture you through grandiose gestures, even if it comes across as paternalistic.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Leo man (they work like magic) →

He Boasts About Success

One of the signs a Leo man likes you through texting is his tendency to boast about successes. When he texts you excessively to share good news about his accomplishments, a Leo man is trying to show you he likes you.

He’s looking for your admiration and approval. He wouldn’t do this if he didn’t like you. When a Leo man is interested in you, he will try to impress you as well. He’ll do this by boasting about all of his achievements.

Leo men can be youthful and childlike. Just as a child may hold up a good report card and look for attention and validation of his success, so will a Leo man brag about his successes by sharing his accomplishments at work and in his personal life.

He Looks Sharp

When a Leo man is done with you, he will make it clear. He’ll cut all ties and not bother to explain himself. Yet when a Leo man likes you, he’ll try to get your attention. He won’t hide from your attention.

When you go out of your way to encourage a Leo man, he can become more reassured of your interest in you. When a Leo man looks sharp and tries to dress up for his dates with you, it’s a sign he really likes you.

Leo men will look sharp anyway, because it’s his nature to want to be stylish and attractive. Yet if he pays additional attention to his appearance it is a good sign he probably likes you. A Leo man will want to make sure you notice how good he looks.

When you notice his style going from casual to more formal when he knows you’ll be around, a Leo man is probably showing you signs that he’s really into you. One of the signs he likes you is that he’ll look his best around you.

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He Tries to Impress You

Not only will a Leo man try to impress you with his professional success, he’ll also try to impress you in general. He may flex his muscles literally and figuratively. He’ll try to show you how strong he is.

A Leo man who likes you will try to impress you by fixing things for you, solving problems for you and going through tribulations to show you how strong he is. He’ll compete against others to impress you just like a knight involved in a conquest.

Leo men have an innate desire to prove themselves and gain rank through challenges and personal trials. He’ll climb an uphill battle even if it is not necessary, just to try to get your attention and win your favor.

Signs a Leo man is not interested in you involve him giving you the cold shoulder. He simply won’t pay attention to you. Yet the signs a Leo man is interested in you include him lavishing his attention on you.

He Gives You Gifts

Among the signs a Leo man likes you, body language is important. Listen to what he says but also watch what he does. When a Leo man buys you gifts, it’s a definite sign he likes you.

A Leo man who is into you will try to impress you with expensive gifts frequently because this is a sign he’s willing to “invest” in the relationship. He will want to extend valuable gifts as a token of his affection.

A Leo man will try to give you the biggest and best of whatever he thinks you will like. If he knows you like flowers, he’ll find the most unique and exotic flower to give you. If he knows you like a specific type of jewelry, he’ll give you the most expensive version he can find.

He’s not trying to buy your affection and love. Yet he is trying to get your attention. He’s trying to get the message across that he values you so much, he’s willing to put his money and energy into finding the most impressive gift that will make you feel special and loved.

Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in. →

He Checks in Constantly

If you’re wondering how does a Leo man show interest when he likes you, one thing he will do is to check in frequently. When a Leo man likes you, he seeks your attention. He also wants to know what you’re doing all of the time.

He will text you frequently to tell you what he’s doing and to ask what you’re up to. It is important to respond, even if your reply is brief. When a Leo man checks in constantly it is because he is trying to keep the momentum going in the relationship.

He doesn’t want to be fervently pursued, so don’t chase him. Yet when you let him initiate and check in with you, a Leo man will be glad to touch base throughout the day or several days each week.

He Acts Possessive

A Leo man testing you may try your boundaries. He will want to see how much is too much. A Leo man’s personality can be larger than life. He may go overboard as he tries to show you he likes you.

A Leo man who likes you will act possessive. He will want to make sure you aren’t interested in any other guys. He may go to extremes if he is insecure. A Leo man may ask to see your phone to check who you are calling.

He may even become openly jealous and demanding because of his insecurities. When a Leo man becomes slightly possessive, it’s a sign he likes you. Yet if he goes too far and becomes toxic, it can be a sign that he is too insecure or immature to be ready for a serious relationship.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Leo man. →

He Defends You

When you see signs a Leo man is falling in love with you, you’ll know that you have his loyalty and devotion. Leo men aren’t likely to run hot and cold. Once they are attracted, they are usually loyal.

When a Leo man defends you against others in an argument or disagreement, it could be a sign he likes you. You’ll have to look for other signs to verify this. He may just agree with your opinions or ideology.

When a Leo man rushes to defend you when he feels you are being treated unfairly, it is more likely he is showing signs he likes you. A Leo man who likes you will act like your personal bodyguard.

He Admits His Feelings

A Leo man who likes you will often just admit it. Though they prefer to show their feelings than to just talk about emotions, Leo men aren’t shy when they like someone.

In fact, Leo men are not shy in general. When he likes you, he will make it known in overt ways because he won’t want to lose you to someone else. He’ll be likely to admit he’s attracted to you or wants to get to know you better.

He may be slower to admit to being in love, but a Leo man will usually have no problem admitting he likes you. When he cares about you, he’ll tell you through his words and his actions.

Use these secrets to make your Leo man love you (they work like magic) →

He Makes a Scene

A Leo man will make an overt display of his feelings when he like you. Not only will he tell you that he likes you, he will show you in undeniable terms. A Leo man who likes you will make sure everyone else knows that he is interested in you.

He may introduce you as his “future wife” or make such dramatic gestures to show he cares about you. This is because a Leo man has a theatric nature and knows how to make a scene.

He will court you in romantic ways. A Leo man won’t keep it a secret that he’s pursuing you. When he likes you, he’ll be completely focused on chasing you, and may make a display of his passionate feelings.

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