If you’re wondering if a Gemini man is a control freak, you can rest assured. Gemini men are the least likely to try to control other people.
Gemini men actually can’t stand being around people who are controlling. He’s known for being open minded.
If you’re wondering what to do when a Gemini man pulls away, encourage him to come back by appealing to his sense of curiosity. He can’t resist mental stimulation.
When a Gemini man wants to get his way, he’ll find a way to do so even if it involves compromise. He knows he doesn’t have to control other people in order to get what he wants.
He can always find a silver lining in any situation. At the very least, he will find a loophole that allows him to get what he wants. He doesn’t try to strongarm others.
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He’s Adaptable
What does it mean when a Gemini man is quiet? A Gemini man who is less communicative isn’t trying to manipulate you. He may just be bored or trying to catch up with other friends. Gemini men are smart enough to be manipulative if they want to be.
Yet they seldom feel the need to use their intelligence against the people they care about. If you’re wondering how to tell if a Gemini man is playing you, pay attention to whether or not he takes the initiative to reach out to you even after going quiet for a time.
A Gemini man has many cognitive gifts. One of them is his ability to be adaptable. A Gemini man can see every side of a situation. He will use mental gymnastics to find a resolution that allows both him and you to be right at the same time, even if your points contradict each other.
He can be a skilled debater but seldom turns these gifts on the people he cares about. When he does debate, he’s going to challenge your ideas, but not in an effort to control you. He’s purely concerned about idealism.
A tiny trick to snatch your Gemini man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
He’s Flexible
A Gemini man’s weakness in love is that he fears commitment. He will use his gift of mental flexibility in order to proclaim his love for you and express his desire to be your partner for life while also dodging any solid commitment like engagement for as long as possible.
Most people believe there are two sides to every story. A Gemini man knows there are six, maybe more. He will find ways to change his perspective constantly. This is part of his nature and it also keeps him from being a control freak.
A Gemini man doesn’t need to control people or situations because he can simply change his perspective and find ways to be satisfied with whatever is going on in his life. He can meet you on your own terms and prefers to not be in charge anyway.
If you’re wondering about the most jealous and possessive zodiac signs, you won’t find Gemini on the list. He is too independent and outgoing to become possessive over any one person. In fact, Gemini men become bored easily.
If he were to put all his energy into just one friendship or relationship, he will no doubt become bored. Because of this, he has no desire to try to make you feel trapped or suffocated. A Gemini man will not try to control you also because he doesn’t like to have the final word in matters.
He defers to the authority of others. A Gemini man can also be naturally indecisive and this also discourages him from trying to control other people. A Gemini man is not an authority figure. He may gravitate toward others who are more authoritative to help him make decisions.
Gemini men won’t align with the most controlling zodiac signs as well. He won’t be micromanaged by others. He will seek partners and friends who help him focus and direct his energy without overstepping boundaries.
This magic will make your Gemini man want a relationship with you. →
He Doesn’t Need Control
A Gemini man in love will not try to control his love interest. He doesn’t need to. He is not likely to become jealous. A Gemini man will usually be trusting in the people he loves. He won’t feel the need to check up on you or ask who you are talking to.
Chances are, he’s too busy talking to friends and stimulating his mind to even consider being jealous or controlling. Gemini men are constantly busy and love to learn new things. They don’t need to put pressure on their loved ones.
A Gemini man will instead put his energy into conversation with you and other friends. He prefers to keep things light, fun and playful rather than getting carried away with drama and accusations.
He Avoids Responsibility
When a Gemini man is in love with you, he will show up for the fun and flirtation but will shy away from obligations and responsibilities. He’ll leave it up to you to deal with the serious decisions.
This is because Gemini men generally avoid responsibility. He doesn’t want to deal with anything that ruins the fun in a relationship. This can become a source of frustration as he may dodge taking responsibility for things you need him to help you with. Yet it can be a good sign that he has no interest in controlling you.
He won’t try to control you because it means he would have to take responsibility for the outcome. This is more pressure than a carefree and fun loving Gemini guy really wants to take on. He’s perfectly happy to give up control.
Is your Gemini man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Gemini back in. →
He’s Indecisive
Gemini men are notorious for not being able to easily make up their minds. They may vacillate before coming to a decision. A Gemini man can be indecisive and this makes him unlikely to want to be controlling.
He prefers to have a trusted friend or partner who can step in and make decisions for him. He doesn’t like being tightly controlled but he does like it when someone else makes decisions so that he won’t get stuck in procrastination.
A Gemini man can waver between two options for days, weeks, months or longer. He knows he’s in no position to try to control anyone else. He will try to defer to your guidance rather than trying to control what you do.
He Lets Others Lead
A Gemini man distancing himself may make you feel alarmed. He will sometimes step back from a relationship if he feels it is becoming too smothering. Yet he does prefer it when his partner takes the lead to some extent.
If you decide what movie to see, where to go for dinner or where to go on vacation, he’ll go along for the ride and enjoy his time with you. Yet if you go too far and try to control his personal life to a greater degree, he will become irritated.
On the other hand, a Gemini guy will never try to control you. He doesn’t have the time nor the interest to try to control other people. He knows he is better off if he just lets you call most of the shots.
Is your Gemini man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
He Likes Freedom, Not Control
If you’re wondering what to do when a Gemini man ignores you, the best thing you can do is to be supportive of his freedom. This may seem to run counter to your instincts. You may want to chase him down and ask for an explanation for his change in attention.
Yet this will only backfire. A Gemini man will see this as an imposition on his freedom. He will try to assert his independence. He won’t act controlling or manipulative. He’ll be more interested in finding out how to assert his own needs and freedoms, not getting even with you.
A Gemini man will not want to control you or change your behavior. In the worst case scenario, if he feels you are being unreasonable, he will simply move on and consider the relationship a lost cause.
He’s a Collaborator
A Gemini man understands the importance of partnership. He is one of the few signs who truly appreciates that partnership means both parties having an equal share of power. He has no interest in dominating others.
He would rather collaborate with you than try to overrule your authority. He doesn’t want to be in charge but is more likely to be a collaborator. He loves to compromise and doesn’t want to have all the power in the relationship.
A Gemini man is more likely to want to partner with you and brainstorm together. He would rather work with you to come up with ideas and solutions than to act in a controlling or dominating way. Gemini men are ideal partners if you want someone to help you brainstorm.
A Gemini man will want to support your ideas and help you succeed. He’s great at coming up with solutions but he won’t nag you to make you go along with his plans. Instead, he will share his ideas and let you make up your mind. He won’t hold resentments if you don’t go along with his plans.
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