You can get swept off your feet in the early stages of dating a Scorpio man. You may think you’ve found the perfect match.
But his early obsession gives way to a rollercoaster ride. You must understand how he acts when he likes you.
Like so much about a Scorpio man, the earliest stages of dating this sign involves mystery. He follows you from a distance before showing his interest.
Once he gets comfortable flirting with you, a Scorpio man can move fast. He dates casually to test you but is eager to commit to you.
A Scorpio man doesn’t waste time when he’s dating you. He can become possessive quickly when you’re dating him. He goes from flirting to planning the wedding in no time.
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The Distant Obsession Stage
When you get to know a Scorpio man, he initially hides his obsession with you. He keeps his distance and fixates on you without sharing his desire openly.
He acts like a friend but always shows up when he knows you’ll be around. He finds reasons to message you and becomes a fixture in your life. He shows up at your gym and hangs around outside your job.
He plays off your encounters as coincidences, but your Scorpio man admires you from afar. The earliest stage of dating a Scorpio man begins before he goes on a date with you.
Your friends may notice he’s become your shadow. A shy Scorpio man may not speak to you during this stage. He remains in the background watching you. You may think this is awkward, but it is normal for a Scorpio man.
Your Scorpio man studies you and learns about your lifestyle. He creates fantasies about you and may project his needs onto an image that isn’t accurate. If his illusions burst, he loses interest.
But if he gets to know you and his ideals prove true, your Scorpio man becomes more enamored with you. He proceeds to the flirtation stage and encourages your interest in him.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Scorpio man. →
The Flirtation Stage
The next stage of dating a Scorpio man involves him flirting with you. He starts opening up to you about his interest playfully. You may think he’s flirting for fun and isn’t interested in dating you.
Yet a Scorpio man is image conscious. He doesn’t flirt with you unless he has a romantic interest. During this stage, he flirts with several women. He is not exclusively interested in you yet.
But your Scorpio man wants to show you he’s thinking of you by being playful and flirty during this phase. He can be charming and wants to entice you to fall in love with him.
During the flirtation stage, your Scorpio love interest tests you. If he suddenly ghosts you, he realizes you clash in some way. He can be seductive, but flirting alone is not a commitment.
The flirting stage can last a matter of days or weeks. If a Scorpio man likes you, he moves quickly from flirting to dating. You may hear from him throughout the day and then plan an official date the next day.
If a Scorpio man flirts with you for months without progressing to other stages of dating, he is not interested in you. Chances are, he is playing with you and has no intentions of romance.
You’ll regret it if you slept with a Scorpio man too soon. Your Scorpio man is sexually curious and eager to experience casual sex.
When you sleep with a Scorpio man during the flirtation stage, he may lose interest in you as a romantic partner.
Lying to a Scorpio man during this stage can destroy your chances with him forever. He won’t give you another chance if you burn him in the early stages of dating.
The Casual Dating Stage
When a Scorpio man is casually dating you, he steps up his game. He may not be exclusive yet, but he becomes jealous if you see other men. Be clear about your boundaries and expectations during this stage.
If you’re wondering what to wear on the first date with a Scorpio man, dress to impress him. Be stylish and flirty but don’t be too revealing too soon. Play up your feminine traits and appeal to his love of beauty and mystery.
This stage is the most confusing. Scorpio men casually date but talk to you about serious plans. They test the waters by talking about your future together.
You can’t always tell your Scorpio man’s intentions. You can make the mistake of thinking he is already in love with you because he acts obsessed with you.
A Scorpio man is interested in having fun during this stage. Your Scorpio man may seem eager to sleep with you during this phase. Be sure you clarify what his intentions are especially if you are expecting monogamy.
A Scorpio man stays in the casual dating phase until he trusts you. He may move through this stage so fast he seems to skip over it. When a Scorpio man is ready to get serious, he lets you know.
The casual dating stage can last a week to a few months. If he is still dating you without a commitment after six months, it’s a red flag. A Scorpio man usually wants to be exclusive long before this time frame.
When you see signs a Scorpio man is obsessed with you, the commitment stage comes next. A Scorpio man casually dates you long enough to establish compatibility and trust.
A Scorpio man quiet after the first date is evaluating whether he wants to continue seeing you. Don’t chase him. Instead, let him come to you. He can be evasive in the days following a date.
But when he is interested in you, a Scorpio man casually dating can make strides to chase you. He may be distant for a few days but won’t stay away long.
Is your Scorpio man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
The Commitment Stage
When a Scorpio man reaches the commitment stage, he is ready to settle down with you. He becomes jealous and swears off his social media apps.
He acts obsessed with you and can be reliable. He wants to see you every day and calls you regularly. He makes his intentions clear and tells you he’s ready to be exclusive.
During this stage, a Scorpio man changes his social media profiles to reflect that he is now with you. You can tell a Scorpio man is committed to you when he tells everyone you’re with him.
He may have a decrease in libido during this stage, and you can become confused about why. A Scorpio man committed to you no longer feels he must impress you by being overtly sexual.
He still wants to be with you and remains sexually motivated, but the frequency of sexual contact stabilizes rather than be off the charts. You can tell he wants to commit when he starts acting more casual around you.
Most women are confused by his sudden change in pace. But when a Scorpio man stops chasing you as much, he is not bored with you. He’s settling into routines and becoming more natural around you.
What a Scorpio man wants in a relationship is stability, trust, and compassion. He wants commitment but is afraid of being deceived. He is reluctant to settle down until he is certain about you.
The Possessive Stage
A Scorpio man who is serious about you moves from the committed stage to the possessive stage in a matter of weeks. The possessive stage turns some women off.
During this stage, a Scorpio man can become jealous for no reason. His insecurities show, and he may project his wounds from past relationships onto you. You may feel like he’s become another person.
Dating a Scorpio man long distance is hardest during this stage. He becomes too insecure to trust you when he can’t see you. You can’t reassure him enough, and he may make unfair accusations.
He now trusts you enough to show his dark side. You see his vulnerability, and he may try to sabotage the relationship. He acts labile and moody, which can cause you to wonder if your relationship is doomed.
Yet this is a normal sign for a Scorpio man. When he’s dating you, a Scorpio man can be generous and attentive, but demanding and needy.
When he works through his insecurities with you, a Scorpio man settles down and continues an exclusive, committed relationship.
His jealousy flares occasionally, but after this stage, he either sabotages the relationship by breaking up or solidifies his connection to you.
A Scorpio man’s weakness in love stems from his fears of abandonment. You can count on a Scorpio man to become grounded again when he sees you are consistent despite his erratic behavior during this stage.
When women advise you to never date a Scorpio man, chances are they never made it through this tumultuous stage.
A Scorpio man tests you during this phase, as it is his last chance to sabotage the relationship before he commits permanently.
Dating a Scorpio man, in the beginning, can be confusing. Go at his pace. Never undermine his trust in you. When you build his trust, he is a loyal and devoted partner.
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