Complimenting a Sagittarius man is easier than complimenting some other signs. He likes to be complimented!
As long as you mean what you say, you’re good to go in his book. He appreciates a genuine compliment that comes from the heart.
Feel free to compliment a Sagittarius man as often as you like. If you see him and something about him immediately catches your eye, let him know! He’ll appreciate hearing it.
When he’s sad, compliments often cheer him up. When you remind him of all the things you like about him, that’s sometimes just what he needs to hear.
Let him know how much you admire him. If he makes you happy, tell him that too! Make sure to compliment his personality, in addition to his looks. Tell him everything you like about him.
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Compliment Him Often
If you’re not sure what to text a Sagittarius man, send him a little compliment. Say that you like his haircut in a recent picture he posted or that you had a great time talking to him when you last saw one another.
Sagittarius men like to receive compliments. You don’t have to go overboard! He doesn’t need to be showered in praise constantly. He just appreciates knowing people think highly of him.
Don’t worry too much about how to phrase your compliment. Don’t focus too much on the compliment itself. Just say how you feel. He’ll appreciate any compliment that comes from the heart. Just be genuine.
Don’t feel like you have to constantly compliment him, though. Will he be happy to hear that you like his new outfit? Absolutely. Will he be devastated if you don’t say anything about it? He won’t.
If you do think he’s fishing for compliments, throw a few his way. It’s not bad to want some attention and to hear nice things about yourself.
You can compliment him to cheer him up or just because you legitimately think he did something nice. Don’t overthink it.
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Cheer Him Up
If you want to know how to make a Sagittarius man chase you, be the one who can always cheer him up when he’s down.
Compliments are a good way to cheer a Sagittarius man up when he’s down. You won’t always be able to fix his problem. He might not even tell you what the problem is!
You can be there to boost his ego a little bit, though. If he’s feeling bad about himself, he’ll appreciate your efforts at cheering him up.
If you’re not sure what to say to a Sagittarius man when he’s sad, try reminding him of some of the positive things in his life. If he just lost his job or he’s doing poorly in school, remind him of things he does excel at.
If he had a falling out with somebody, let him know that you still think he’s a good friend. Tell him you enjoy his company. Let him know all the things you like about him.
Express Admiration
If a Sagittarius man does something you think is impressive, let him know!
He likely has many different hobbies and talents. If he’s an artist, let him know how impressed you are by his work.
If you two have intellectual discussions frequently, tell him that you admire his intelligence. Let him know that you notice when he goes above and beyond to research a topic.
He likes it when other people are impressed by him. It makes him feel good. He likes knowing that people notice things about him.
You don’t have to kiss up to him or exaggerate your admiration for him. There likely is something about him that’s legitimately impressive!
If he does something for you, make sure you comment on it. Let him know how much you appreciate him and everything he does for you.
Center of Attention
Vanity isn’t necessarily one of a Sagittarius man’s traits but he does like to be the center of attention now and then!
If you really want to pay him a compliment, just make it obvious that your attention is focused on him.
Listen to him when he talks. Actively engage in the stories he tells by asking questions. Laugh at his jokes.
When you pay him a compliment, make it specific too. Make it obvious that you’ve been paying attention to him.
He’ll know you’ve been paying attention to him when you point out things you’ve noticed about him.
His Personality
What a Sagittarius man likes to hear from the people around him is that they like his personality, not just his looks.
He likes being complimented on his looks too, of course, but that shouldn’t be the only thing you compliment him on!
Compliment his intelligence, his generosity, or his sense of humor. If there’s something about his personality that stands out to you, let him know.
Compliment all of a Sagittarius man’s characteristics, not just the physical ones. You can tell him how handsome he is but make sure you tell him what else you like about him.
Compliment him on his talents and hobbies as well. Tell him what you like about his latest project. Let him know you’re noticing improvement in one of his skills.
When you are complimenting his appearance, pay more compliments to the parts of his appearance he has control over.
Compliment his style, the way he does his hair, or the outfit he chose to wear that day. Compliment the effort he puts into his appearance. This will be more meaningful than complimenting something he has no control over.
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How He Makes You Feel
What a Sagittarius man wants to hear from his loved ones is that he makes them feel good. If his partner tells him that he’s made them happy, that is one of the highest compliments he could ever receive.
If he does something nice for you, let him know how much you appreciate it!
Your compliments can be about showing gratitude and letting him know how much he means to you. If he does something that makes your life a little better, make sure to tell him that.
He doesn’t do things for you just to receive compliments, of course. He’s generous and kind because he wants to be. Everyone likes hearing that other people notice their efforts, though.
If you two argued, a good way to cheer him up afterward is to remind him of the positive things he brings to your life. Maybe he did upset you during this argument.
Let him know that he’s great at making you happy most of the time, though!
Be Funny
You can be a little funny and silly when you’re complimenting a Sagittarius man. Not everything has to be serious!
He understands the need to cover up overly genuine sentiments with a little bit of humor.
If you don’t want to come off as too forward when complimenting his appearance, you can throw a little joke in with the compliment.
If he’s done something for you and you don’t want to get too emotional while telling him how much you appreciate it, feel free to joke around a bit.
He won’t think you’re being disingenuous. He’ll appreciate the sentiment behind what you’re saying and he’ll love the jokes.
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Be Light
The key to learning how to communicate with a Sagittarius man is learning how to communicate lightly. Not everything is serious and it shouldn’t be treated that way!
You can be light and casual when you compliment him. It doesn’t have to be a big deal.
The key to complimenting a Sagittarius man is to not overthink it. If you’re not trying to flirt with him, he’s not going to think you are just because you compliment his appearance.
Some people have a hard time complimenting other people. This happens for many reasons. Maybe you just don’t know exactly how to phrase what you’re trying to say.
If he compliments you and you’re struggling to find something to compliment back, don’t worry about it! Just say thank you. You don’t need to repay every single nice thing he says to you with something else.
You can compliment him later when something comes up naturally. Don’t force things.
How He’ll Respond
When a Sagittarius has a crush on you, he’ll likely compliment you often. He’ll be more than happy to receive some compliments from you as well.
Sagittarius men will often respond to compliments with an outpouring of gratitude. They appreciate you taking the time to say something nice!
He is the type of person who will respond to a compliment with another compliment. He does this because he wants to make sure that you feel as happy as he does!
That doesn’t mean that he’ll be upset if you don’t respond to his compliments with another compliment. He understands that not everyone shows gratitude the same way.
He will say thank you, he’ll compliment you back, and he’ll likely be noticeably upbeat following a compliment. He loves receiving them. They make his day every time!
Honesty is a big part of a Sagittarius man’s personality. If he doesn’t react well to a compliment, it might be because he doesn’t think you’re being honest.
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