Getting a Capricorn man’s attention can be tricky. You want to catch his eye, but you don’t want to go overboard with it.
The best ways to get a Capricorn man’s attention are subtle. If he thinks you’re attention-seeking, that will likely turn him off.
If you want to get a Capricorn man’s attention, you need to make it seem like you don’t need his attention. He wants someone who is independent and who has ambitions unrelated to him!
Dressing elegantly and behaving in a sophisticated manner can get a Capricorn man’s attention. Look your best whenever you know he’ll be around, and that might catch his eye.
When you’re talking to a Capricorn man, be witty and intelligent. You should also talk about your goals in life and show support for his goals if you want to keep his attention.
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1. Dress Elegantly
If you want to know how to dress for a Capricorn man, you need to be elegant. Classic, sophisticated outfits are the best way to get his attention.
You don’t need to buy expensive luxury clothing to dress elegantly. You can dress elegantly on a budget by carefully choosing clothing that is simple and fits well.
A simple blouse and a pair of trousers can be elegant. A dress with a well-fitted silhouette can also be elegant.
Elegant fashion is often timeless as well. To impress a Capricorn man, you don’t need to stick to any particular trend.
What colors attract a Capricorn man? Capricorn men often like neutral colors such as black, gray, and brown. Green is also a great color to wear if you want to catch a Capricorn man’s eye!
A little black dress that shows off your curves without revealing too much is always a good choice when trying to attract a Capricorn man.
Is your Capricorn man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Capricorn back in. →
2. Show Off Your Intelligence
What are Capricorn men attracted to? Many Capricorn men love intelligent women. When you’re around your Capricorn man, show off your intelligence. Never be afraid to show him how smart you are.
Some men are intimidated by intelligent women. Capricorn men are not! If you know more about a particular topic than he does, he will respect you for it. He won’t mind at all.
You might not be knowledgeable about all the same things your Capricorn man is. That’s okay! Show him what makes you intelligent. There are likely plenty of things you know that he doesn’t!
Capricorn men aren’t always big talkers, but they will gladly engage in interesting conversations. If you’re passionate about a particular topic and want to talk about it, go ahead! He just might be willing to discuss it with you.
You don’t need to pretend around your Capricorn man to impress him. If you aren’t knowledgeable about something, don’t pretend to be. Just find something else that you are knowledgeable about!
3. Be Funny & Witty
How do you get a Capricorn man’s attention? If you can make him laugh, he’ll notice you!
Capricorn men sometimes have an odd sense of humor. Many are dry and witty, but some also like more absurd humor. It might surprise you what makes your Capricorn man laugh!
Capricorn men often seem severe and reserved, but they love to laugh as much as anyone else does. You just have to tell the right kind of jokes.
Try out a few humor styles when talking to your Capricorn man. Make witty remarks. Be sarcastic. Tell intellectual jokes about your field if you and your Capricorn man work together.
Once you find something that makes him laugh, make a note of it! He’ll appreciate it if you try to make jokes that match his particular brand of humor.
If you want to know how to attract a Capricorn man through text, be witty. Many Capricorn men have a dry wit and a sarcastic sense of humor. He’ll think it’s hilarious if you send a few dry remarks while you’re texting him.
This magic will make your Capricorn man want a relationship with you. →
4. Be Ambitious
What attracts a Capricorn man more than almost anything else? Ambition is one of the traits he is most attracted to in another person.
Getting a Capricorn man’s attention isn’t just about looking good. You might catch his eye temporarily by dressing well, but you need to do more than that to keep his attention!
Capricorn men are highly ambitious, and they appreciate this trait in others. Most of the time, a Capricorn man is looking for a partner who is just as ambitious as he is.
A Capricorn man doesn’t need you to be ambitious about the same things as him or in the same way. He understands that there are different ways of displaying ambition.
Show your Capricorn man what you’re passionate about. If you are an artist, show him what you’re doing to make yourself the best possible artist you can be.
You might not think of yourself as being extremely ambitious. Find something that you are ambitious about if that’s the case.
You likely want to achieve something, even if whatever that is isn’t career-related like it might be for a Capricorn man.
5. Talk About Your Goals
Having goals is crucial if you want to attract a Capricorn man. Capricorn men are sometimes attracted to people who are more spontaneous than they are, but they don’t want a partner who is entirely aimless in life.
Whatever your goals in life are, talk about them in front of your Capricorn man! He wants to see that you have goals. He doesn’t always particularly care about what they are.
Capricorn men are often career-minded, so their goals may be based on their jobs. Yours don’t have to be.
If your main goal is to be stable enough to settle down and have a family, that’s fine! If you are also career-minded, your Capricorn man will love hearing about your career goals, but your goals don’t have to be career-related.
Your Capricorn man will also love it if you have a specific plan for how you’ll meet your goals. If you don’t, you might be able to get his attention by asking for advice.
A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
6. Support His Goals
To keep a Capricorn man’s attention, you need to support his goals.
You should be mindful of your Capricorn man’s likes and dislikes, but he can forgive you for forgetting a few minor details. He won’t be so forgiving if you don’t pay attention when he discusses his goals for his career or life in general.
Be sure that you listen when a Capricorn man tells you his goals. Don’t just pretend to! He’ll notice if you seem bored while he’s talking to you.
You can also support your Capricorn man’s goals by offering advice or giving moral support. He will appreciate it when you let him know you support him and believe in him.
7. Be Independent
A Capricorn man’s personality is highly independent. He’s not looking for clingy friends or partners. If you want his attention, you need to be independent too.
Don’t be afraid to go to an event by yourself if you know your Capricorn man will be there. If he sees you’re attached at the hip with someone else, he might be hesitant to approach you.
Show off your independence by doing things for yourself. Your Capricorn man will notice if you always take charge of things at work or if you’re one of the leaders in your friend group.
Once you’ve got your Capricorn man’s attention, keep being independent. Don’t cling to him or constantly ask for his help. He won’t find that attractive at all.
Use these secrets to make your Capricorn man love you (they work like magic) →
8. Be Respectful
You might get a Capricorn man’s attention by being crude or disrespectful, but it won’t be the kind of attention you want!
Treat the people around you respectfully if you want to get your Capricorn man’s attention positively. Respecting him is essential, but he’ll also notice if you’re disrespectful to others.
Be mindful of the situation when trying to get your Capricorn man’s attention. If you work together, you’ll need to be careful to be professional, even if you’re trying to attract him.
If you try to talk to your Capricorn man or flirt with him, and he doesn’t seem interested, back off. Respect his boundaries, or you’ll push him away.
9. Be Sophisticated
You can catch a Capricorn man’s eye by being sophisticated. If you are knowledgeable about culture, fashion, art, etc., show him that!
Having refined taste will also get a Capricorn man’s attention. He is attracted to women with good taste in food, wine, and clothing. Something as simple as ordering his favorite wine might make him look your way.
You can be sophisticated without being pretentious. You don’t need to talk down about anyone else to make yourself look good.
Just speak genuinely about any sophisticated hobbies or interests you have. If you love to go wine tasting, talk about that! If you’re really into luxury fashion, show off some of your pieces.
Your Capricorn man will be impressed if you can carry on in-depth conversations about topics such as art or music. Sometimes, he seems like a stick in the mud, but he is very interested in culture and creative topics!
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