An Aries man hiding his feelings is common. He might be passionate and forward in some respects, but his feelings are different!
It can be difficult for an Aries man to be vulnerable. He might not want to risk rejection if he’s unsure of your feelings, so he’ll hide his.
Aries men can be bold and reckless but might be a bit more thoughtful when it comes to love. Your Aries man might not tell you immediately that he’s in love with you.
Rejection can be incredibly difficult for anyone to deal with, and Aries men are no exception. Your Aries man might hint at his feelings but not reveal them until he’s sure you won’t reject them.
If you’re paying attention, his feelings will be obvious. Aries men aren’t as good at hiding their feelings as other men are!
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Why He Hides
Aries men hide their feelings for many reasons. Some hide sadness, disappointment, or fear because of their pride. They don’t want to be seen as weak!
Aries men sometimes hide feelings of love or attraction for others as well. They might seem confident, but many are insecure deep down.
An Aries man will hide his feelings for someone if he fears rejection. He might wait until it’s obvious they return his feelings, and only then will he reveal how much he cares about them.
An Aries man might hide his feelings because he’s not ready for a relationship. Sometimes, he falls in love before he’s ready to. He will hide until he feels like he’s ready.
Aries men also hide their feelings when they are confused about those feelings.
If an Aries man falls in love with a friend, he might wait to see if he loves them in a romantic sense before trying to change the friendship’s nature.
Use these secrets to make your Aries man love you (they work like magic) →
He’s Extra Observant
One of the signs an Aries man likes you is that he’ll be extra observant. He’ll notice everything you do, even if he pretends he doesn’t!
Aries men tend to be far more observant of the people they care about. Yours might not always notice when someone gets a haircut, but he’ll notice when you do.
An Aries man hiding his feelings for you won’t necessarily reveal how much he’s observing you, but it will be obvious.
If he suddenly starts reading a book that was in your bag the last time you hung out, he’s probably just reading it because he saw you were. He’ll notice little things like that all the time.
When an Aries man is attracted to you, he can’t help but notice you. You’ll probably find him staring a lot. He might look away if he’s trying to hide his feelings, but it will still be noticeable.
He Hangs On Your Every Word
One of the major signs an Aries man secretly likes you is that he will hang on to your every word when you talk. He’ll be incredibly attentive no matter what you’re talking about!
If your Aries man suddenly appears whenever you come to a party, he might like you. It will be evident if he’s joining a conversation just because he wants to see you.
Your Aries man will remember the things you say to him too! If you mentioned liking a particular television show, he might ask you about it the next time he sees you.
An Aries man hiding his feelings for you may not always talk to you, but he’s listening. You might find him gazing intently at you while you chat in a group, even if he’s not participating in the conversation.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Aries man... →
He Always Agrees With You
An Aries man in love won’t necessarily agree with everything his partner says, but a sign he’s hiding his feelings for you is that he will always agree with you.
This can seem incredibly odd if you know your Aries man well. Aries men are headstrong, and they stand by their convictions. They don’t generally agree with someone unless their views align with their own.
If an Aries man is hiding his feelings for you, he might seem extra pleasant when you’re around. He might feel guilty for hiding his feelings or even having them in the first place, and he’ll express that guilt in odd ways.
An Aries man’s personality can be aggressive, but he may try to tone it down if he likes you.
If he’s hiding his feelings, it might be because he’s unsure if you like him. He may try to put his best foot forward and win you over before revealing anything.
He’s Affectionate
If you’ve ever been in a relationship with an Aries man, you’ll know how physically affectionate they can be! If your Aries man is hiding his feelings, he might still be incredibly loving with you.
An Aries man hiding his feelings won’t always be able to keep his hands to himself. You might notice that he stands closer to you than usual or hugs you when he sees you, even though he doesn’t do that with anyone else.
Your Aries man might not even notice he’s more affectionate with you. He may think he’s hiding his feelings well, but a gentle touch on the shoulder or a pat on the knee will give him away.
He might be more affectionate in other ways as well. Your Aries man might be more gentle and kind toward you than he is with others. That’s a sign he’s hiding how much he cares about you.
Is your Aries man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
He Seems Shy
If an Aries man seems uncharacteristically shy, he might be hiding his feelings!
Usually, an Aries man’s eye contact is bold and confident. If he’s avoiding your eyes, it might be because he’s hiding something from you.
Your Aries might not necessarily be hiding feelings of love, but he’s hiding something. If you know an Aries man well, he might suddenly seem shy around you if he’s keeping something from you.
Usually, Aries men are bold and confident. When they find someone attractive, they’ll dive right in and flirt with them. If your Aries man has strong feelings and is hiding them, he’ll suddenly seem shy when you’re around.
He Seems Confused
An Aries man’s weakness in love is sometimes not knowing what he wants. He might seem confused when you’re around if he’s hiding his feelings because he’s not sure what to do with those feelings.
Your Aries man may not know how to act around you. He might overdo things in his quest to hide his feelings and accidentally be rude, then seem flustered and back-track on whatever comment he made.
He might also seem confused when you show interest in him. If he was hiding his feelings because he thought you weren’t interested, that will throw him for a loop!
If an Aries man is confusing you, it might be because he’s hiding his feelings. If he seems very open and affectionate at times but distant and standoffish at others, it might be because he’s hiding feelings and doesn’t know what to do about it.
This magic will make your Aries man want a relationship with you. →
He Doesn’t Flirt With Others
One of the signs an Aries man is not interested is that he won’t care about flirting with other women in front of you. If he’s hiding his feelings for you, you might notice that he never flirts with anyone when you’re around.
He might not flirt with you if he’s hiding his feelings, but he will also avoid flirting with others.
He might legitimately not be interested in flirting with others, or he may not want to flirt in front of you in case you like him too.
If your Aries man only flirts with you, then he is hiding his feelings. He wouldn’t avoid flirting with everyone else if he was just having fun.
An Aries man who is usually friendly and flirty with everyone might suddenly stop flirting if he’s feeling down as well. Check-in with your Aries man if he’s not his usual self because he might be hiding feelings of sadness.
He Acts Jealous
If you are not dating an Aries man, and he acts jealous whenever you’re with another man, then he is hiding his feelings for you!
Aries men are naturally jealous but generally don’t care about their friends having other friends. It’s common for Aries men to have female friends, and they won’t be jealous when those friends have other male friends or boyfriends.
When an Aries man likes you and is hiding those feelings, he will become jealous if you express interest in another man or start dating someone else.
If your Aries man seems upset whenever you mention another man, he might be jealous. If he changes the subject when you start talking about your love life, it’s because hearing about it makes him envious!
An Aries man won’t act jealous when someone he has strictly platonic feelings for is in a relationship.
If your Aries man insults every man you date, refuses to meet them, or makes comments about them not being good enough for you, he’s jealous and hiding his feelings.
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