If you’re dating an Aries guy, you might wonder, is an Aries man a control freak?
Is Aries a bossy and domineering zodiac sign, or is it laid-back and submissive?
You can determine whether or not Aries men are control freaks by looking at the typical traits and behaviors of their star sign.
You can figure out quickly whether or not they are controlling, but you must look a little deeper to understand the reasons why they are the way they are.
Once you have a better understanding of the astrological forces behind his zodiac sign, you will know if your Aries guy is a control freak and why.
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They Need Autonomy
Each astrological sign rules a house of the zodiac that tells us some of the strengths and personality traits of that sign.
Aries rules the first house, which is the house of the self and identity. As the ruler of the first house, an Aries man is very independent and self-reliant.
He isn’t the type of person who asks for help easily because he likes taking care of himself. He can also be a bit self-centered and self-obsessed.
An Aries man can be a control freak because he needs autonomy. He doesn’t like depending on others for anything.
For example, if he lives in an apartment shared with other people, he would rather be in control of the utility bills so that he doesn’t have to count on his roommates making payments to keep the lights on.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man obsessed with you, you’ve got to give him some autonomy. You might think that you’re being helpful by making him rely on you, but it actually makes him anxious.
For example, if you move into a rental space with him, don’t insist on putting the lease in your name.
You might think it shows him how responsible and reliable you are, but it actually makes him feel trapped and powerless.
If you’re wondering how to make an Aries man fall in love with you, encourage his independence and autonomy, and don’t be offended when he likes to take control of his own life.
Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in. →
They Lack Self-Control
An Aries man does everything quickly. He values speed and efficiency over doing things perfectly, so he moves and talks at a rapid pace.
The typical Aries man is brash and impulsive due to his need for speed. He lacks moderation, so in terms of being a control freak, he doesn’t have a great deal of self-control.
His impulsivity and lack of self-control can get him into trouble. He doesn’t want his partner to chastise him for being so speedy and spontaneous.
Rather than being reprimanded, what an Aries man wants to hear is that his partner appreciates how he takes care of things so quickly.
He needs someone who enjoys his fast-paced lifestyle. His ideal partner should like the fun and excitement that stems from his spontaneity.
He is ambitious and can be self-disciplined when necessary, but it’s impossible to call an Aries man a total control freak due to his lack of self-control.
They Don’t Need to Control Others
While an Aries man needs control over his own life, he doesn’t care very much about what other people do. He is only controlling when it comes to things that affect him.
An Aries man likes to have things a certain way, but he doesn’t care if others play by his rules for himself.
For example, if he’s a vegetarian, he will be very strict about what he eats, but he won’t care what his housemates or partner consume or keep stocked in the fridge.
You might think that his naturally dominant and controlling nature means that an Aries guy wants a submissive partner, but this isn’t necessarily the case.
If you’re wondering, “What does an Aries man look for in a woman?” The answer is that he likes a strong, independent lady.
He is drawn to someone who has as vibrant of a personality as he does, so he’s unlikely to be attracted to a meek, submissive woman.
If you want to know how to attract an Aries man, don’t think that you have to let him dominate and control you. Stand up to him in arguments, be self-reliant, and don’t let him push you around.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Aries man... →
They Like Being in Charge
Some people are uncomfortable when burdened with responsibility, but despite his immaturity and impulsivity, an Aries man is surprisingly responsible.
He likes being in charge and takes his duties seriously. If he is put in a leadership position at work, he will do the job to the best of his abilities.
He also likes being in charge in smaller ways. For example, if he goes on a road trip with friends, he likes to be the one driving or at least picking out the music to play for everyone.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man addicted to you, look for ways to put him in charge. Don’t let him control you, but give him opportunities to be in control.
Without being bossy or demanding, give him tasks that make him feel in charge. If you’re having a party for all your friends, set him in front of the grill to cook for everyone.
An Aries man in bed is especially dominating. When it comes to sex, he likes being the aggressor.
Aries is a very masculine sign, so the typical Aries guy likes to take the conventional male role in relationships. He enjoys the thrill of the chase and wants to win a woman over.
He will go crazy for you if you let him pursue you romantically, so make sure you play just a little hard to get. Then, let him take charge in the bedroom.
They Are Natural Leaders
The twelve zodiac signs are divided into three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. The modalities tell us how the signs work through problems and interact with the world.
Aries is a cardinal sign, and cardinal signs are initiating, dynamic, and action-oriented. They tackle problems directly instead of trying to avoid them or negotiate around them.
Cardinal signs are also natural leaders. His modality combined with his status as the ruler of the first house, the house of the self and identity, makes an Aries man highly comfortable in a leadership role.
Thanks to his star sign’s modality, an Aries man is quite comfortable in an authority position. He likes being in charge and he is good at directing and managing others.
He can be a bit bossy and controlling, but he also knows how to motivate others through positive reinforcement. He is a fair and diplomatic leader, and he believes in pushing his team through rewards and praise rather than punishment.
His somewhat controlling nature only serves to make an Aries man an excellent leader and manager.
This magic will make your Aries man want a relationship with you. →
They Hate Being Told What to Do
Each sign of the zodiac is guided by a specific heavenly body that reveals something significant about that sign.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war and aggression. Due to the influence of Mars, an Aries man is combative and argumentative.
While he enjoys being in an authority position, he tends to question and challenge authority when he’s in a subordinate role.
He’s not one to do something just because he’s been told to do it or because it’s what everyone else is doing.
He’s a free spirit and an independent thinker, so he hates being bossed around, especially if there isn’t a good reason for what he’s being told to do.
If you’re curious about how to make an Aries man want to marry you, don’t ever try to control him. Don’t tell him what to do or demand anything from him.
He needs to know that you like him exactly the way that he is, and that you will allow him his freedom and individuality.
If your Aries man is acting distant, it could be because you’ve been too controlling and restricting. Give him some space and autonomy, and he will be happy with you again.
They Take Control If You Let Them
When an Aries man loves you, he might be a bit controlling because he thinks he knows what’s best for you and he only wants to help.
If you let him boss you around too much, he will start to expect you to submit to his will. He will walk all over you if you let him.
He prefers a strong, assertive woman, so he’s not looking for a partner he can control. He would rather you stick up for yourself and take charge of your own life than need him to tell you what to do.
If you want a successful and happy relationship with an Aries man, you’ve got to be independent and self-reliant.
Let him be in charge of himself and some aspects of your life together, but take responsibility for yourself and share some responsibilities with him, too.
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