Knowing what a Leo man wants to hear guarantees your relationship success. He’s egotistical and loves hearing about himself.
You can appeal to his vanity and make a Leo man obsessed with you. Talk up his strengths to impress a Leo man.
A Leo man wants to hear you recognize his strengths and charm. He loves hearing he is the best. Make him feel like a hero.
He loves hearing that he is the strongest and most talented. You can make a Leo man happy by openly showing appreciation.
You can ensure a Leo man keeps returning when you make him feel unique. He wants to hear you compliment his individuality and recognize what makes him unique.
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He’s The Best
Leo men love hearing about their accomplishments. They want to know they are the best. They can be receptive to empowering messages that boost their self-esteem.
Leo men are competitive. They need to feel like they are ahead of everyone else. When you tell a Leo man he’s the best you trigger his desires. He wants recognition and adoration.
When you tell a Leo man he’s the best, you encourage him to chase you. He wants to be with you and hear your recognition of his talents. Your admiration turns him on.
Although Leo men are proud, never assume he knows how you feel about him. Leo men must hear you tell him you think he’s the best. Amplify his best traits and tell him frequently what you love about him.
What does a Leo man look for? He is attracted to women who put him on a pedestal and tell him he’s the best. He wants recognition and acknowledgment.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Leo man... →
He’s Exceptional
Leo men want to hear what makes them exceptional. What makes a Leo man happiest is feeling like he is unique. Tell him how he stands out from the crowd.
Tell him he’s the fastest typer you’ve ever met or you’ve never seen anyone as strong, flexible, or intelligent. Acknowledge his unique accomplishments.
Tell your Leo man you admire his unconventional gifts. Leo men may follow trends but want recognition for being unusual and individualistic. Let him know you see what makes him unique.
You win his heart when you tell a Leo man he is the exception to the rule. He loves hearing that you see him surpassing the average person regarding positive attributes.
What keeps a Leo man interested in you? He wants to be around you and loves hearing you tell him how unique he is. Point out all the things that make him stand out.
If you want to know how to text a Leo man to get him back, tell him how exceptional he is. Let him know he surpasses others in specific ways.
When you see signs a Leo man likes you through texting, you can respond by emphasizing your admiration for his unique traits. You can make him feel comfortable with you by showing him you notice his innovative side.
He’s Your Favorite
You can let your Leo man know he’s your favorite person and his heart melts. He loves hearing how special he is. Your Leo man can be prone to flattery, but if sincere you can win his love.
Tell him he is your best friend and how much you look forward to seeing him. In addition to telling him he’s your favorite, use your tone to convey how excited you are to see him.
Leo men try to prove themselves and appreciate hearing you think they are your favorite. You can impress a Leo man by telling him how much you love being with him and that you’ve missed him.
How does a Leo man test a woman? They watch to see how you respond to them. He loses heart if you talk about your other friends and neglects to tell a Leo man he is the most important.
When you know how to text a Leo man, you can make him fall in love by telling him what he wants to hear. Shower him with compliments and let him know how significant he is in your life.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you. →
He’s Handsome
A Leo man can be vain. He loves hearing how handsome he is. You can make a Leo man fall in love with you if you admire his looks. Leos love hearing people admire their appearances.
Show him you care about him by paying attention to what he wears. Tell a Leo man you like his new haircut and pay attention to his careful choices of outfits and accessories.
You can make a Leo man happy by complimenting specific physical attributes. Tell him you love his smile or how beautiful his eyes are. Admire his tattoo, muscles, or other unique traits.
If you want to know how to attract a Leo man sexually, flirt with him when you tell him how much you love his appearance. Be seductive and appeal to his vanity and desire for admiration.
He’s The Strongest
Leo men love hearing they are the strongest people. They love being admired for their fortitude and integrity. They also love hearing they are physically strong.
Compliment him when he carries your heavy bags for you. You can make a Leo man happy by acknowledging his strengths. Tell him you’ve never met anyone who can lift as much weight.
Leo men love hearing they are the strongest. Tell him you never met anyone who could bench press as much as he does. Tell him he’s the fastest runner you’ve ever seen.
Leo men love hearing about their character strengths. Tell them how honest, sincere, and authentic they are. Your Leo man wants to hear that you recognize his moral integrity.
Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
He’s Your Hero
Tell a Leo man he’s your hero, and you can melt his heart. Leo men love hearing that they are your knight in shining armor. When he does a favor for you, thank him profusely and tell him what a difference his help makes for you.
Let your Leo man know how important he is and is deeply touched. He longs to know that you see him as helpful and uniquely suited to solve your problems.
Thanks and gratitude go a long way for Leo men. He is happy if you tell him his intervention to help you was a lifesaver. You can make a Leo man feel fulfilled if you make him feel like a hero.
What a Leo man dislikes in a woman is someone who doesn’t want his help. He must feel important and wants to know you need him. He loves hearing you appreciate his help.
When a Leo man wants to marry you, it is because you treat him like a king. Tell him you admire him as a hero and you can make a Leo man fall in love with you.
He’s Elite
A Leo man has an elitist nature. He longs for status and recognition. He loves to hear that he is a member of an elite group. Tell him he is your top priority.
He loves it when you tell him he is part of an exclusive group. Tell your Leo man you are sharing information that no one else knows. Let him know you are giving him access to some aspect of your life.
You can make a Leo man fall in love with you if you tell him he is part of a unique group. Tell him you see him being powerful and having status. Leo men love hearing you talk about their unique strengths.
If you are wondering how to seduce a Leo man over text, tell him that he’s the only one you text in the morning or during the work day. Text him secrets that no one else knows.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Leo man. →
He’s Won
Leo men love feeling like winners. What he wants to hear more than anything else is that he has the potential to make his dreams come true. Tell him you believe in his vision and you see his potential to win.
Remind him of his successes and talk about what a winner he is. When you tell a Leo man he’s won, you are saying the magic words. You can make a Leo man fall in love with you by appealing for conquest.
Talk to him in terms of winning and accomplishments. Make him feel like he is a champion, and your Leo love interest will want to be around you. He loves talking to you when you tell him he’s a winner.
What does a Leo man look for in a potential lover? He wants to be with someone who sees him as a gold medalist. Remind him of his achievement, and he falls in love.
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