Texting a Scorpio man can be difficult because honestly, not all Scorpio men have the same texting habits.
The key to correctly texting a Scorpio man is to be observant. You need to see how he texts first and follow his lead.
Scorpio men tend to be all-or-nothing kinds of people. This means that he’ll text you all day everyday or he’ll barely text you at all. You should try to match his intensity, regardless of which end of the spectrum he’s on.
It’s easy to come up with topics to text a Scorpio man about. He’ll be all ears if you want to start spilling some secrets. He’ll also appreciate it if you ask questions about him, as long as they aren’t too personal.
As for tone, be friendly and flirty. He’ll respond best to that.
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Be Responsive
When learning how to text a Scorpio man, keep in mind that he expects responses when he messages you. If you’re unsure if a text from him requires a response, respond to it just to be safe.
A Scorpio man won’t message you just to be polite. He messages you because he wants to talk to you!
If you can’t talk right when he first texts you, let him know that. He doesn’t like it when other people leave him hanging.
If you get busy and don’t reply to a text for a few days, he might think you’re ignoring him. Let him know why it took so long for you to reply.
If you two are having a discussion and you suddenly need to go, don’t just disappear. Let him know that you have to go to work/go to bed/etc.
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Let Him Text First
It’s usually best to let a Scorpio man initiate the first few conversations between you two.
If you’ve just exchanged numbers for the first time, wait for him to text you first. If he was interested in you enough to get your number, he will text you! You don’t need to worry about him ghosting you.
You can eventually start texting him first but when you’re first getting to know one another, let him start the conversations.
Why should you do this? It’s so you can start to figure out his texting habits. Some Scorpio men will text you every single day. Some will text you once a week.
A Scorpio man might text you at all hours or he might only text during the day. By letting him message first initially, you’ll be able to figure out when it’s okay for you to text him.
Scorpio men have an excellent sense of humor. Not everyone realizes this because it tends to be dry and sarcastic.
He’ll enjoy some witty banter via text. Scorpio men are intelligent and they are funny. Show him that you not only appreciate those traits in him but that you possess them too!
He won’t shy away from more adult humor and he also doesn’t consider himself above more “childish” jokes.
Try using a wide variety of types of humor. You can tell different kinds of jokes to see what he responds to best.
Pay attention to the jokes he tells as well. Sometimes they are subtle and you won’t be able to tell at first. As you get to know him, it’ll be easier to figure out when he’s joking via text.
Scorpio men are often interested in the occult, in “taboo” subjects, and they may enjoy dark humor. Making jokes related to those topics and humor styles is often a safe bet.
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Even if you’re not interested in a Scorpio man romantically or sexually, you can throw some innuendo into your conversations.
Scorpio might flirt or throw innuendo into conversations with his friends so it’s safe to do this even if you aren’t trying to come onto him.
He thinks innuendo makes conversations more interesting. Sometimes, it just makes things funny.
Some light-hearted double entendres are great for breaking the ice if you’re feeling nervous while texting a Scorpio man. He won’t think you’re crass or immature. He’ll think you’re hilarious.
The great thing about Scorpio is that he will let you know if you’ve crossed a line. If he doesn’t find something funny, he’ll tell you. If you make an innuendo that finds offensive or just doesn’t like for some reason, he’ll say something.
Don’t Ignore Him
When you don’t text a Scorpio man back, he might assume that you’re ignoring him. If he texts you and you’re able to reply to him, try to reply as quickly as possible.
Sometimes, we get busy. It happens. You aren’t always going to be able to respond to a text right away. Try not to make a habit of it, though. If you ignore too many texts, Scorpio will stop bothering to text you in the first place.
Don’t ignore him on purpose either. If a Scorpio man is ignoring your texts, that means there’s a problem. If you ignore him, he’s going to assume he did something wrong.
He usually tries to reply to things as quickly as possible. If you text him multiple times over the course of a few days and he’s not responding, he might be upset with you.
Scorpio is rather hypocritical in that way. If you can’t text him because you’re busy, tell him that. If you are actually upset with him, just tell him that too. He hates being ignored.
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Match His Intensity
Texting with a Scorpio can be difficult at times because some Scorpio men are more intense than others. The same Scorpio man will have differing levels of intensity with different people too.
A Scorpio man’s texting style is going to vary. More extroverted, chatty Scorpio men are going to text you a lot. Scorpio men who are shy or introverted might not text as much.
If he texts you multiple times a day or initiates long, intense discussions over text, then it’s okay for you to text him all the time. If he only texts you a few times a week, then lay off on those daily texts.
If you send constant text messages to a Scorpio who rarely sends you messages, he’ll feel overwhelmed. If you rarely respond to a Scorpio who is constantly messaging you, he’ll feel ignored.
Let Him Lead
Texting a Scorpio is much easier when you let him lead the conversation.
If you’re having trouble coming up with things to text Scorpio man, just follow his lead. If he starts talking about a certain topic, go with it.
Scorpio is a passionate person. He gets really into the things he likes. If he’s interested in something, he probably knows everything there is to know about it and he can talk about it for hours.
Let him! It’ll be easier for you to talk to him once he gets the ball rolling.
This doesn’t mean that you should only let him talk. It just means that he is usually good about picking topics of conversation when he wants to talk to somebody.
If you have something you want to talk about, though, he’ll be more than happy to let you lead sometimes as well.
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Ask About Him
If you’re looking for specific texts to send a Scorpio man, just ask about him. Don’t get too personal but he’ll gladly answer your questions when you show an interest in him.
A Scorpio man is used to hearing about other people. He’s the kind of person that just makes you want to spill your whole life story to him. He is a good listener and people often take advantage of that.
Turn things around and ask about him instead. Show him that you’re interested in him as a person. Let him know that you want to get to know him.
If you ask something he doesn’t want to answer, he just won’t answer it or he’ll give you a half-answer that excludes any details he’s not ready to tell you.
The best thing to say to a Scorpio man to get his attention is a secret about yourself. Scorpio men rarely reveal secrets about themselves but they love it when others tell them their secrets.
Scorpio men can be gossips at times but be very careful about revealing the secrets of others. If you tell him other people’s secrets, he’ll gladly listen, but he’ll be less likely to trust you with his own secrets in the future.
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If you want to know how to flirt with a Scorpio man over text, it’s actually quite easy. Throw in some of that innuendo. Be funny. Be natural and flirt the same way you normally would.
Scorpio likes to flirt. He has an intense magnetism and is naturally charismatic. Sometimes, he isn’t even flirting on purpose. He’ll notice if you are flirting, though.
He’ll likely be very responsive to it. Flirting can make a conversation more light-hearted or it can lead it down a more “adult” path. It all depends on what exactly you say.
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