
How do You Get a Taurus Man to Open Up?

Updated February 3, 2025

Getting a Taurus man to open up requires skill and subtlety. The slightest sign you’re trying to wedge past his boundaries, and he may disappear forever.

Taurus men are notorious for being aloof. He needs to be charge of when he opens up.

If you’re wondering when to give up on a Taurus man, you’ve got to consider whether you’re following your own expectations or if you’re considering “Taurus time.”

Taurus men are infamous for being slow to open up. A Taurus man’s early dating style can continue for months or even years. You may come to expect more from him over time.

A Taurus man needs time to think. Just when he starts to open up, he’ll panic and insist he needs yet more time. A Taurus man’s communication style can be inconsistent and confusing.

Let Him Set the Pace

When a Taurus man misses you, he’ll come running back to be by your side. Yet as soon as he feels comfortable with you, he’ll shut down again. You may feel like the relationship is finally taking off, and then your Taurus love interest surprises you by shutting down.

A Taurus man needs to feel like he is setting the pace. He will continue to stop and stall any time he feels like control is eluding him. This may mean the relationship gets off to a slower and much rockier start than you hoped for.

It also means that getting him to open up is not a one-shot deal. Rather it is a process of working with your Taurus love interest as he gradually opens up and then regresses. He will continue to do this until he finds a comfortable baseline.

Resist the urge to try to lead him along. Instead, encourage him but let him feel like he’s in charge of the pace. A Taurus man who feels like he’s in control will let his guard down sooner.

Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic) →

Be Passive

A Taurus man testing you may try to see how you react to not getting your way. He prefers to be the dominant partner in the relationship. If you can take a humble stance, he will find it easier to open up.

Be passive. Don’t address a Taurus man’s vulnerable emotions head on. The more you try to bring down his defenses and get him to open up, the more he will resist these efforts. He may even push back by ghosting you.

If you take a passive and gentle approach to nurturing him and helping a Taurus man feel secure, he will become more comfortable opening his heart to you. He’ll let his guard down much sooner.

The irony is, when you act less intense and slightly uninterested, a Taurus man will become more likely to respond to you. He’ll let his guard down and open his heart to you, becoming more secure about his ability to remain in control.

Show Your Vulnerability

The signs a Taurus man is ready to commit can be few and far between. He tends to show mixed signals more than steady indicators when he is ready. Yet when you show your own vulnerability, you can help a Taurus man feel secure.

When he thinks he has less to lose because he sees that you are more vulnerable than he is, a Taurus man will let himself open up to you more. The key is to not become overwhelmed with emotions.

If you smother him with too much emotion or become too intense, a Taurus man will shut down. A Taurus man who sees that you are willing to be vulnerable will start to open up although he won’t want to deal with too much emotion at once.

Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in. →

Be Consistent

When a Taurus man breaks up with you, you may try hard to chase him and get him back. It’s important to be consistent. Rather than trying too hard to lure him back, be a consistent friend.

Let him realize he’s made a mistake. A Taurus man will miss you and he’ll want you back in time. But if a Taurus man feels like you’re too distant, too erratic or too intense, he’ll fade into the background.

He needs to be with someone who is grounded, steady and reliable. When a Taurus man sees he can count on you to be level-headed and stable, he will be more likely to open up to you. This is also true if you are early in the stages of dating him.

Sometimes it’s best to follow a no contact rule with a Taurus man. This can give him time to miss you. Be sure to make these periods of no contact brief or consistent so he doesn’t accidentally assume you’re not interested.

Build Him Up

Signs a Taurus man has lost interest can be heartbreaking. Before you get to this point, be sure to build your Taurus man up. He can be confident on the outside but is more sensitive than he lets on.

If you want to help a Taurus man feel comfortable opening up to you, work on inspiring his confidence. Give him praise and compliments but always make sure you are being authentic.

Giving your Taurus man an ego boost goes a long way to help him feel secure about himself. This helps him to warm up to you in the relationship as well. He may open his heart more easily when he feels good about himself.

A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →

Make Him Feel Secure

When you make a Taurus man feel secure, you are creating fertile ground for him to open up and become more relaxed in the relationship. Taurus men are driven by their need for security.

Make sure he feels comfortable. Show him that you care about his stability and physical comforts. Taurus men are sensual and can be put at ease when they see the woman they love is concerned about their wellbeing.

Focus on your Taurus man’s comfort, not his emotions. He will naturally feel insecure if you zero in on his feelings. Making a Taurus man feel secure can be the most important step to helping him open up.

Don’t Give Ultimatums

One of the worst things you can do in a relationship with a Taurus man is to never give ultimatums. If you tell a Taurus man that you want him to act a certain way or else you’re done, don’t be surprised if he takes you up on your offer.

Giving a Taurus man ultimatums is a sure way to make sure he runs away fast. He will never follow an ultimatum because he is too much of a control freak. Even if he agrees with your terms, once they are phrased as an ultimatum, he will see it as a threat.

It is ineffective to use ultimatums with a Taurus man because he will see this as an attempt for you to take control of the relationship. He’ll naturally push back against this. He doesn’t want to do anything under duress.

Is your Taurus man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →

Be Trustworthy

If you want a Taurus man to open up to you, prove to him that you are trustworthy. Show him you are reliable and trustworthy. If you tell a Taurus man even the tiniest lie, he will never forgive you.

Trust is essential to a Taurus man. Work to establish trust early in the relationship and a Taurus man will find it easier to open up to you. Yet any sign of deception and he’ll shut down.

A Taurus man who sees you as trustworthy will be closer to opening his heart. He still will likely go at a slow pace but there will at least be a chance to move forward with him.

Don’t Play Mind Games

In addition to never giving ultimatums, it is essential to never play mind games with a Taurus man. To a Taurus man, mind games are akin to outright lies.

Being manipulative or deceptive will not encourage a Taurus man to open up to you. He’ll see through your attempts and will be turned off rather than attracted to you.

Trying to make him jealous, trying to trick him into commitment and other such strategies will turn a Taurus man off. This will also make a Taurus man lose interest in you altogether. He won’t see a future for you as a couple.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic) →

Celebrate Small Steps

A relationship with a Taurus man is all about celebrating small steps. Taurus men move at a very slow pace. He may make major accomplishments in showing trust and opening up, but his signs of progress may be barely noticeable to you.

Try to look for the small signs of progress and celebrate the baby steps. This will further encourage a Taurus man to open up to you. It will also make him feel like he is appreciated. This is one of the best things you can do as it is subtle and won’t make him feel controlled.

A Taurus man will appreciate that you are being patient and that you recognize his efforts to step up to the plate. He will open up to you more readily when he feels appreciated.

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2 Comments Add one

  1. Im in a new relatioinship/friendship with a Taurus man. This is so informative because he does all these things and I was so confused like ok wait last time he was kissy kissy smitten and now he’s pulling back but still very sweet but yes he is push pull and for sure likes to be in control which Im ok with. He is not rude about it so I dont mind and it’s never in a bad control kind of way. He is authoratative so when he gets upset with me he is firm in his communication but never rude. I adore the tough guy, and he is tough whew! This article helps a lot.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience! It’s great to hear that the article resonated with you and helped clarify things with your Taurus man.

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