If you’re wondering how the Capricorn guy in your life feels about you, then you need to know the signs a Capricorn man likes you.
How can you tell whether or not this astrological sign is into you?
Capricorn is one of the most reserved and stoic signs of the zodiac, so it’s no wonder you may have a hard time telling what he thinks of you.
But even if he doesn’t tell you directly, there are plenty of clues that will tell you when a Capricorn guy has feelings for you.
Once you learn more about his zodiac sign’s typical personality traits and behaviors, you will know how to recognize the hints that a Capricorn man likes you.
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1. He Gets Shy Around You
Capricorn is already a very standoffish and aloof sign, so he often comes off as shy even when he’s not.
But shyness is one of the indicators that a Capricorn guy likes you and just doesn’t know how to approach you.
He seems strong and confident, but he gets nervous around the woman he’s attracted to. He fears rejection or making a fool of himself, so he might avoid you or be closed-off if he likes you.
If you’re wondering, “What does it mean when a Capricorn man stares at you?” The answer is that he’s probably attracted to you but is scared to talk to you.
Don’t take his silence around you or his unwillingness to open up as signs a Capricorn man is not into you. The truth is that when he likes you, he’s more likely to be shy and nervous.
If you want to know what to do when a Capricorn man ignores you, don’t give him the cold shoulder in return.
Instead, be warm and friendly towards him. Flirt with him a little to let him know that you return his interest.
Once he gets more comfortable with you, he will start to open up and eventually make a move on you.
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2. He Asks Others About You
When a Capricorn man is interested in someone, he will try to gather as much information about her as possible before making a move.
He wants to get to know her without clearly expressing his interest. This protects him from getting rejected and helps him make sure he’s choosing the right woman.
If you find out that he has been asking other people about you, it’s one of the subtle signs a Capricorn man likes you.
He might ask your mutual friends about your hobbies and career. He will want to find out if you’re single before embarrassing himself by hitting on you.
When your mutual friends or coworkers mention that a Capricorn guy was asking about you, even if his questions weren’t very romantic, it shows that he’s interested in you.
3. He Tries to Get to Know You
A Capricorn man tends to move slowly in relationships and even friendships. He keeps a small circle of close friends because he is more interested in quality than quantity when it comes to personal connections.
He will take some time to get to know you before expressing interest in you or making it clear that he likes you.
If you’re wondering how to make a Capricorn man chase you, you have to let him get to know you. This is a little tricky because he likes a mysterious woman, but he also wants to learn more about you.
You don’t have to tell him everything about yourself right away. Just share enough to let him get a sense of who you are and whether or not you could be compatible.
Don’t blab all of your darkest secrets and most embarrassing stories, but tell him about your life and your passions so that he can figure out who you are.
When he makes an effort to get to know you, it’s a clear sign that a Capricorn man likes you.
This magic will make your Capricorn man want a relationship with you. →
4. He Puts You Before His Work
Capricorn is one of the most hard-working signs of the zodiac, and the typical Capricorn guy is obsessed with his career.
He puts work before nearly everything else in his life, so it’s a big deal for him to prioritize someone before his job.
What attracts a Capricorn man is someone who understands and appreciates his ambition. His ideal partner should motivate and encourage him rather than giving him a hard time for working so much.
Don’t expect him to give up work for you, and don’t pressure him to take time off to be with you. This will only stress him out and push him away.
But if a Capricorn man really likes you, he might put you before his work without you asking. If he sacrifices spending time at the office to be with you, it means he’s very interested in you.
Don’t pressure him to leave work or to abandon his projects to hang out with you. But if he keeps his phone on at work just in case you call, let him know how much you appreciate his attention.
5. He Tries to Impress You
A Capricorn man comes off as confident and charismatic, but he is secretly full of insecurities. He cares deeply about his reputation and what other people think of him.
If he likes you, he will want to impress you to make you like him back. He’s not ostentatious or a braggart, but he will find subtle ways to show off for you.
He will mention the promotion he just got at work, or bring up his greatest accomplishments to dazzle you.
If you get the sense that he’s showing off for you, know that it means your Capricorn guy really likes you.
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6. He Pays For You
If you’re wondering how to tell if a Capricorn man likes you more than a friend, pay attention to whether or not he offers to pay your way.
A Capricorn man is very careful with his money, so he’s not one to spend frivolously. But he is very generous when it comes to his loved ones.
He has traditional values and insists on paying for dates. If he likes you, he will offer to buy your drinks or pay for your movie ticket when you go out together, even if you’re with a group of friends.
If he pays your way, it means he cares about you and is treating your time together as a date.
7. He Takes Care of You
A Capricorn man may come off as cold and stoic, but deep down he has a very nurturing and caring side.
A Capricorn man enjoys taking care of the people he loves the most. He will nurture, support, and encourage his friends and family.
The person who gets to see his caring side the most is his partner. He will do whatever it takes to protect and help her.
When he does things to take care of you, like ordering soup to be delivered to your house when you’re sick, it’s one of the Capricorn man falling in love signs.
If he offers you his jacket when you shiver or offers to drive you somewhere so you don’t have to walk, it means he really likes you.
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8. He Asks Your Opinions
The typical Capricorn man is the strong, silent type. He is very wise and has many opinions, but he doesn’t share them with just anyone.
He listens more than he speaks, but he respects the opinions of only a few people. If he asks for your advice, it means he likes and admires you a lot.
If you are wondering, “What does a Capricorn man like in a woman?” The answer is that he likes someone intelligent and practical.
When he comes to you for advice, he’s not just making conversation or flattering you. It’s a sign that he likes and respects you.
9. He Tells You His Secrets
A Capricorn man is very closed-off and guarded. He doesn’t share a lot of personal information about himself and he is uncomfortable expressing his emotions.
It takes him a long time to trust someone and feel secure enough to open up and share his secrets. When a Capricorn guy talks to you about his feelings or private thoughts, it means he truly likes you.
If you want to know how to make a Capricorn man obsessed with you, you’ve got to make him feel comfortable enough to let his guard down around you.
Be discreet and don’t gossip about other people to him. This will show him that you can be trusted with his secrets.
Open up and share some of your stories with him so that he feels more inclined to confide in you.
Some zodiac signs are open books and will tell everything about themselves to anyone who will listen, but it’s a big deal for a Capricorn guy to share something private.
If he tells you his secrets and talks about his feelings with you, it means your Capricorn man trusts and likes you a lot.
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