A shy Leo man is paradoxical. The exception to the rule is an inhibited Leo man.
If you encounter a shy Leo man and expect him to be like other guys born under his sign, you’re in for a surprise.
Leo men are known to be outgoing. Men born under this sign never shy away from the spotlight. The one exception is a shy Leo man.
Women are surprised to learn that some Leo men can be shy. You’re more likely to see a Leo man acting inhibited when he is in love.
Not every Leo man in love hides his feelings, but shy Leos do. You must look for specific signs to know they are in love with you.
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He Takes Charge
One characteristic all Leo men share is their leadership ability. Even a shy Leo man loves to take charge. When a shy Leo man likes you, he takes the initiative to make plans.
He may not tell you about his feelings for you, but he will ask you out. You may wonder if he’s asking you on a date. You can count on him to get the ball rolling.
Shy Leo men are still highly opinionated. When they want to spend time with you, they let you know. They can’t completely hide their intentions, so they’ll make suggestions and take the lead in the relationship.
What does it mean when a Leo man stares at you? He may make eye contact across a room before approaching you. He’s not one to stare without following up with a conversation.
You can easily see the signs a Leo man likes you through texting. He urges you to go out with him and suggests numerous ideas of things you can do together. A Leo man who likes you doesn’t want to waste time.
Is your Leo man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Leo back in. →
He’s Adventurous
Even the shyest Leo man is not one to miss out on an adventure. If you want an inhibited Leo man to come out of his shell, invite him out hiking or rock climbing.
Suggest an adventurous date. He doesn’t want to focus on intimacy and romance. He would rather go on a date centered around drama and excitement. Tell him you have a surprise for him. Keep him in suspense.
Shy Leo men can’t resist the chance to go someplace new. They may be shy about feelings, but they love to go out with people they like. Leo men are not happy unless they have some drama in their lives.
One of the signs a Leo man is secretly in love with you is when he intentionally puts himself in risky situations. Leo men love showing off how brave they are when they like a woman.
When a Leo man is secretly in love with you, he tries to be your hero. He takes on dangerous tasks in front of you to get your attention. He wants admiration for his love of adventure.
He’s Courageous
Leo men pride themselves on being bold and confident. A Leo man may be shy about things, like his vulnerable side, but he has no problem rushing toward danger.
Leo men often look for opportunities to help others. They are attracted to dangerous jobs like firefighting or military work. Leo men quickly step up to the plate when help is needed.
Any sign of shyness disappears when a Leo man is on a quest. He loves to come to the rescue and act like your hero. Admiring a Leo man’s bravery is one way to get him to open up.
When a Leo man hugs you, he’s showing you a sign that he is putting his reservations aside. An affectionate Leo man begins to open up when he is serious about you.
Use these secrets to make your Leo man love you (they work like magic) →
He Takes Initiative
Leo men need to be first and best at everything they do. When a Leo man is shy, he hides it. He still volunteers to help you and suggests going out together.
A Leo man who likes you takes initiative to spend time with you. Even if he risks showing feelings, a Leo man would rather take a chance than risk losing you.
If you’ve been talking to a Leo man, and he makes excuses to cancel dates, he’s not shy. Chances are, he is avoiding you. A Leo man who acts this way is probably playing you.
Under normal circumstances, a Leo man is bold and asks you out. No matter how shy he may be, he wants to make a move before you fall for another guy.
If you’re wondering how to know when a Leo man is playing you, one of the things to look for is his constant reservations about being seen with you in public. If he acts like he’s hiding you, it’s a red flag.
When a Leo man likes a woman enough to be serious about the relationship, he shows off. He seldom hides. He wants her to see his unique talents right away.
He’s Proactive
Leo men are far from lazy. They go out of their way to get what they want. In the case of a Leo man in love with you, he takes a proactive approach to the relationship.
A Leo man who likes you makes a point to be in your presence. He doesn’t want to sit back and risk you getting away from him. Leo men are known to chase when they like someone.
Leo men love to be noticed and pursue attention rather than waiting for the woman they like to come to them. If a Leo man has a crush on you, no amount of inhibition stops him from chasing you.
One of the signs a Leo man wants to be friends is when he makes no effort to pursue you romantically. He’s not shy if he avoids the conversation of romance. He’s just not attracted to you.
A tiny trick to snatch your Leo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
He’s Grandiose
Leo is the sign of the lion, and Leo men see themselves as kings. They have a grandiose nature that is part of their charm. A Leo man is likely to have an inflated ego rather than being demure.
Although shy Leo men exist, it’s more common for a Leo man to overestimate his abilities. Men born under this sign assume the best of everyone. Their confidence helps them express desire in relationships.
Their grandiose personalities can be intimidating for some people. Yet Leo men expect good things to happen, and usually, they are correct. Leo men aren’t shy about what they want, especially in love.
One of the signs a Leo man misses you is when he does something theatrical and dramatic to get your attention. Leo men don’t play small, even if they are shy at times.
He’s Boisterous
Although some Leo men are more reserved than others, you’ll never find a quiet Leo man. Men born under this sign are boisterous. Their voices are loud and commanding.
They are also known for their infectious laughter. When a Leo man is around, you’ll hear him coming a mile away. Don’t try to get him to lower his voice, everything he does is on a large scale.
Leo men can’t help being loud and flamboyant. They often move their hands and bodies as they speak, so that everyone stops and notices them. Leo men are not likely to sit still for long.
How does a Leo man show interest in a woman? He goes out of his way to keep you fixated on him. He’s loud and passionate. When he likes you, he’s anything but shy.
This magic will make your Leo man want a relationship with you. →
He’s Not Humble
Leo men have many gifts, but humility is not one of their talents. They are happy to take credit for their work and want recognition for everything. When a Leo man is shy, he still wants approval and praise.
Gratitude and recognition are ideal ways to help a shy Leo man lower his defenses. A Leo man may be doing normal things like cleaning the house, but he wants you to notice.
Accept a Leo man’s boasting as part of his nature. He doesn’t keep a low profile. Even if his accomplishments are standard, act as if he’s done the impossible.
He Likes the Spotlight
Leo men are never discreet. They seek the spotlight and love attention. The shyest Leo man you’ll ever meet is still more attention-seeking than most other people.
Getting a Leo man to talk to you is easy. All you have to do is listen and show an interest in what he tells you. Leo men love to be the center of a woman’s attention.
Never steal his thunder. Let a Leo man entertain others without eclipsing his glory. Even if he seems shy about some things, all Leo men love to show off their talents and intelligence.
Is your Leo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
He’s Direct
A Leo man won’t beat around the bush if he has something he wants to tell you. You can count on Leo men being direct. Shy Leo men may hide their feelings, but they share their opinions.
When a Leo man is being elusive and sending mixed signals, he is probably not sincere about the relationship. Leo men don’t usually like to waste time being obscure.
Men born under this sign are known to say exactly what they mean. They don’t usually hold back for fear of hurting someone’s feelings. They believe in being true to themselves.
How does a Leo man test a woman? He will push your buttons to see how you react before committing. But even though Leo men do put women through tests, being vague is not one of them.
A Leo man who is not being direct is usually hiding something. If he sends mixed signals, it’s best to stop pursuing him and see how he responds.
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