If a Sagittarius man is testing you, he will use various methods. Sagittarius men are looking for specific traits in a potential partner when they test them.
Sagittarius men won’t necessarily be sneaky while testing you. Their tests are as straightforward as they are.
Sagittarius men want partners they can trust. They need somebody honest and loyal. Before they commit to somebody, they will test whether or not they can trust them.
Independence is one thing that is very important to Sagittarius men. They will test their partners to ensure that they aren’t too dependent on other people. Someone who is too reliant isn’t the person for a Sagittarius man.
The way a Sagittarius man tests people isn’t usually underhanded or manipulative. They like to be upfront with people. Their tests are generally simple and easy to spot.
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Tests Your Trust
One type of a Sagittarius man’s tests has to do with trust. Trust is a crucial part of a relationship for a Sagittarius man. If he can’t trust you, he won’t be in a relationship with you.
Your Sagittarius man will test you to see if he can trust you. He will also test you to see if you trust him in return.
A Sagittarius man might start telling you little secrets to see if you’ll keep them. He wants to make sure you’re not going to gossip about him.
He’ll test your trust in him by doing things like hanging out with his ex. Your Sagittarius man wants to know that you won’t get jealous and that you trust him to be loyal if he’s said he would be.
Why do Sagittarius men push you away sometimes? It might be because they aren’t sure they can trust you yet. They need to test your trustworthiness first.
A tiny trick to snatch your Sagittarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Tests Your Independence
When a Sagittarius man needs space, his partner must give it to him. He doesn’t want a partner who will constantly depend on him and hang off him 24/7.
Your Sagittarius man wants you to be independent. If you aren’t, a relationship won’t work with him. He needs to know that you two will be able to do things on your own sometimes.
One way to test your independence is a Sagittarius man’s silence test. If you two are texting, he’ll suddenly go silent. He wants to see if you’ll leave him alone or if you’ll bug him to reply.
Another way he tests your independence is the Sagittarius man’s disappearing test. He will seemingly drop off the face of the earth for a couple of days to see how you react.
Tests Your Sense of Adventure
Why do Sagittarius men run away from relationships sometimes? One reason is their sense of adventure! They are free spirits and need partners who will allow them the freedom they desire.
Your Sagittarius man will test your sense of adventure by inviting you to experience new things with him. He will try to get you out of your comfort zone.
A Sagittarius man might invite you to take a class with him or go to a new nightclub. He may also ask you to travel with him.
Traveling with a Sagittarius man is an excellent way for the two of you to test your compatibility. Your Sagittarius man wants to know that the two of you can travel together without any issues.
Is your Sagittarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Tests Your Loyalty
Loyalty is essential to a Sagittarius man in any relationship. Each Sagittarius man’s exact definition of loyalty varies, though.
For example, not all Sagittarius men are concerned about their partners being faithful. Some Sagittarius men prefer open relationships.
If faithfulness is something your Sagittarius man cares about, he might test your loyalty by seeing how you react when other men flirt with you. Are you lighthearted if you flirt back, or do you get serious with them?
Sagittarius men are often fiercely loyal to their partners. They will protect them and stand up for them no matter what. Your Sagittarius man wants you to stand up for him as well.
Your Sagittarius man might test your loyalty by seeing if you talk about him behind his back to mutual friends. If you do, are you saying rude things about him? Do you sit back and do nothing when other people insult him?
Tests Your Opinions
One sign that a Sagittarius man has feelings for you is that he honestly cares about your views and opinions. He may start to test your views to see if they align with his own.
A Sagittarius man doesn’t have to be sneaky to test your opinions. He will ask what you think about topics that are important to him.
If you think a Sagittarius man is testing you, you should still be honest about your opinions. He wants to know your honest opinions, and he will figure it out if you’re ever lying to him.
Sagittarius men don’t need a partner who agrees with them about everything. They have particular views they won’t compromise on, though. If your opinions differ from his in incompatible ways, he might decide not to be with you.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Sagittarius man (they work like magic) →
Tests Your Values
Sagittarius men put a lot of stock into their values. Even if these values grow and change over time, they want to have partners with similar values to their own.
Testing your values is often pretty easy. Most people are fine openly discussing their values with their partners. He will usually just ask you what you value most in life.
He will also pay attention to whether or not your actions match your values. If you say family is important to you, but you constantly ignore your family, that will tell him you’re not honest about your actual values.
A Sagittarius man wants somebody who stands by their values. Your values can adapt over time, but you shouldn’t suddenly give them up because your Sagittarius man has different values.
Tests Your Sense of Humor
Sometimes, jokes can be examples of a Sagittarius man’s tests. He uses humor to test his compatibility with a potential partner.
A Sagittarius man might tease you to see how you react. If you’re with a Sagittarius man, you need to have thick skin. He doesn’t want to upset you, but he will poke fun now and then.
Your Sagittarius man wants to know that his sense of humor isn’t going to offend you constantly.
Some Sagittarius men like dirty jokes or dark humor. If you can’t handle that, you might want to reconsider being with a Sagittarius man.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man. →
Tests Your Control
Sagittarius men hate being controlled by others. A Sagittarius man will do things to test how controlling you are before he commits to a relationship with you.
Sometimes when a Sagittarius man stops communicating with you, it’s to test how controlling you are. Do you give him space? Do you blow up his phone and demand that he call you back?
Your Sagittarius man will pay attention to how you ask him to do things. He might even refuse to do something you asked him to do sometimes to see if you continue to bug him about it.
If you’re not naturally a controlling person, this is an easy test to pass. If you are, watch how you treat your Sagittarius man.
Never demand things of him. If he sets a boundary or tells you that he doesn’t want to do something, respect that.
Tests Your Adaptability
Sagittarius men are often adaptable people. They can easily adjust to new conditions and enjoy finding themselves in new situations.
A Sagittarius man will test your adaptability to see if you two have compatible lifestyles. If you can’t easily adjust to new situations, you might not be the person for a Sagittarius man.
You need to be adaptable if you’re going to travel the world with your Sagittarius man. You will find yourself in new places with new people all the time. You need to adapt to any new situation you find yourself in.
Your Sagittarius man will test your adaptability by taking you to new places and introducing you to new people. Are you able to easily fit in, or do you have a hard time adjusting to being in a new situation?
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Sagittarius man... →
Tests Your Flexibility
One example of a Sagittarius man’s mind games can be seen in how he tests your flexibility. He will jerk you around quite a bit when he’s trying to see how well you cope with change.
Sagittarius men are spontaneous. Many of them are also very impulsive. If you want to be in a relationship with a Sagittarius man, you need to be flexible!
Testing flexibility is relatively easy. Your Sagittarius man will change plans on you last minute. If you initially decided to go to one restaurant, he’ll suddenly ask if you can instead go to a different one.
Your Sagittarius man might call you up and invite you to things last minute as well. He’ll ask you to come with him to a party he just found out about or tell you that he has an extra ticket to a show that’s in a few hours.
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