
10 Sagittarius Man Negative Traits

Updated December 31, 2024

He can be exciting and adventurous, but a Sagittarius man’s negative traits can take some of that excitement away.

Being wild and carefree isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But, unfortunately, those traits can get in the way of being a caring, reliable person.

Sagittarius men are often prone to being selfish and egotistical. One of Sagittarius’ positive traits is his intellect.

He enjoys philosophy and higher thinking. Unfortunately, he sometimes puts too much stock into his own intelligence.

He can also come across as rude and uncaring, even to his loved ones. He doesn’t always consider how he comes across to other people. He also doesn’t always think about the feelings of others before he says or does something.

Sometimes these negative traits are minor annoyances, but other times, they can make being around a Sagittarius man unbearable.

1. Narcissistic

Narcissism is part of Sagittarius’ dark side. This doesn’t always necessarily apply to his physical appearance, but that is undoubtedly part of it.

Sagittarius does like to look nice. He wants people to think highly of him, and part of that is dressing well. He may spend excessive amounts of time on his appearance before going out. He wants people to notice him.

He may also have an over-inflated sense of himself. He may turn down dates because he thinks he can do better. He might be upset when he doesn’t get a job because he believes he deserves it over anyone else who applied.

If he’s having a problem, that’s all that matters, and everyone around him is expected to make it their priority. He doesn’t care if other people also have issues. It doesn’t matter if they don’t have time to help him.

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2. Absent-Minded

Intellect is part of Sagittarius’ positive and negative traits. He can sometimes spend so much time thinking about some philosophical problem that he neglects what is happening in the world around him.

Sometimes, Sagittarius might be so caught up in his thoughts that he doesn’t realize somebody else is speaking to him. He might even zone out mid-conversation because he thought of something more interesting.

This is a man who doesn’t always meet deadlines. Instead, he gets caught up with something else and completely forgets he has a paper due or that his boss is expecting a presentation tomorrow morning.

His mind also isn’t on keeping things around him neat and tidy. As a result, he likely has a lot of clutter, and he probably takes a while to get around to washing all the dishes in his sink.

3. Rude

This is one of a Sagittarius man’s traits that really comes out when he’s in a bad mood.

If he’s angry, any sense of decency falls to the wayside. Nothing is off-limits. Be prepared to hear some extremely hurtful things if you two argue.

He can be rude in other ways as well. Sagittarius men often think they’re above small talk. He has places to go, people to see.

He wants to dive right into an exciting conversation, not exchange pleasantries or talk about the weather.

He might break plans for something “more exciting” or take you to a party, only to ditch you the second he sees someone else he knows. He doesn’t always consider the feelings of others when he’s out doing what he wants.

This can be a bad habit to break, but he doesn’t always think he’s being rude. So sometimes it takes some compromise when it comes to ideas of politeness.

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4. Unreliable

Some of a Sagittarius man’s characteristics that make him fun to be around can also make him an unreliable person.

If he finds a last-minute flight deal, he won’t think twice before jet-setting off to some exotic location. So what if he said he’d go to your sister’s wedding with you? He likely completely forgot about that.

Being with someone who is carefree is all fun and games until you realize that they just don’t care about some things that matter to you. For example, if you’re incredibly punctual, you’re going to be frustrated often.

Sagittarius men can be unreliable when it comes to relationships as well. He won’t always stay loyal to his partners.

Instead, he might cheat just because he was bored or because the chance came along, and he didn’t think twice about it.

5. Impatient

A Sagittarius man wants what he wants, and he wants it now.

This is one of Sagittarius’ more dominant traits. If you know a lot of Sagittarius men, you likely noticed this trait right away.

He doesn’t have time for social niceties. He wants to be stimulated at all times, and he’s going to breeze past anything that bores him.

He wants instant gratification in all areas of his life. He doesn’t always like working because he thinks it takes too long to see any reward from it. He doesn’t put work into relationships either because he wants them to just be easy right off the bat.

If he has somewhere he wants to go and is ready to leave, he won’t wait around for you. This is especially hypocritical since he’s often the one who has trouble being on time!

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6. Careless

Sagittarius may be intelligent, but he doesn’t always think before he speaks or acts.

Taking risks is part of Sagittarius’ personality. You don’t gain new experiences by staying home and playing it safe all the time. This can cause him to be a bit careless at times.

He doesn’t always consider the risks before he does something. Sometimes he gets a whim and just acts on it. This works out in his favor most of the time, but that isn’t always the case.

He also doesn’t consider how his words or actions affect the people around him. Instead, he often only thinks of himself and what he wants.

He may say something that hurts your feelings and have no idea why you’re so upset about it. He doesn’t think about how others would feel if he took a risk and ended up hurting himself.

7. Egotistical

Sagittarius spends a lot of time thinking and contemplating about the world around them. This is a man who is well-traveled, well-read, and well-informed about a variety of topics. He likely has some form of higher education as well.

None of that is a bad thing. However, Sagittarius’ bad side comes out when he overestimates his intelligence. He may know a lot, but he doesn’t know everything. He might think he does, though!

Sagittarius may think he’s the most intelligent person in the room. You might find him trying to explain something to you even though you know more about it than him.

He may also have trouble admitting it when he doesn’t know something or when he’s wrong.

This all makes Sagittarius come off as egotistical. This can be one of Sagittarius’ worst traits. Nobody wants to be around someone who constantly makes them feel stupid.

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8. Attention Seeking

This is one of Sagittarius’ traits that doesn’t always seem that bad. After all, everyone wants attention sometimes. So it’s not wrong to ask for it. The attention-seeking behavior might even be endearing at first.

This is a man who will get upset when he doesn’t get enough comments on pictures from his latest trip. But, then, he may accuse his friends of not caring if they don’t like his posts.

If he wants attention, he’ll do what it takes to get it. If his partner or friends are too busy, he’ll go get attention from someone else.

Many people travel and do exciting things, not just Sagittarius. However, one of the reasons Sagittarius seems so much more exciting than other people is because he doesn’t shut up about all the cool things he’s done.

He may talk over others or insert himself into conversations where he’s not wanted. Needing attention isn’t a bad thing. Refusing to let others have attention is.

9. Judgemental

One of Sagittarius’ bad traits is that he tends to judge a book by its cover. First impressions mean a lot to him, and if you make a bad one, he might not bother giving you a second chance.

You don’t even need to do anything wrong to make a bad impression on him. Sometimes all it takes is something minor.

For example, he might not like your outfit. You might have said you didn’t like his favorite book. He may also just be in a bad mood.

He can be harsh in his judgments of other people. One reason for this is that he has a high opinion of himself. So he’s comparing everyone to his idea of himself, and it’s rare that anyone measures up.

He might not tell you to your face what he thinks of you as a Virgo would. He doesn’t have a problem with complaining to other people, though.

Use these secrets to make your Sagittarius man love you (they work like magic) →

10. Emotionally Unaware

Sagittarius men don’t often think about the feelings of those around them.

This isn’t even always because he doesn’t care. Sagittarius men are perfectly capable of caring about their friends and partners.

Even if it’s obvious to everyone around you, he might not realize you’re upset unless you tell him. Even then, he might be confused about why you’re sad. He might brush off your feelings and tell you to just get over it.

This is something he has to work on if he wants to maintain relationships.

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