
Is Your Sagittarius Man Hiding His Feelings?

Updated December 23, 2024

You may be frustrated by a Sagittarius man hiding his feelings. Yet this is not a reason to panic.

Sagittarius men try to hide their attraction. They show their feelings through actions.

Your Sagittarius man can be hard to read when he’s in love. He can be secretive when he has a crush on you. Don’t panic when he doesn’t reveal his feelings.

Instead, recognize his unique signs of attraction. He shows off or flirts more than usual. You can tell he has feelings for you if you watch him.

Your Sagittarius love interest doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve. Sagittarius is a fire sign, and as such, they hide vulnerability behind bravado.

He Shows Off

You can tell a Sagittarius man is secretly attracted to you when he shows off. He wants your attention but hides his feelings. Sagittarius men boast about their achievements and try to play up their strengths to impress you.

If he wants to get you to fall in love with him, a Sagittarius man shows his adventurous and playful side. You can tell he’s hiding his feelings for you when he acts proud and uses stunts to get noticed.

When a Sagittarius man is in love with you, he may act goofy. He reveals his inner child and his playful side comes out. He carries your heavy bags, so you see how strong he is.

A Sagittarius man who wants to show he likes you will look his best and brag about his wealth and status. You may think he’s grandiose, but he shows you he has feelings for you.

Sagittarius men are confident. They are notorious for being grandiose and aren’t afraid to toot their horns. Yet when a Sagittarius man has a secret crush on you, his approach is different.

He shows off physically in addition to boasting to you. He flexes his muscles and may drive around after getting his car washed. You can tell a Sagittarius man is interested in you when he shows off like an excited child.

You’ll never see a Sagittarius man’s vulnerable side. He may have a crush on you even if he doesn’t tell you. He tries to make you see he cares about you by testing his limits when you’re around.

He may drive fast or try to impress you by helping you solve problems. He has numerous talents and can’t wait to flaunt his abilities around you. A Sagittarius man with a secret crush wants to show off to make you infatuated with him.

You may find his boastfulness irritating. Yet if you overlook this clue, you’ll miss your chance to make the next moves. A Sagittarius man who likes you shows he cares by being exceptional.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Sagittarius man... →

He Gets Jealous

A Sagittarius man gets jealous if you talk to other guys when he has a hidden crush on you. As one of the most independent signs in the zodiac, Sagittarius men seldom get jealous.

But you can trigger his envious side if he likes you. Flirting with other guys when a Sagittarius man around makes him feel threatened if he has a crush.

Look for signs a Sagittarius man is jealous when you say another man’s name. If his face turns red or he looks hurt when you mention another man, he may be in love with you.

Do Sagittarius hide their feelings? Part of a Sagittarius man’s nature is concealing emotion. As a fire sign, Sagittarius people are caring determined, and bold. They are outgoing but fear being overwhelmed by emotion.

If you think a Sagittarius man is in love with you, but won’t admit it, watch how he acts around you. A Sagittarius man looks uncomfortable and tense when he sees you around other men.

A Sagittarius man opening up to you is rare. Men born under this sign can be aloof and elusive. The closest you may see his intentions is when he becomes jealous of your friendship with another man.

Once a Sagittarius man declares his love for you, don’t push his boundaries. Avoid making him jealous once you’re a couple. Yet if you are friends and a Sagittarius man is jealous of you, it’s a sign he likes you as more than a friend.

A Sagittarius man hiding feelings can’t keep a secret forever. When he slips and shows you he’s jealous of you, trigger his envy initially. When his hurt feelings are clear, return his interest, and he chases you.

He Becomes Affectionate

Sagittarius men can be distant. They avoid being bogged down with commitments and must feel free to come and go as they, please. Beyond a friendly hug, they are seldom affectionate.

But that changes when a Sagittarius man is trying to hide his feelings. You can tell he has a secret crush on you when a Sagittarius man finds reasons to touch you.

He cuddles by the campfire or hugs you longer when he sees you. He kisses your forehead or touches your hair. An affectionate Sagittarius man shows you he likes you without saying a word.

Do Sagittarius guys hide their feelings when you show you like them? Avoid coming on too strong around a Sagittarius man. He can be easily scared away. When he likes you, he opens up by becoming more affectionate.

Are Sagittarius men emotional when they fall in love? They seldom express their feelings verbally. Yet they show their love by holding your hand and finding reasons to touch you.

He acts affectionately without being seductive. A Sagittarius man who is physically attracted to you only thinks about sex. But when he has feelings for you, he wants to touch you with no ulterior motive.

He tries to hide it initially and may offer you a shoulder massage. He plays with your hair or finds reasons to put his arm around you when he likes you but doesn’t want to show vulnerability.

Use these secrets to make your Sagittarius man love you (they work like magic) →

He Focuses On You

When a Sagittarius man seems obsessed with you, he likes you. Men born under this sign can be social. They enjoy chatting in a crowd and networking with an array of people.

You can tell when a Sagittarius man is hiding feelings for you because he focuses on you exclusively. His friends mention he talks about you frequently.

He repeatedly checks in with you. When a Sagittarius man is hiding feelings, he talks about you and remembers details you share with him. He shows interest in your hobbies and career.

A Sagittarius man watching you has an agenda. He wants to show you he likes you. He can be generous and attentive. If he loves you, he makes you the focus of his attention.

A Sagittarius man falling in love with you talks to you all night and ignores his other friends. He wants to see you on sequential nights. When he’s not interested he dates you and then disappears for weeks before returning.

Dating an older Sagittarius man is not a guarantee he’ll be more open. A mature Sagittarius man never acts his age. He won’t tell you he likes you but will show you by making you his top priority.

If you’re dating a married Sagittarius man, you can tell he is in love with you when he spends more time with you than his wife. Sagittarius men love novelty and adventure. Your love interest shows he likes you by focusing on you.

He Flirts Consistently

A Sagittarius man who likes you but is hiding his feelings can’t stop flirting. You can tell he’s hiding a crush on you when he makes coy remarks constantly.

A Sagittarius man with a hidden crush on you flirts with you and can be a tease. He is playful and jokes with you, but his tone is romantic. You can tell he likes you when he can’t stop his flirty attitude.

When a Sagittarius man makes innuendos and romantic gestures he’s hiding feelings for you. Help him show his feelings by encouraging his flirty nature. You can get him to admit he likes you if you take advantage of his teasing.

What makes a Sagittarius man fall in love is your attention to adventure and excitement. When you are passionate he wants to explore your fantasies and desires. A Sagittarius man shows his love by flirting with you more than anyone else.

He can be charismatic, but when attracted to you, he goes to extremes to seduce you. He can’t say a word without flirting. He can be funny and endearing. He shows you he is attracted to you.

When a Sagittarius man is ready to let his guard down, he still avoids opening up about his love for you. He shows you before telling you how he feels. When a Sagittarius man flirts with you more than others, it’s a sign he likes you.

If a Sagittarius man flirts with you whenever you see him, it means he has a crush on you. He tries to conceal his feelings, but a Sagittarius man shows you he cares when he is overtly suggestive.

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