If you’re dating or interested in a Capricorn guy, you may wonder if you have a romantic Capricorn man.
Can you expect his zodiac sign to be sweet and romantic?
Capricorn is one of the most stoic and guarded astrological signs, so it makes sense that you would have trouble discerning whether or not he’s romantic.
You have to gain a better understanding of his sign’s psychological characteristics to understand the way he thinks and behaves in love.
Once you know more about his zodiac sign, you will be able to tell if a Capricorn man is romantic.
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They Are Secretly Romantic
One of the typical Capricorn characteristics is privateness. Capricorn men come off as very mysterious because they don’t open up to many people.
It’s not that he’s sneaky or trying to hide anything; he just keeps a close circle of loved ones and only shows his sensitivities to them.
But even his friends and family who know him well may not have ever seen his secret romantic side.
He reserves romance only for his partner, so most other people in his life would be surprised to learn how romantic he is.
If his friends and family tell you he’s not very romantic, you should know that they have just never seen this side of your Capricorn guy.
He can be quite romantic once he’s comfortable and wants to open up, so wait patiently for him to be passionate and lovey-dovey.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Capricorn man (they work like magic) →
They Struggle to Show Their Romantic Side
The astrological forces at work behind his zodiac sign make it difficult for a Capricorn man to express his romantic side.
Every zodiac sign correlates to one of the four natural elements: fire, air, water, or earth. The elements tell us about the disposition and personality of the signs.
Capricorn is one of the earth signs, and earth signs are known for being practical, logical, and rational.
Earth signs may struggle to express themselves emotionally, especially Capricorn, thanks to this sign’s guiding planet.
Just as each sign correlates to a natural element, every sign also has a ruling celestial body that reveals some of the personality traits and strengths of the signs.
The other earth signs of the zodiac are Taurus and Virgo, and their guiding planets help them be more open and romantic in relationships than Capricorn.
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, so Taurus is naturally a very romantic sign. Virgo is guided by Mercury, the planet of communication, making it easy for Virgo to express feelings.
But Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of time, structure, restrictions, discipline, and limitations. The influence of Saturn makes the already unemotional earth sign Capricorn even more uncomfortable with love and romance.
Even a Capricorn man in love struggles to show his romantic side because it goes against his zodiac sign’s nature.
They Need Time to Be Romantic
One of the reasons a Capricorn man doesn’t come across as romantic is that he needs a long time to get to know a woman before showing her his passionate side.
The typical Capricorn guy is very guarded and protective of himself. He is naturally suspicious and untrusting of others, so he doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve.
He doesn’t let his feelings show because he doesn’t want other people to perceive him as weak or vulnerable.
If you want to know how to make a Capricorn man chase you and show you his romantic side, you have to be very patient.
A Capricorn man likes to take his time getting to know a woman before he opens up to her and shares his feelings.
A Capricorn guy is capable of enjoying a one-night stand or a fling, but he prefers intimacy within a committed relationship.
When a Capricorn man respects you, he will take his time getting to know you before showing you his passionate, romantic side. You’ve got to show him that you are honest and trustworthy before he will let his guard down.
What attracts a Capricorn man is someone who is both honest and mysterious. Don’t lie or hide things from your Capricorn crush if you want him to romance you, but don’t tell him everything about yourself right away, either.
Once he knows you well and thinks you could be compatible, he will start to open up and be romantic with you.
A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
They Are Traditionally Romantic
The typical Capricorn man’s personality is very traditional and conservative. He has old-school values and tends to play by the rules.
A Capricorn man in a relationship expresses his love in traditional ways. When he wants to be romantic, he’ll send you flowers or buy you jewelry.
He is chivalrous and does gentlemanly romantic gestures like holding the door open for you or pulling out your chair at dinner.
He takes the conventional male role in relationships, so he will insist on paying for dates and taking care of you.
He will want to pick you up or send a car to you for your dates so that you don’t have to worry about walking or driving.
It might take him some time to start doing these romantic gestures for you, but once he’s ready, you can expect traditional and conventional expressions of love.
They Are Loving and Affectionate
A Capricorn man does not seem like a very touchy-feely person. He is aloof and standoffish, and his cold presence doesn’t invite a lot of warm hugs.
But deep down, a Capricorn man is secretly sensual and affectionate. It just takes him some time to be comfortable enough with a woman to show her his love through touch.
He is loving and affectionate with his partner, but mostly in private. Don’t be offended if your Capricorn guy isn’t touchy-feely with you in public while you’re dating.
He’s not a big fan of PDA because he finds it embarrassing and uncomfortable. But when he’s madly in love with someone, he might not be able to resist mild public displays of affection.
When a Capricorn man kisses you in front of other people, it means he is smitten with you. But even if he just cuddles and kisses you in private, it’s still one of the Capricorn man falling in love signs.
Is your Capricorn man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Capricorn back in. →
They like Expensive, Luxurious Romantic Gestures
While he has many wonderful qualities, one of the typical Capricorn man’s negative traits is materialism. A Capricorn guy cares a great deal about money, which can make him a bit shallow and greedy.
He is always worried about money, so he works hard to earn as much as he can. He’s skilled at saving and managing his money, but he can be a little stingy.
He cares about his reputation and how others perceive him, so appearing wealthy is a priority to him. He’s not a flashy guy, but he will use displays of generosity to show off his affluence.
Saving money is important to him, but he also loves the finer things in life. He will splurge on luxury items, and he can be quite magnanimous with his loved ones.
When a Capricorn man loves you and is comfortable enough with you to show his romantic side, he will do it by spending his hard-earned money on you.
Money is important to him, so sacrificing his cash for you is his way of showing that you are even more significant to him than wealth.
He also wants to impress you by showing you how well he can take care of you and the kind of lifestyle he can provide.
He will do elaborate, extravagant romantic gestures for you like sneaking off to buy you the designer handbag you’ve been admiring in the store window for so long.
He will give it to you as a surprise later, perhaps during an expensive night out at a fabulous restaurant or a luxury hotel.
Your Capricorn man might treat you to a day at a high-quality spa, or book a vacation at an all-inclusive resort so the two of you can relax and spend some quality time together.
Once he is invested in you emotionally, you can expect your Capricorn man to show his romantic side by investing in you financially, as well.
The Like Romantic Sex
Some zodiac signs like carnal, animalistic sex, but a Capricorn man is far too refined for this type of physical intimacy.
While other zodiac signs may enjoy quickies and rough sex, a Capricorn guy likes slow, languorous, sensual intimacy.
He might be rough and fast-paced when it comes to one-night stands, but a Capricorn man in love likes to take his time and be romantic with his long-term partner.
As a sensual guy, he is sensitive to his surroundings. He will create a romantic atmosphere for your love-making.
He might draw you a bubble bath, bring you champagne and strawberries in bed, or light some candles and play soft music to set the mood.
When your Capricorn man cares about you, he will show you by having romantic, sensual sex with you.
You will feel intimately connected to him by the way he treats you in bed and the romantic gestures he makes to please you.
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