
10 Tips to Make a Gemini Man Obsessed with You

Updated December 30, 2024

Gemini can be flighty even at their best, so how do you make a Gemini man obsessed with you?

It can be done, but you’ll have to put in some work. He’s not going to chase you without some effort on your part.

First off, a Gemini man isn’t going to go after somebody who isn’t showing interest. This is not the type of man to play hard to get with.

This is also a man who is fiercely independent and who can be afraid of commitment. So you need to show him that a relationship with you isn’t going to tie him down.

Confidence, a sense of adventure, and an open mind are also necessary if you want to make a Gemini man fall in love with you. This is a man who wants to feel excited at all times.

1. Friendship First

Commitment can be one of a Gemini man’s weaknesses in love. The idea of settling down can seem strange and scary for air signs like Gemini.

Instead of trying to dive right into a romance that he might not be ready for, be his friend. Get to know him first before you even start thinking about dating a Gemini man.

The best relationships have a firm foundation of friendship and trust anyway. So if you want to make a Gemini man want you, you need to make him feel comfortable and relaxed around you first.

If he feels like he can be himself around you and like you accept him as he is, he may be more receptive to romance with you.

This isn’t a guarantee, of course. Some friendships are just meant to be friendships. You will have an easier time getting into a relationship with a Gemini man if the two of you are already friends, though.

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2. Be Adventurous

If you are already a naturally spontaneous person, that’s a great sign! But, if you want to make Gemini man chase you, you’ve got to keep him guessing.

Gemini men love to have new experiences. So the sky’s the limit when it comes to date ideas with this man. Literally: try suggesting skydiving, and he might go for it!

You don’t need to go too wild but try to get yourself out of your comfort zone every now and then. By experiencing new things together, you’ll be able to form a unique bond.

Being willing to go on adventures with him will show him that you can handle his spontaneous nature. Not only that, you’ll be showing him that you’re able to keep up with him and have fun right alongside him.

When he thinks back on these adventures, he’ll think of you too.

3. Confidence

Even if you aren’t the most confident person, fake it until you make it. Gemini men love strong, confident partners.

When a Gemini man is in love, he still likes to be his own person. He wants you to be your own person as well!

Show him that you are confident in who you are as a person. He wants to see that you can still be your own individual even when in a relationship.

Have your own priorities and your own goals. Be comfortable doing things without him and trust him when he goes out without you.

Gemini doesn’t want to be half of a whole. This is a man who likes both of you to be “whole” before you start a relationship together.

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4. Be Open-minded

Gemini men are free spirits. They are open, accepting people, and they like to be around others who are as well.

It would be best if you were open to new experiences. He’ll be more likely to go for you if he sees that you’re willing to try new things at least.

It would help if you also were open to ideas other than your own. Close-minded individuals are not the type of people a Gemini man wants around. Instead, he wants to see that you listen to other people and that you’re willing to see things from different perspectives.

Being open to other cultures and to people who aren’t like you is also essential. Just showing you’re willing to learn will quickly endear you to a Gemini man.

5. Value His Opinion

You don’t always need to agree with a Gemini, but you need to show him that you’re willing to hear him out.

Gemini men are willing to change their minds about things when presented with new information. This is one of the best things about them. They won’t keep doing things the same way if shown a new, better way to do them.

It would be best to show him that you value his opinion as much as he values yours. Don’t dismiss something he’s said just because you disagree.

If you do think he’s wrong about something, present him with new information but don’t belittle him or make him feel stupid.

If he thinks you are wrong about something, listen to why he thinks that. Even if you don’t change your mind, just the fact that you are willing to listen in the first place will show him you care.

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6. Listen

One of the signs a Gemini man likes you is that he’s willing to confide in you. When he does, make sure you are listening and entirely focused on him.

Gemini men love eye contact: it shows that you are making an effort to focus on him. This is a man who appreciates signs that you are actively engaged in what he is telling you.

Ask questions to show that you not only heard what he was saying but that you understood. Then, nod along with him and give verbal affirmations while he’s talking.

Show him that you really listen when he talks by remembering things he’s told you. For example, if he was excitedly telling you about his favorite show and you watch it later, let him know!

Even something as simple as remembering that he doesn’t like turnips or that his favorite food is curry will show him you’ve been listening to what he tells you.

7. Teach Him

If you ever need a text conversation starter, some great things to text a Gemini man are fun facts or interesting tidbits about any topics you know well.

Geminis love gathering new information. This is one of the reasons they like talking with people so much.

Information is Gemini’s weakness. If you can teach him something new every day, he’ll keep coming back for more.

You don’t need to be an expert in your field or know everything under the sun about a topic, either. If you’ve just learned something for the first time, share it with him! Even if it’s something he already knew, he’ll be more than happy to keep discussing it with you.

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8. Flirting

Gemini men can be extremely flirtatious. However, flirting by itself isn’t necessarily a sign that he wants to be with you.

However, there are specific ways you can flirt with him that will keep him coming back for more.

Engage his intellectual side when flirting. Witty banter is one of Gemini’s favorite things. If there is some intelligence behind your flirtatious remarks, you’re going to leave an impression on him.

Don’t be shy or subtle, and don’t hold back! Flirting is about having fun, first and foremost. So let him see how exciting and engaging you can be.

Gemini men are also tactile people. Touch his shoulder, brush some hair out of his face, and brush your hand against his. He’s sure to love it.

9. Laughter

Gemini is not the type to take things too seriously. If the situation requires it, they can be, but they’d much rather have fun.

If you’re someone who can make him laugh, a Gemini man will likely want to keep you around.

Just like with flirting, appeal to his intellectual side when you’re joking around with him. He’s not above crass or silly jokes, but he loves a joke that makes him think and laugh.

Be witty and clever. Be quick on your feet too. Show that you can riff off him and improvise. If he says something funny, reply with something equally as humorous.

Even if you don’t think you’re a comedic genius, don’t worry! Showing you’re willing to let your hair down and have fun with him will make him want to be around you.

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10. Be Independent

One sign a Gemini man is attracted to you is that he wants you around, even if he doesn’t need you to be.

Gemini men love their independence. They love being with people who are also independent.

If he thinks you’re clingy or overly needy, he’s going to be wary about getting into a relationship with you. He is content going out and doing things on his own, and he’d rather you be as well.

There are going to be times where he wants to be by himself. He also has a life outside of your relationship. He’ll want to hang out with his friends or pursue hobbies that you aren’t interested in. You need to be okay with this.

If a Gemini man can see that you’ll be just fine without him, he’s more likely to want you.

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