If you want to make a Gemini man miss you, you need to enforce a no contact rule with a Gemini man.
He won’t miss you if you’re too available. Instead, remain independent and give him space.
If you know how to make a Gemini man chase you, you know that it is important to not be too revealing. Give him a reason to fantasize about you.
Wondering what to do when a Gemini man ignores you? Don’t panic, instead let him go his own way at first. Eventually, he’ll start to miss you.
If you’re wondering how to make a Gemini man miss you after a breakup, give him enough space to think about you but be responsive just enough to keep him optimistic.
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1. Travel Frequently
Wondering how to make a Gemini man want you? The key is to trigger all his desires. But a Gemini man desires experiences, not specific people. Tempt him by traveling frequently and then talking about your adventures.
Not only will he miss you while you’re off seeing the world, but he will also dream about the day he gets to join you. Don’t be too eager to bring him along at first. The time apart will help him miss you. It will also attract him to you when he sees how independent you are.
If you’re wondering how to play a Gemini man at his own game, you can appeal to his unique personality. Gemini men love excitement and changes of scenery. When you have new tales to tell him after returning from a trip, it will excite a Gemini man. He’ll miss you even more and he’ll value your time together.
Is your Gemini man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Gemini back in. →
2. Don’t Initiate Contact
If you want to know how to make a Gemini man regret losing you, the simple truth is you need to go a prolonged period of time without contacting him. This can be challenging but it takes time for a Gemini man to notice how much he misses you.
This is because Gemini men usually have busy social calendars. They intentionally keep themselves immersed in plenty of social engagements. They hate to be bored or lonely.
When you’re trying to get a Gemini man to miss you, you need to understand that even when he’s not with you, he has a variety of friends to amuse him and stimulate his mind. With all the chatter and noise he creates by keeping himself in contact with his many friends, he may not really notice how he’s feeling.
It could take a week, a month or more but eventually, a Gemini man will slow down and reflect. It is only then that he’ll realize how much he misses you. He may have lost track of how long it’s been since he’s seen you by the time this happens. You need to give him time.
3. Be Exceptionally Witty
If you’re wondering what to do when a Gemini man pulls away, at the earliest sign of distance, try to lure him back by being exceptional. In particular, Gemini men are attracted to exceptionally intelligent and witty women.
If you can find a discreet way to showcase your witty side, either directly in conversation with him or indirectly on social media or through conversation with friends, you’ll stand out to a Gemini man. He’ll begin to miss you.
He’ll also begin to reflect on how unique you are. This will make him feel more inclined to want to pursue you. He’ll miss being around you when he notices that no one else can keep up an exciting and stimulating conversation the way you can.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Gemini man... →
4. Don’t Answer Immediately
A Gemini man’s critical flaw is that he grows bored easily. If he becomes too comfortable with you or comes to expect certain things from you, he’ll gradually cool off and lose interest. If you want him to miss you, you’ve got to add an element of unpredictability.
Do this carefully, without courting drama. A Gemini man doesn’t like controversy or confrontation. A simple way to make him miss you is to not reply immediately when he contacts you. When he calls, don’t answer right away. When he sends a text, wait a few hours before replying.
This will encourage him to miss you. It also sends an important message. By not responding right away, you show a Gemini man that you are a busy person who potentially is talking to other people. This can motivate him to try harder to keep your attention.
5. Don’t Be Too Available
If you’re wondering how to tell if a Gemini man is playing you, try to step back and see how he responds. If he immediately begins pursuing you, this is a good sign. It means he’s interested in you. It also means he missed you after a brief period of less contact.
When a Gemini man sees that you aren’t free every weekend like you normally are when he asked you out, he’ll become more motivated to try to commit to you. He will also miss you if you are less available for a few weeks at a time.
Make a Gemini man wait for you. He’s not the most patient guy so don’t make him wait too long. More than three weeks in a row and he may grow restless. Yet if you aren’t always available when he calls or suggests a date, it will remind him you’re busy and encourage him to make you a priority.
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6. Play to His Imagination
Gemini men are creative and imaginative. One of the lesser known ways to get a Gemini man to miss you is to stimulate his imagination. You can do this by not giving too many details. Use this tactic sparingly, but remember, the more you leave up to his imagination, the more he’ll fantasize about you.
Especially if you live far from him or are traveling. Rather than giving him all the details on every aspect of your day, leave your descriptions vague occasionally. This will make him miss being around you.
He’ll also imagine that whatever you are doing is more exciting and interesting than it probably is. Let his imagination work to your advantage. Encourage him to elaborate on unknown factors. He’s not likely to get jealous. Instead, he’ll imagine how great it would be if he was with you.
7. Go Quiet for Days
If you want to make a Gemini man miss you, he has to feel like he’s lost connection with you, at least for a brief period of time. Gemini men crave connection. One of the best ways to motivate him is to make him feel like he could lose contact with you.
Don’t do this too often, or a Gemini man will simply assume you aren’t interested in him. A Gemini man who notices that you are less chatty a few days here and there will become eager to find out what you’re up to. He’ll also miss having a closer connection to you.
The ideal time frame to put some distance between yourself and your Gemini love interest is for three to four days at a time. If you drop communication for longer than that, he may get the wrong idea. Also, if he initiates contact, respond after making him wait a short while. Don’t outright ignore him.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Gemini man. →
8. Be Elusive
If you want a Gemini man to miss you, make him feel like you’re a mystery to solve. If you are elusive, a Gemini man will be more attracted to you. He’ll assume he’s got to chase you to discover your secrets.
Don’t be an open book with a Gemini man. If you’re friendly enough to be disarming while being aloof enough to make him feel he has to chase you, you’ll get him to wonder about you and fantasize about what he doesn’t know about you.
Gemini men tend to overthink things. If you’re elusive, he’ll miss you because he’ll want to know every detail about your life. But if you give information away too readily, he’ll become bored with you and lose interest.
9. Show Interest in Others
A Gemini man not interested in you may change his mind if he sees you as a kind and good-natured person. If you show genuine interest in other people, he will take notice. Gemini men tend to be optimistic.
Yet they may also notice that friendly, kind, compassionate people are not easy to find. When you embody these traits, a Gemini man will see you as a unique treasure. When you’re not around, he’ll be more likely to miss you.
It can also help if you show an interest in humanitarian efforts to help people. In addition to being a friendly and kind person, when a Gemini man sees that you take interest in helping others, he’ll be more inclined to miss you because you’ll stand out as an exceptional humanitarian.
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10. Ignore Him
If you ignore a Gemini man, he’ll miss you. But fair warning, this is not a tactic you want to use too often. If you’re too quick to ignore him, he’ll simply think you’re mad at him or you don’t like him. Gemini men can be motivated to chase a woman they love, but they won’t work too hard.
If courting you starts to feel like hard work, a Gemini man is more likely to lose interest in you. If you ignore him for short periods of time or treat him like you’re not as interested in him as you really are, it can make him miss you. He won’t take you for granted because he’ll see he has to work for your attention.
If you’re going to ignore a Gemini man, make sure you have a justification that doesn’t involve a conflict or argument. Don’t make him think you’re ignoring him because of a fight, for example. Instead, let his call go to voicemail because you’ve had a busy day at work or are out with friends.
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