
July 24 Zodiac, Personality, Horoscope, and More

Updated January 22, 2025

What sign is July 24? People born on this day are born under the sign of Leo.

This day is near the beginning of Leo, in the first decan. People born on this day are more likely to have stereotypical Leo traits.

The Sun transitioned into Leo the day before and is now properly in the sign. People born on this day often have prominent personalities because they feel the full influence of Leo’s planetary ruler, the Sun!

A July 24 Leo is ambitious, fun-loving, and a little childish. They have a zest for life and are always looking for more ways to experience the world.

People born on this day can be impatient and often have to learn how to slow down and relax. They know what they want in life. They just have to learn how to wait for it!

July 24 Info
DateJuly 24
SignLeo ♌︎
StrengthsAmbitious, Focused, Goal-oriented
WeaknessesChildish, Impatient, Lack compassion
Opposite signAquarius ♒︎
Best matchAries, Libra, Aquarius
Worst matchVirgo, Capricorn, Taurus
Tarot birth cardsThe Emperor, Death, The Fool
Angel number4
Spirit animalsMonkey, Gorilla, German Shepherd


The July 24 zodiac sign is Leo. People born on this day have many typical Leo traits. They are bold, passionate, and have a high amount of energy.

The July 24 horoscope is full of a love for life. People born on this day want to get everything they can out of life. They can sometimes be a little impatient about reaching their goals, though.

These Leos are good at planning and staying focused on their goals. Leo can become impatient when they don’t get what they want immediately, but they will never take their eye off the prize.

All Leos can get a bit single-minded at times, which is true for these Leos. They aren’t trying to be stubborn, even if it can come across that way. They are just dedicated to reaching their goals!

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The July 24 personality is an impatient one, and the purpose of these Leos is to learn how to slow down and be patient when necessary.

Things will come in due time if they are meant to happen. The purpose of life for these Leos is to learn that. They are good at working for what they want. They aren’t always good at stepping back when things aren’t working.

These Leos need to become more in touch with their emotions as well. They can do great things for the world if they put their minds to it, but they tend to lack compassion.

Learning how to care about the world that they love so much will help these Leos live better lives.

Positive Traits

Many typical Leo characteristics show up in Leos born on July 24. They are ambitious, lively, and fun people.

These Leos are fun to be around. It’s hard not to be drawn in by them because they are charming and fiery.

Leo is a warm, passionate sign. When Leos born on this day have balanced personalities, they will be especially delightful to be around. It’s more fun to be around them when they know how to calm down when necessary.

Leos born on this day know how to get what they want. They are goal-oriented and can plan when needed, but they also know how to have fun! They know how to let loose and enjoy life.

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Negative Traits

Leo’s personality is big, which doesn’t always sit well with others. They can seem over-the-top sometimes. Certain things about the Leo personality can seem negative, but they are more a matter of personal preference.

Some positive Leo traits have a negative side. Leo’s goal-oriented, focused nature can cause them to become impatient, stubborn, and single-minded.

If these Leos get overly ambitious, that can end up holding them back. They must fall back on their fun-loving side and learn to loosen up.

Sometimes, you just aren’t meant to get what you want right when you want it. These Leos need to learn how to be okay with that.


Leo’s best match for people born on this day is Aquarius. Libra and Aries also make excellent matches.

Aquarius and Leo are often drawn to one another, especially if they have similar goals in life. A Leo born on this day will love being with Aquarius because Aquarius is free-spirited and eccentric. Leo can have a great time with them.

Libra can help balance Leo’s personality, and Aries is someone who can keep up with Leo. Both can be a good match for Leos.

Leo’s worst matches for people born on this day are Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus. Earth sign energy does not sync up well with Leo.

Spontaneous Leo and stable earth signs often don’t go well together. They usually end up driving one another crazy.

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Leo is a very communicative sign. They are often social butterflies, and they love to interact with other people.

Leos born on this day will often be charming and charismatic. They draw people in because of their lively nature. Leo will not have a hard time finding people to interact with.

While Leo can be well-spoken, and many will enjoy talking to them, these Leos may have issues communicating their emotions. They aren’t always good at understanding the feelings of others or maturely expressing their own.

Communication can also break down when these Leos are feeling frustrated. For the most part, though, they are a delight to talk to.


Leo is a very physical sign. When Leo is first attracted to a person, it is usually because of their appearance, not always who they are.

This doesn’t mean that Leo is shallow. Certain features draw them in and they are attracted to those first, but that doesn’t mean that’s all they need to be attracted to someone.

One of the body parts Leo rules is the back. These Leos are often attracted to that area of the body and may also focus on showing off their backs.

Leos are often magnetic and charming. They can easily attract other people to them, though they can take a while to move beyond physical attraction.

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Leos born on this day are often as goal-oriented about dating as they are about everything else!

If a Leo born on this day is interested in getting married or having a long-term relationship, they will often date with that goal in mind.

Leo might date for fun now and then, but they’ll close themselves off from people they don’t see long-term potential in.

If you’re ever dating a Leo and they suddenly distance themselves, it’s likely because they don’t think the relationship is going anywhere.

These Leos often enjoy spontaneous dates or dates that involve physical activity. They may enjoy going out dancing or going on a hike.


Love is one of their life goals for these Leos. They want it all in life, so having a solid long-term relationship is another thing they need to feel successful and happy.

Leo’s love language tends to be gift-giving. Nothing makes them feel more loved than getting a gift from their friends, family, or partner.

This doesn’t mean that these Leos are selfish or shallow. They love giving just as much as they love receiving!

They will always try to give thoughtful gifts too. They pride themselves on picking out the best things for their loved ones.

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July 24 Leos are loyal, dedicated partners. They can take a while to settle down with the right person, and once that happens, they don’t want to do anything to mess that up!

These Leos benefit from being in a relationship with someone who understands their seeming lack of compassion doesn’t mean they don’t love them. Leo can be emotionally distant sometimes, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care.

These Leos take relationships seriously. They are the type to end things as soon as they decide someone isn’t the one for them.

That can seem cold, but they’re breaking things off because they don’t want to waste anyone’s time.


When these Leos are dating, they are often dating with marriage in mind. This is why they tend to break things off at the first sign of trouble. They don’t want to waste their time on people they don’t intend to marry.

When Leo gets married, they tend to be loyal, loving partners. They are passionate, and they genuinely want their marriages to work.

The downside to being married to these Leos is that sometimes their ambitious nature gets the best of them. If they can balance all their goals with their marriage, they will have a happy marriage.

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Leo tends to be a highly sexual sign. Leos are just as passionate in the bedroom as they are everywhere else!

These Leos might be dating with marriage in mind, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have casual sex. They can separate love and sex, and that can actually contribute to why they seem emotionally distant to some people.

Leo tends to be adventurous in the bedroom, which is true for people born on this day! They just need to be careful not to let their impatient nature get the best of them if they want to have a good time.

People Born on July 24

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