If you want to get a Taurus man back after a breakup, you’ve got to be cautious. The strategies that work for other men won’t work for Taurus guys.
Taurus is sensitive to pressure and will disappear if he thinks you’re too eager.
If you want a Taurus man back, you’ve got to understand how to make a Taurus man miss you. Subtle strategies work best with Taurus. Give yourself a no contact rule with a Taurus man at first.
The key to knowing how to make a Taurus man miss you after a breakup is to give him plenty of space and time to see what life is like without you. This will get him to reconsider.
If you want to know how to get a Taurus man to forgive you, this can be more challenging. Taurus won’t easily forgive certain transgressions. A Taurus man will come back if he feels secure.
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1. Give Him Time
If you need to know how to get a Taurus man to change his mind, sometimes the best thing you can do is ignore him. Taurus men will resist input from others and instead, prefer to form their own conclusions.
The more you try to plead your case and convince him he’s making a terrible mistake, the more a Taurus man will double down and insist that he needs space. It’s best to let him go at first. He’ll change his mind when he starts to miss all the things you did for him.
Over time, a Taurus man will realize that his life just isn’t the same without you. Your absence will speak to him in ways your words can’t. Taurus men are sensual earth signs and they need to feel uncomfortable in order to become motivated.
Allowing him to sit with the discomfort of the breakup can be the best way to get him to change his mind and come back around. The less you chase him, the better.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
2. Enhance Your Look
Will a Taurus man come back after no contact? He will if he is tempted by image, appearance or status. Taurus is the sign of security and materialism; he is drawn to beauty and can’t resist temptation when he sees a beautiful woman.
If you pamper yourself and feel comfortable and confident in your body, you’ll get his attention. Treat yourself to a makeover or new hairstyle and be sure to post updated photos on social media so that he’ll see you’ve made some changes.
Upgrade your wardrobe as well. Don’t do this primarily for him. Do it for you. When you feel great about yourself and love the way you look, it shows. Others can pick up on the change in your energy, especially a Taurus man.
3. Take Interest in the Arts
A Taurus man testing you may step back to see how you react. If you have a meltdown or become clingy, he’ll know you’re not the woman for him. Yet if you remain composed and invest in new interests, he’ll become intrigued.
This is particularly true if you spend your newfound freedom investing in exploring the arts. Take a painting or photography class. Learn to draw or dance. Visit the museum or theater. When you update your social media with descriptions of your artistic adventures, he’ll notice.
Developing your passion for the arts serves two purposes. First, it can help you divert attention away from your heartbreak and keep you grounded, helping you to channel your emotions creatively and not chase him. Second, it provides another reason for a Taurus man to give you a call.
He’s captivated by the arts and can be an elitist when it comes to culture and entertainment. When he sees that you also value the arts and are even developing your own artistic talents, his interest in and attraction to you may be triggered once again.
Is your Taurus man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
4. Show Career Success
Although your heart is broken and you may want to both get him back and get even with him, remember that success is the best revenge. With a Taurus man, success may also be the key to getting him back in the first place.
Taurus men are hard working and ambitious. When a Taurus guy sees that you’re rapidly climbing the career ladder, he’ll want to be by your side. He’ll want the status and recognition you’re earning and will be drawn to you because he sees you’re going places.
Taurus men are also attracted to the idea of stability. When you demonstrate career ambition and success, you’re speaking his language. He’ll feel enticed to rekindle the romance because he can already imagine the stable, financially abundant life you could share together.
5. Be Friendly
If you’re wondering how to know when a Taurus man is done with you, the bottom line is, sometimes you won’t know right away. Taurus men can be surprisingly cold and then turn around and profess their love and desire to reconnect.
On the other hand, he can also be attentive but gradually disappear from the picture, eventually dropping all contact. The best thing to do early in a breakup with a Taurus man is to be distant and let him reach out.
When you do interact with him, always be friendly. This is challenging, especially when you’re hurt, angry or eager to get back together. But keeping a level head and acting courteous and kind will reassure him that there’s still a chance.
If he’s definitely done with the relationship, he’ll try to maintain a friendship. If he has any doubts at all about ending the relationship, he’ll start to become more engaged with you. He’ll interact with you more as he tries to figure out his feelings.
Is your Taurus man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Taurus back in. →
6. Don’t Bring Up the Past
Whatever you do, don’t bring up the past. Especially early after the breakup. Why does a Taurus man keeps coming back? A Taurus man disappears and comes back because he knows there is potential and feels that there is unfinished business.
When he keeps coming back, he still cares about you and hasn’t found closure. He’s showing you that he’s willing to work out the problems in the relationship but may not know how to do this through effective communication.
Rather than bombarding him with a long list of everything that went wrong, it’s best to wait and create a solid, secure connection with regular communication first. Taurus men are notoriously poor communicators and will simply shut down if they feel bombarded.
7. Don’t Create Drama
No matter how tempted you are, avoid drama. This includes making him jealous or airing his secrets to the world. Don’t post negatively about him online. Taurus men value their reputations and won’t tolerate confrontation.
He may run away, or he may fight back, but either way, it won’t bring him back to you. The small amount of interaction you get from him when he goes on the defensive is not worth losing him forever. He may block you and disappear for good.
If you have strong feelings, especially anger, it is best to express these feelings in some other way. If you want a Taurus man back, confronting him won’t work. You may also sabotage your chances if you try to get him back by making him jealous.
This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you. →
8. Invite Him Out for Drinks
Once you’ve given him space and allowed him to be the one to reach out and initiate contact, wait to see if he continues to connect with you over the course of a few weeks. If he does, still take things slow.
Invite him out for drinks or to grab coffee. This way, you’re not asking him on an official date. Yet you are moving things from the world of text or phone calls into actual face to face conversations.
Don’t treat this as a romantic event, but as a chance for friends to catch up with each other. Let him see that he is under no pressure. Seeing you in person will remind him of your beauty, and great sense of humor. It may take several casual meetings before he’s ready to talk about romance. Give him time.
9. Be Practical
Breakups are an emotionally intense time, but as much as possible, try to be practical. If your Taurus man sees that you are grounded and mature about the breakup process, he may start to reconsider whether he’s making a mistake.
Even if it takes a while after the breakup, approach him from a practical standpoint. The last thing you want to do is pour your heart out to a Taurus man.
This won’t win him back, in fact, it is more likely to scare him away. If you need to retrieve your belongings from his home or return his belongings, approach this in a practical way. Don’t try to make it an opportunity to see him if that is not what he wants.
Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic) →
10. Show Your Strengths
When you do have an opportunity to see your Taurus ex after a breakup, remember to flaunt your best attributes. Not just physically, but in terms of your personal strengths and talents. There is a reason he fell for you in the first place. Remind him you are still that person.
If you aren’t planning to see him any time soon, use the internet and social media as your platform to show him your best strengths. You may not know it, but he’s lurking in the background.
Taurus can’t help taking a look at your social media pages to see what you’re up to. Surprise him and impress him by posting all the successes you’re achieving. Post clues that remind him of your strengths and best qualities. This will remind him of what he is missing.
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