If you want to get an Aries man back after a breakup, then you need to know how to cater to his zodiac sign’s relationship needs.
What can you do to make him want you back?
Some signs are more likely than others to get back with an ex, and an Aries man could be open to a reconciliation depending on the circumstances of your breakup.
But even if he likes the idea of getting back together, you will have to play your cards right if you want to persuade your Aries guy to rekindle your relationship.
Once you have a better understanding of how his zodiac sign thinks and feels after a breakup, you will know how to get your Aries man back.
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1. Give Him Space
Aries is one of the most independent signs of the zodiac, and an Aries man cherishes his freedom. As difficult as it may be, you have to give your Aries guy a little room to breathe after your breakup.
He hates having a needy or clingy partner, and begging him to take you back right after a breakup will only push him further away.
You need to allow him time to process his feelings and think rationally about the relationship.
And, as scary as it sounds, you might have to let him explore dating other girls so he can see that you’re the right one for him.
This doesn’t mean that you should shut him out completely. Let him know that you’re there for him when he wants to talk, but don’t be desperate or needy.
When he’s ready and approaches you to talk about reconciliation, you shouldn’t ignore an Aries man.
If he thinks you blocked his number or are just shutting him out to be cruel he will move on because that’s what happens when you ignore an Aries man.
This magic will make your Aries man want a relationship with you. →
2. Don’t Make Him Jealous
If you want to know how to make an Aries man chase you again, don’t think that making him jealous is a good way to get him back.
An Aries man likes a little bit of fun jealousy within a relationship. For example, he doesn’t mind when another guy hits on you, as long as you don’t flirt back.
It shows him how desirable you are and that he has won a prize that other men envy. He’s a competitive and boastful guy, so it makes him proud to see other guys want you.
But he doesn’t like it if you intentionally try to make him jealous, and if you try to rub your new man in his face after a breakup, it will only help him move on faster.
Don’t try to make him jealous, and even if you have started dating other guys in case your Aries man doesn’t want you back, don’t tell him about it.
Don’t post photos of other men on your social media profiles, and don’t brag to your mutual friends about all the guys you have been talking to since the breakup.
Instead, let him see that you’re working on yourself and focusing on your friends and family.
3. Live Your Best Life
Just because you shouldn’t show off your dating life to your Aries ex doesn’t mean you have to act like you’re pining for him all the time.
You can let him know you miss him and want to get back together without sacrificing your happiness or making yourself seem desperate and lonely.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man obsessed with you again, let him see you’re living your best life after the breakup.
Go on a road trip with your girlfriends, go to parties and clubs at night, hit the gym harder than ever, and post pictures of all of it online where he can see.
He will be jealous in the right way when he sees you flourishing and thriving without him, and it will make him even more attracted to you.
It also shows him that you have a happy and fulfilling life even when you’re single and that you don’t need a man to complete you.
As a very independent sign, an Aries man will gain more respect when he sees this side of you.
Is your Aries man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aries back in. →
4. Get a Makeover
Aries men are dynamic. They embrace change and they need constant stimulation to keep from getting bored.
If you want to know how to make an Aries man addicted to you, change up your appearance often.
Some zodiac signs are resistant to change and don’t like it when you get a new hairdo or experiment with your fashion style, but an Aries man will always support and encourage you to try something different.
If you want to grab your Aries ex’s attention and make him notice you again, try getting a drastic makeover.
Just make sure it’s something flattering – go to the salon instead of trying to bleach your hair at home or ask a personal shopper’s opinion when you’re picking out new clothes.
Don’t be afraid to dye your hair a wild color or try a style that’s completely out of character for you. An Aries man is an extremist, so he likes radical changes.
When he sees you around or pictures online showing off your new look, he will get curious and want to see more of you.
It also communicates to him that you’ve changed, at least superficially, so maybe you would behave differently and better in a relationship, too.
5. Apologize for Past Mistakes
If you want your Aries guy to take you back, then you need to apologize for past mistakes you made in the relationship.
Regardless of whether or not the breakup was mostly your fault, you need to tell him that you’re sorry for things you did while you were dating.
And if you were the one to break up with him, then you need to apologize for taking him for granted and tell him that you want him back.
What an Aries man wants to hear is that you recognize your part in why the relationship ended. He is more likely to offer an apology to you if you give him one first.
He won’t get back with you if you stubbornly cling to the idea that you never did anything wrong and the breakup was entirely his fault.
Say that you’re sorry, and do it calmly and rationally to show him you’re not trying to gain sympathy or manipulate him.
If you cry and scream during your apology to play on his emotions, it won’t work out in your favor.
You have to be sincere and logical to prove to him that you’ve truly given your words some thought and that your apology is genuine.
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6. Show Him What Will Be Different
It’s not enough to merely apologize to your Aries ex. If you want him to take you back, you have to prove to him that your relationship will be different when he gives you another chance.
Once you tell him you’re sorry for what you did wrong, explain what you’re going to do differently in the future to avoid having the same problems.
He might not trust you right away and will need to see proof that you’ve changed. In this case, you must be patient and let him observe how you’re different now.
And if you’re the one who broke up with him, tell him that you realized you made a mistake and that you will never push him away like that again.
7. Remind Him of the Good Times
If you want to know how to make an Aries man miss you, don’t cry to him and obsess over the relationship you used to have.
Instead, wait until you’re in a good place with him, such as being friends again, and start casually reminding him of the good times you shared.
Send him old pictures via text or social media, telling him that something came up that reminded you of a specific memory with him.
If he starts reminiscing with you, it’s a good sign. When an Aries man misses you and the good times you had together, he will want to take you back.
Once he starts responding happily to your nostalgic messages and brings up his happy memories from your relationship, it’s one of the signs an Aries man is falling for you again.
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8. Don’t Pressure Him
When an Aries man is done with you, it can be difficult to convince him to take you back. If you’re still in his life as a friend, he is more likely to let you back into his heart romantically.
But if he has cut you off completely and has broken off all contact with you, it can be nearly impossible to change his mind.
No matter how tempting it may be, don’t nag your Aries guy or put pressure on him to get back together with you.
The more you rush his decision or push him to be with you, the more trapped and annoyed he will feel.
You have to find the balance between letting him know you’re interested in reconciling and giving him room to consider his options.
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