A Gemini man’s text style can be prolific or erratic. When you understand his communication style, though, you’ll have no problem flirting with a Gemini guy through text.
In fact, it is his favorite medium for connecting and flirting.
If you’re wondering how to know if a Gemini man likes you through text, it can be confusing at first. He often acts kind and flirty to everyone when he’s chatting with them.
Yet a few key signs to look for are his willingness to initiate communication and how prolifically he writes you back. If he just responds when you text and only says a word or two, he’s not interested.
If you’ve got his attention through text, however, this is an ideal platform to use to flirt with him. You can keep him wanting more and fuel his sense of passion this way.
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Make Jokes
When you see signs a Gemini man likes you, use your text conversations to take the relationship further. Make jokes with him through text as his sense of humor is a great way to trigger his interest in you.
Gemini men can also feel more free to be themselves and to flirt if you bring humor into the conversation. This is because when you’re joking but also flirting, he will let his guard down and push the boundaries a little more.
If he suddenly feels he went too far and worries you may not share his interest, he’ll quickly back pedal. If he responds by saying “just kidding,” after making a flirty comment, try responding “well, that’s too bad,” to let him know that you are open to his suggestive statements.
The more you can dance around the flirtation with humor the better for a Gemini man at first. In the early stages this is ideal. Several weeks or months into a relationship, though, and the conversation should have advanced beyond this light flirtation stage.
Use these secrets to make your Gemini man love you (they work like magic) →
Be Subtle
Signs a shy Gemini likes you are more likely to come out through text. A Gemini guy who says few words in person will often text prolifically. Be subtle when you’re texting him at first if you’re not sure about his feelings.
Usually, a Gemini man will be open about his intentions when you’re texting him. He’ll either respond to flirtation by flirting back if he’s interested or he’ll outright tell you he’s not looking for a relationship or just wants to be friends.
Sometimes, a Gemini man won’t know how he feels about you. If this is the case, he’ll flirt once you open this door or may even initiate the flirtation but won’t commit to anything serious. Be subtle at first when you flirt with him and notice how he reacts.
Play with Words
If you want to know how to make a Gemini man think about you, the key is to show him that you can stand out from the crowd and are intellectual and witty. When you text him jokes or flirt through text, play with words to show you have a knack for language.
Word play can add humor and can also add a sizzling layer of flirtation. Words or phrases with double meanings excite a Gemini man. You can hint around flirtation by playing with words and this will capture his attention.
Gemini men love word games, puns and word puzzles. Anything having to do with using words in various ways to convey layers of meaning will get his attention. Bring your savvy wordsmith skills into the conversation and you’ll have your Gemini man’s attention.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Gemini man (they work like magic) →
Entice His Imagination
If you see the signs a Gemini man is falling in love with you, it may be time to up your game. When you flirt with him through text, entice him by playing to his imagination. Gemini men love to be able to visualize what you are describing.
Help him create a visual of what you’re wearing and what you want to do together. Flirt with him by setting a scene that appeals to his creative nature. Put his active imagination to work in your favor.
One of the reasons Gemini men don’t get overemotional is because they are creative but prefer to be intellectual than lost in feelings. If you can describe your feelings or desires in ways that play to his sense of imagination, you’ll keep his interest.
Describe Your Fantasies
If you’re wondering how to tell if a Gemini man is playing you, be sure to talk about more than sex or intimacy. Describe your fantasies, both in terms of romance but also in terms of your personal ambitions.
If he is only flirty and responsive when you’re texting about sex and falls silent when you talk about your day or your dreams, it’s a sign he’s not really interested in a relationship with you.
A Gemini man who is flirting with you through text will get bored easily if the flirting is always heavy and focused on sex or the same old pick up lines. Instead, flirt with him by adding in some unexpected elements. Talk to him about your dreams and goals and use these conversations as a springboard for some light flirtation.
A tiny trick to snatch your Gemini man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Don’t Be Too Emotional
If you’re wondering how to compliment a Gemini man, the best thing you can do is flirt with him and show admiration for his intellect and intelligence. You may think you’re flirting if you open your heart and share emotional depths but this will scare him away.
Gemini men aren’t comfortable discussing emotions. Instead, focus on the intellect and ideas that you share. Appeal to his idealistic nature. Flirt with him and at the same time show off your intelligence.
Be careful to not become needy or clingy over the course of time. This also turns off a Gemini man as it puts too much pressure on him. He needs the relationship to be light, fun and flirty, not serious and emotional.
Trigger His Wanderlust
If you’re wondering how to attract a Gemini man through text, appeal to his desire to travel. When you are on a road trip, text him with photos of your different stops along the way.
If you’ve traveled before, entice him with flirty texts about the places you’ve seen. You can even text flirty messages about the places you would like to go to with him. Try to get him to imagine himself traveling with you.
Send photos of different romantic and exciting destinations. Gemini men crave travel and excitement and this way, you’re not only flirting with him but also sparking his imagination and encouraging his desire for a vacation with you.
Is your Gemini man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Gemini back in. →
Excite His Intellect
If you’re wondering how to tell if a Gemini man likes you, sometimes the best clue is how he interacts with you. Don’t count on him to pour his heart out to you, he won’t. He can be incredibly smart but doesn’t easily understand his own feelings.
You’ve got to excite his intellect while flirting with him in order to capture his attention. Get him to notice you by showing off your intelligence when you flirt with him as well. When you are flirting with your Gemini love interest through text, leave plenty of hints about the books you’ve read and things you’ve studied.
When you can flirt with a Gemini man in a way that also makes him feel like he’s learning something it is more effective. He’ll stay hooked on you because he loves the mental stimulation.
Make Movie References
If you’re wondering what to do when a Gemini man ignores you, the best thing to do at first is give him space. After some time away, text him with some light, flirty messages. Keep it brief and positive.
Don’t demand an explanation or put him on a guilt trip. Instead, make movie or pop culture references. This will get his attention and excite him. Gemini men love books, films and music. When you flirt with him through text, quote recognizable scenes from his favorite pop icons.
This can include directly quoting love songs or films but can also include using phrases from movies taken in new context as terms of endearment or pick up lines. You’ll impress a Gemini man because he’ll love that you are lifting quotes from some of his favorite movies.
This magic will make your Gemini man want a relationship with you. →
Stimulate His Visual Senses
When flirting with a Gemini man through text, it is helpful to stimulate his mind and his visual senses. Help him to see what you’re trying to convey. You could use descriptive words but it’s just as effective to send gifs and photos.
Gemini men love to play with words and language but they also appreciate the symbolic meaning of images. When you stimulate him by sending photos of yourself or gifs or funny images that convey your message in through pictures, you’ll capture his attention.
Gemini men can also engage in entire conversations based on gifs. They may not know if you are truly catching their meaning but will have such a good time flirting with you in pictures that it will hardly matter to them.
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