
Do Gemini Men Like Kinky Stuff?

Updated December 31, 2024

They are known for enjoying sex and even being a bit wild, but are Gemini men kinky?

Gemini men like excitement in the bedroom. Willingness to try new things is one of Gemini’s sexuality traits. As a result, they are often open to anything.

Do Gemini men like kinky stuff? This is often true of Gemini men, though the extent to which they enjoy kink will vary.

The main thing to remember with Gemini is that they like to explore. They like to learn new things to gain knowledge they didn’t have before. This means they aren’t afraid to try out new kinks just to see what they’re like.

There are a lot of different kinks. Some of them are relatively tame, while others can be offensive to some people. Gemini men are often willing to try anything once.

Gemini in Bed

Sex with a Gemini man is generally considered to be exciting for all involved. So even if it doesn’t end up being your cup of tea, you can bet it’ll be an exciting experience for you, at the very least.

A Gemini man’s sex life is often as wild as he is. This can mean he is out exploring himself with multiple partners, or it could mean he just likes to try new things within a committed relationship.

Overall, Gemini men are considered to be excellent lovers. They are attentive and will listen to your needs. This is a man who will remember to kiss that one exact spot that always makes you go wild.

He wants to have fun while he’s having sex. He wants you to have fun as well! The best way for this to happen, in his eyes, is to explore all the options out there until you find what works best for you both.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Gemini man (they work like magic) →

Are Geminis Kinky?

Gemini is an air sign. They go with the flow, and they aren’t ones to be tied down by rules about what is and isn’t “proper.” So while other signs may shy away from kink or sexual exploration in general, Gemini loves it.

Some people confuse Gemini’s adventurous sexual traits with promiscuity or think that all Geminis are cheaters. This isn’t true at all.

Geminis are perfectly capable of setting down and committing to one person. They’ll try to spice up their sex life within that relationship, not by being unfaithful.

If you’re dating a Gemini and he does want to bring in other sexual partners to the relationship, he will typically talk that out with you first.

Sexual Knowledge

Gemini men are often knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics. So it makes sense that they’d also know quite a bit about sex.

Even if a specific Gemini man doesn’t have a breadth of hands-on knowledge, so to speak, he likely knows a good deal about sex in general.

Gemini men learn about sex in many ways. They are not afraid to discuss sex with friends, acquaintances, even strangers.

Communication is essential for a Gemini. If you’re shy when it comes to sex, be prepared for Gemini to bring it up even when you don’t think he should.

A Gemini man isn’t trying to be crass or make people uncomfortable when he talks about sex. Instead, he’s trying to share knowledge. He wants to learn things he doesn’t know and teach others things he does.

He might gain some of his knowledge through pornography as well. While Gemini knows that this isn’t always the most accurate representation of sex, he doesn’t shy away from it.

He may also read more scientific or technical literature about sex just because he finds it interesting.

You might find a Gemini man discussing sex on online forums or perusing through adult websites. This is one of the ways he learns about new things.

After all, there are so many kinks, positions, etc., when it comes to sex. So how is he supposed to try them if he doesn’t know about them in the first place?

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Are Geminis good in bed? An inexperienced Gemini may not be perfect, but he’ll make up for it with enthusiasm and his desire to please.

One of the main draws when it comes to sex with Gemini men is that it’s exciting. It’s not going to be the same every time, and you can bet he’s going to throw you a curveball if things are getting a little stale in bed.

A Gemini in bed can be unpredictable. This doesn’t mean that he’ll do things he knows you don’t like. It also doesn’t mean he’ll spring things on you without warning.

It just means that from time to time, he might ask to do something you’ve never even heard of before.

This unpredictable nature is fascinating and fun for some people. It certainly is for Gemini. Not everyone is going to find this enjoyable, however.

Some people are just fine settling into a routine, even when it comes to sex. They might find something they like and be perfectly okay sticking with that.

For them, the predictable nature of their sex life is comforting and doesn’t stop it from being fun as well.

Gemini is not like that at all. A Gemini man will be bored to tears doing the same thing day in and day out.

If he thinks he and his partner are falling into a routine and sticking to the same things, he’ll do what he can to spice things up.

Exploring Kinks

We know they can be kinky, but what exactly are Gemini’s kinks? The answer to that question is going to vary from person to person.

While Gemini men can be kinky in general, not all of them will like the same things. The key to being with a Gemini man is being willing to try anything once.

Sex with Gemini is partly about exploration. Gemini is seductive, and one of the ways he’ll seduce you is by finding all the right buttons to press.

There are so many different ways to have sex. All kinds of toys and products can be incorporated into your sex life. So how are you supposed to know what works and what doesn’t if you don’t try?

You may not consider yourself to be a kinky person. That’s okay! Not all kinks are depraved or even that weird. If you are willing to try out the things Gemini suggests, you just might find something you like.

With exploration comes failures as well as successes. Gemini knows this, and he isn’t the type of man who is discouraged by failure.

If he tries something with you and it doesn’t work out, that’s not going to stop him from suggesting new things to try in the future.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Gemini man. →

What to Try

If you tend to stick to vanilla sex and you find yourself with a kinky Gemini man, there are some things you can try to “dip your toes” into the world of kink.

One thing many Gemini men love is sex in public or “unexpected” places. This doesn’t mean having sex in front of strangers (though he might also be into that).

It’s just exciting to have sex somewhere other than a bed sometimes.

You can try having sex in the shower or bathtub. If you two are on vacation, try finding a hotel that has a bathtub with jets for a really good time. Your Gemini man may also enjoy having sex in the car or a tent while camping.

Another thing to try is dirty talk. Gemini men love to talk in bed. So if you take some initiative with some sexy talk, he’ll love it.

You can even throw some of this in with your usual flirting. It’ll get him hot under the collar and help get you both ready for the “main act.”

Have you always been curious about a specific kink or sex position? Did you get a toy once, only to never actually use it? A Gemini man is a great person to ask.

If he’s tried something before, he’ll already know how to show you a good time. If he hasn’t tried it yet, he’s highly likely to say yes to the new experience.

What to Avoid

The most important thing to try to avoid when you have a sexual relationship with a Gemini is boredom.

You are both going to have preferences. There are going to be certain things you’re both fine doing frequently. However, you should never be doing the exact same thing over and over again, every single day.

Avoid close-minded thinking when it comes to sex as well. Gemini men enjoy open-minded partners. This doesn’t mean you have to say yes to him 100% of the time.

It just means you need to show a willingness to at least think about trying new things.

Communication is essential when it comes to sex. Don’t clam up over talking about sex. Instead, be willing to discuss it freely with your partner.

If you don’t like something, you need to tell him. Even if he seems to be enjoying it, he wouldn’t be if he knew you were having a bad time.

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2 Comments Add one

  1. I’m a Gemini woman & I’m very open minded to trying new things in the bedroom or outside the bedroom. I often don’t even realize I’m being flirtatious w guys. I’m just being friendly. I’m in a committed long distance relationship &am very loyal to my lover/partner. I often get bored easily & like to try new things. I don’t think I’m very jealous but can be “territorial” when it comes to my boyfriend. My boyfriend is a Gemini also &it’s definitely a fun roller coaster bc sometimes our moods are in sync but other times were complete opposite moods. I give him his space & actually wait for him to contact me everyday bc he loves to initiate our conversations. We get along very well. I’m the “talker” in our relationship. He avoids talking about emotional things but definitely has exposed his vulnerable side after earning his trust. Hope this helps…

    1. Sounds like you both have a dynamic relationship! Enjoy the ride together!

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