Dating a Capricorn man can be very rewarding, but it can also be frustrating at times.
Depending on your own personality and dating style, a Capricorn man might be the perfect match for you, or he may be a complete nightmare.
Like all people, Capricorn men have negative and positive traits. A Capricorn man in love is no more perfect than anyone else.
Certain traits may seem endearing to some people but be unbearable for others. Depending on how you look at it, the same trait can also be both positive and negative in nature.
Capricorn men in relationships can be some of the most dependable and loyal people. However, it can also take work to get them to open up and show their more emotional, affectionate sides.
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He’s Ambitious
Capricorn is one of the most ambitious signs of the zodiac. A Capricorn man desires success in life and in all things that he does.
If he thinks something is getting in the way of his success, he’s more than willing to get rid of it. Also, he will not waste his time on things that don’t actively help him achieve his goals.
What attracts a Capricorn man most is somebody who is as ambitious as he is.
Of course, you don’t need to have the same goals he does or go about achieving them in the same way, but ambition, in general, is highly attractive to a Capricorn man.
Know that you might not be the main focus of his life all the time. If he cares about you, he’ll make time for you. But he also needs to make time for achieving his goals.
This magic will make your Capricorn man want a relationship with you. →
He Doesn’t Like PDA
Capricorn men like to keep their personal lives personal. So, for example, a Capricorn man’s relationship is a very private thing for him.
This doesn’t mean he’s ashamed of you or that he’s never affectionate. He’s just not one for publicly displaying those affections. He is a private person, and he thinks there is a time and place for certain things.
To him, the time for affection is when you’re alone and in a safe, comfortable place. He just doesn’t feel comfortable showing the more vulnerable parts of himself in public.
He can compromise on certain things but be sure to respect his boundaries.
For example, if you find him physically pulling away from you in public, don’t be offended and don’t push the matter. Just wait until the two of you are alone.
Does a Capricorn man flirt and show affection at all? Certainly! At home, he is perfectly capable of being affectionate, and Capricorn men make great lovers.
He’s a Workaholic
Hard work and success are two of the most critical things in a Capricorn man’s life. But, unfortunately, there may be times where you feel like your relationship is taking a back seat to his job.
It’s not that he loves his job more than you. It’s just that when he is focused on something, he tends only to be focused on that one thing. When it’s time to hunker down and work, he’s working. When it’s time to focus on you, he’s focused on you.
He also legitimately enjoys working, which can be challenging for some people to understand.
Being successful in his career is how he will achieve his goals and ultimately become financially stable, which is one thing he craves more than anything.
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He’s Practical
A Capricorn man wants to be successful. So he likes to plan everything out, and he likes to have a solid solution to every problem he comes across.
If you have a problem, your Capricorn man is going to try and fix it. He’ll look at it from all angles and give you his advice on what you should do.
Even something like getting into a relationship is something that he looks at from a logical, practical point of view. So he’ll weigh the pros and cons and look at the best way to go about taking your relationship to the next level.
If you are an emotional person, it might be difficult for you to see how he can always be so practical and logical, even when it comes to matters of the heart.
He’s Dependable
Capricorn men are known for being some of the most loyal and dependable partners once they commit to you. This is how a Capricorn man expresses his love.
This isn’t a man who will forget your birthday until he sees everyone sending you messages on Facebook one morning. He’s more likely to have something all planned out for your special day.
You can trust that your Capricorn partner will keep promises and do what he says he is going to do. He’s not one to lie or to back out on plans at the last minute.
He’s always going to be there for you with advice on how to handle your problems. He’ll be willing to help you plan out the best way to deal with difficult things in your life and then to help you follow through with those plans.
You can also depend on him to be faithful to you. He’s not one to cheat or have affairs. If he gives you his heart, you are going to have it fully.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Capricorn man (they work like magic) →
He’s Unemotional
Everyone has emotions. Capricorn men just don’t like to show them all the time. A Capricorn man falling in love doesn’t change this either.
He uses logic to make decisions, not emotions. You might do certain things based on emotions or instinct, but he very much does not.
He might wait until he is 100% sure you’re going to say yes before asking you out instead of just taking a chance because he likes you.
It’s also going to be challenging to get him to open up about his emotions. He has a lot of walls up, and breaking them down will take time.
When it comes to your own emotions, he might have trouble understanding them. He might try to rationalize them or tell you that, logically, you shouldn’t be feeling a certain way.
If you’re venting to him, he’s going to attempt to solve the “problem” instead of just listening and validating your feelings. This can be highly frustrating!
When a Capricorn man likes you, he might be willing to work on this aspect of his personality.
He’s Stubborn
Capricorn men are often convinced that their way is the best and that they know better than everyone else.
He thinks that “if you want to get something done right, you better do it yourself.” It won’t be easy to convince him that you can help him with certain things, especially if you don’t do them the same way he does.
If the two of you are arguing about something, he’s not going to admit you are right or that you have a point. Even if there is a ton of evidence that he’s in the wrong, he may not be willing to accept it.
This also means that, on the positive side of things, he’s not the kind of person to abandon his personal morals. On the contrary, he’s willing to stick with things through thick or thin.
It can just be frustrating when he refuses to back down from things that, honestly, he should.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Capricorn man... →
He’s Assertive
Capricorn men often like to take control in a relationship. However, if this goes too far on the negative side of the spectrum, he can come across as controlling.
If you are a person who is willing to let someone else steer the ship, a Capricorn man might be an excellent fit for you. He is more than happy to take charge of your relationship because he takes charge in every other aspect of his life.
He isn’t just assertive in relationships. He’s assertive all the time. He’s excellent at convincing managers and coworkers to see things his way. He can get clients to back down from demands he thinks are unreasonable.
This does mean that it can be challenging to get your way at times. He is perfectly capable of compromising and working your desires into his plans, though. He just has to want to.
He Lacks Spontaneity
If you want somebody who will randomly whisk you off on some romantic vacation, date a fire sign. You’ll need to look for other signs a Capricorn man cares for you outside of those substantial romantic gestures.
Capricorn men plan everything in their lives. But, unfortunately, they can also become stressed out about things that they aren’t capable of planning and when their plans don’t go the way they want them to.
He’ll take you on nice dates, of course. He’s just going to have them planned out a week in advance, and he’s going to expect that you’re ready to go at 6:00 PM on the dot if that’s when he says he’s going to pick you up.
A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
He’s All-In
Will a Capricorn man lead you on? Not at all. When a Capricorn man decides that he’s ready to commit to you, he is all-in from that point forward.
This is a man who takes a long time to fall in love. He wants to make sure a relationship will be beneficial for both parties before he dives in.
Capricorn men don’t often do casual relationships or flings. Instead, they are more likely to be serial monogamists or have their first long-term relationship later in life than others.
You won’t have to worry about your Capricorn partner leaving you out of the blue once the two of you have settled into a relationship. He’s going to try and work through your problems before ending things.
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