Don’t overthink it if you want to date a Leo man. Just have fun with him and let him see your true self!
Unleash your adventurous side when you’re with your Leo man. Give him attention, plan exciting dates, and express yourself.
Be open and honest with your Leo man right from the start. You can play up your best qualities to attract a Leo man, but don’t show him a lie. Show him your true self!
Plan dates with your Leo man, and make sure they’re interesting! Be bold and adventurous in the things you do together.
If you’re dating a Leo man, try to make him feel good. Compliment him and focus on him. Never make him jealous, or try to play games with him if you want him to stick around!
Table of Contents [show]
1. Be Open & Honest
In the early stages of dating a Leo man, you might be tempted to say what you think he wants to hear. That might temporarily win him over, but it won’t get you far!
Be open and honest if you want to date a Leo man. He might start dating you if you seem perfect, but he’ll quickly pick up on the fact that you’re being dishonest with him if you start dating him under false pretenses.
Leo men value honesty in their relationships. They can deal with a little exaggeration, and your Leo man won’t blame you for putting your best foot forward, but he does not want to date somebody who lies to him.
If you want to have a relationship with your Leo man eventually, be open with him! Allow him to get to know you. If you’re closed off, he’ll never be able to trust you or develop a bond with you.
A tiny trick to snatch your Leo man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
2. Show Him Your True Self
How do you win a Leo man’s heart? You might score a date or two by pretending to be your Leo man’s perfect woman. However, he’ll eventually figure out that you’re lying!
If you want to date a Leo man and have your relationship eventually become serious, you need to show him your actual self right from the start.
There are many ways to attract a Leo man and make yourself seem more alluring. The key is to play up your actual traits, though. Show off your best features and your most positive attributes, but don’t make up new ones.
As you continue to date your Leo man, you must show him all of you, not just the best parts. If you want to continue dating him and eventually have a relationship, you’ll also need to show him your flaws.
3. Be Confident
Leo men are drawn to confident women. Confidence is one of the traits you’ll need to catch your Leo man’s eye in the first place and to get a first date with him.
Do not let your insecurities get the best of you. Opening up and sharing those insecurities can be a great way to bond with your Leo man, but you shouldn’t let them shake your confidence in your budding relationship.
If your Leo man has any doubts about continuing to date you, and you also seem like you’re not confident with the way things are going, your relationship may be doomed from the start. Just trust that things will work out!
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Leo man. →
4. Be Adventurous
What do Leo men want in a relationship? Many Leo men want a partner they can be adventurous with. If you want to keep a Leo man engaged when you first start dating him, show him your adventurous side!
Showing off your adventurous side is vital when dating a Leo man. If you genuinely haven’t got an adventurous side at all and are not willing to branch out more, a Leo man might not be the one for you!
You can show your adventurous side by simply being willing to try new things with your Leo man. Try to say yes to as many invitations from him as possible. Show him that you can step outside your comfort zone sometimes.
Your Leo man will love dating you if he knows he can try new things with you. He’ll be more likely to keep asking you out if he knows he won’t be shot down.
5. Be Bold
Many Leo men like to be dominant in relationships. They can be extremely helpful and protective partners. However, they don’t want to date a damsel in distress!
A Leo man doesn’t want a quiet, passive partner. He wants to date someone as bold as he is! Show your Leo man that you can get on his level if you want to date him.
You can sometimes let your Leo man lead, especially in the early stages of dating, but don’t hold back or hide your true personality.
Your Leo man will love it when you boldly express your genuine opinions. He’ll love it when you take the initiative in moving your relationship forward, too!
A Leo man might think he wants to be in charge, but he typically realizes he doesn’t want to entirely run the show in a relationship. You can be bold and even take the lead sometimes, too!
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Leo man... →
6. Don’t Make Him Jealous
Are Leo men loyal partners? Many Leo men are loyal, faithful, and dedicated once they’ve committed to somebody. If you want to move beyond the dating stage with your Leo man, you must show him you can be loyal too.
Before you started dating your Leo man, you might have flirted with other men to rile him up and bring out his competitive side. That might have been one of the ways you got him to chase you and ask you out in the first place!
Once you’ve started dating your Leo man, don’t continue to play hard to get! If he’s asked you on a date already, you got him. You don’t need to keep playing with him.
Don’t purposely make your Leo man jealous, especially in the early stages of dating him! Flirting with other men or setting up competition between your Leo man and one of your exes will push him away.
7. Plan Interesting Dates
If you want to know how to keep a Leo man interested in the early stages of dating, then planning interesting dates is vital!
Dating a Leo man can be exciting. He will probably take you out to expensive restaurants and upscale nightclubs. He’ll keep things interesting for you, so be sure to return the favor when it’s your turn to plan a date.
Your Leo man will love attending concerts, parties, and other events involving large crowds. He’ll also love it if you take him on a unique, one-of-a-kind date!
Get creative when you’re planning something with a Leo man. Even if you think your idea might be odd or out of the norm, your Leo man will appreciate the unique experience!
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Leo man (they work like magic) →
8. Give Him Attention
Give him your undivided attention if you want to make a Leo man happy! The key to successfully dating a Leo man, at least in the beginning, is just giving him enough attention to make him feel good and keep him coming back for more.
It’s essential to focus on your Leo man and give him the attention he needs in the early stages of dating. This will help you get to know him better and show him that you can listen to him and meet his needs.
Don’t ignore your Leo man or play games with him, especially early on. If you make him feel bad about himself, he won’t keep dating you! Neglecting him won’t make him want you more. It will push him away.
9. Spend Quality Time With Him
Try to spend as much quality time with your Leo man as possible. When you first start dating, you might not see one another often, but try to make every minute count!
Your Leo man won’t want to be with you 24/7, even if things eventually get serious. He will want to know that you genuinely enjoy spending time with him, though!
Quality time is critical if you’re dating a Leo man long distance. If you met your Leo man online or while one of you was traveling, dating him will come with unique challenges.
Even if you can’t see your Leo man, remain in frequent contact. Chatting via text as often as possible is an excellent idea if you’re dating a busy Leo man.
You want to ensure that you stay on his mind and that you two keep growing your bond.
Use these secrets to make your Leo man love you (they work like magic) →
10. Express Yourself
If you want to know how to make a Leo man fall in love, you must express yourself! Don’t hold back with your Leo man. Fully express your emotions and show him what a genuine person you are.
A Leo man’s ideal woman is passionate, driven, and creative. She speaks her mind and doesn’t hold back from expressing her genuine opinions about something. She’s not afraid to work for what she wants, either.
If you are the passionate person your Leo man is looking for, show him that! Never be too proud to express how you feel. Your Leo man will respect you for being so open and expressive.
When dating a Leo man, don’t be afraid to express how you feel about him, either. Be openly affectionate with him. If you love being around him, tell him that!
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