Like all people, Capricorn men have negative traits.
Not all Capricorn men will have all these traits, and even when they show their “dark side,” it might not be that severe. Some of these traits may even be positive when in the proper context.
Everybody has a “light side” and a “dark side” consisting of positive and negative traits.
Certain traits may even be either depending on how you look at them. Some of these negative personality traits may be constantly present in a person, and others may only appear in times of stress.
A person might be assertive and stick to their values, or on the flip side, they can be domineering and stubborn.
Of course, having a dark side doesn’t make somebody a bad person, but it is helpful to know what the dark side of a Capricorn man is.
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1. Trust Issues
Capricorn men in relationships do not open up easily. So even if you fully trust him and think a relationship has been going on long enough that he should trust you in return, he may not feel the same way.
A Capricorn man thinks that the only way to get something done right is to do it himself. This isn’t just about work. It’s about every aspect of his life. He always has to take care of his own needs, physical and emotional.
Some Capricorn men are simply cautious. They aren’t going to trust you until they are absolutely 100% certain they can. This is something they see as logical. Why put your trust in someone you aren’t sure deserves it yet?
Other Capricorn men are actively distrustful and may appear overly vigilant. He is going to look for any reason not to trust you, and no reason is too small!
A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
2. Stubborn
Capricorn isn’t the only sign known for being stubborn, but they are up there when it comes to being the most stubborn. For example, a Capricorn man dislikes being wrong and often refuses to admit when they are.
They have a specific idea about the world and about what “perfection” looks like. Capricorn men like things a certain way and will go out of their way to ensure that things align with their view of the world.
It can be a good thing to stick to your values but not when a person refuses to entertain the views of others. For example, a Capricorn man may push for you to do things his way and become angry and frustrated when you won’t.
It takes a lot of patience to deal with a person like this. He is unlikely to see himself as stubborn in the first place: he knows what he likes and won’t compromise on it.
3. Domineering
Working with a Capricorn man who is overbearing and demanding can be a nightmare, and so can being in a relationship with him.
He expects things to be a certain way and to get done the way he wants them done. And he’s not going to be nice about making sure this happens either.
Capricorn men can be control freaks. If you and he already see eye-to-eye, this may not be a problem. But if you don’t? You may find yourself being bossed around and told what to do constantly.
There is often a fine line between being assertive and being domineering. Unfortunately, this negative trait can be a deal-breaker for many people.
Combined with a Capricorn man’s stubborn and harsh nature, interactions with him might be downright unbearable for some people.
Is your Capricorn man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Capricorn back in. →
If you are a sensitive person or require a high amount of emotional involvement from your partners, a Capricorn man may not be the best fit for you. They tend to be apathetic and disconnect themselves from their emotional sides.
It’s possible to win a Capricorn man’s trust and get him to open up more, but it takes work. So why do Capricorn men withdraw? Because he sees himself as a logical, sensible person, and emotions and sensitivity aren’t vital to him.
He may put his work before you and not see why this is a problem. Any attempt to criticize him for this may end in you being told to “calm down” or him saying he doesn’t understand why you’re so upset.
This isn’t to say that Capricorn men are incapable of caring about other people. They are!
How a Capricorn man expresses his love is just different than how others do. If you desire a lot of affection, it may be an uphill battle to get what you want.
5. Harsh
Capricorns tend to “tell it like it is.” However, they also don’t hedge their criticisms or soften the blow: if they see something they think is a problem or spot an area for improvement, they will let you know.
If a Capricorn man sees something he perceives as a flaw, even if it is something you’re sensitive about or something you don’t think is anything to worry about, he’s not going to spare your feelings.
This way of communicating often comes across as rude or mean. After all, who wants to have their flaws pointed out to them in a blunt, insensitive manner?
When a Capricorn man is mad, he can be especially harsh. Telling a Capricorn man that you think he’s rude isn’t typically going to change anything either.
He doesn’t see anything wrong with his criticisms and may honestly think he’s being helpful!
Use these secrets to make your Capricorn man love you (they work like magic) →
6. Temperamental
This might seem contradictory to the idea of a Capricorn man being aloof, but that unemotional mask may be to blame for this negative trait.
Bottling up your emotions all the time can have explosive results. While he may see himself as being logical and unemotional, a Capricorn man can have intense mood swings from time to time.
When a Capricorn man is mad at you, he may explode with anger. But, on the other hand, he might be showing that rare soft side of his one minute and completely detaching from you the next.
He may even suddenly react with annoyance to something that doesn’t usually bother him.
6. Unforgiving
Capricorn men have high expectations for themselves and those around them. So when you make a mistake and fail to live up to those expectations, he can have a hard time getting over it and forgiving you.
This negative trait ties in with a Capricorn man’s pessimism and trust issues as well.
If he trusts you and you do something to betray that trust, even if it is minor, he will have trouble getting over it. You just proved him right about thinking he shouldn’t trust people in the first place.
Even if he says he is over something, you might find your Capricorn man distancing himself. He might not come to you for help in the future or trust you with things he did before.
This magic will make your Capricorn man want a relationship with you. →
7. Know-It-All
Capricorn men see themselves as logical, rational, and intelligent. They think the way they do things is correct, and they have no problem pointing out perceived flaws in the way others do things.
You might find that he is constantly telling you the “correct” way to do things. He might give you advice when you don’t ask for it. He legitimately thinks he is being helpful and that his opinions and advice are wanted.
If he thinks he knows something about a topic, even if he has wrong information or misguided thoughts, good luck convincing him that somebody else knows better.
8. Condescending
Capricorn men can come across as snobbish and condescending for several reasons.
First, this is a man who holds himself in high regard, and that fact can cause him to simply give off a condescending air. Second, sometimes, you can’t pinpoint why exactly you think he is condescending.
Other times, it’s obvious. He thinks he knows better than you, and he is rudely telling you all about how you’re doing your job wrong. You didn’t know something he thinks is common knowledge, and he’s criticizing you because of it.
He might also find you to be too emotional or sensitive and condescend to you because he thinks he is superior for being detached from his emotions.
Even if he doesn’t think he’s better than you (or anyone else), a Capricorn man’s actions can often say otherwise.
For example, the way he speaks to you, the way he talks about others, or just his general demeanor can make him seem like a pretentious snob.
Is your Capricorn man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
9. Pessimistic
When it comes to Capricorn’s dark side traits, pessimism is a huge one. When you’re always focused on logic and think you’re the only one you can trust to get things done right, it’s easy to develop a negative view of the world.
He might describe himself as a realist, but in actuality, his worldview simply lacks hope. That would require him to make some decisions based on emotion, and he is often unwilling to do that.
If you tell him something you’re excited about, you might find him pointing out all the ways it could go wrong.
He may even catastrophize and be overprepared for all manner of things, expecting a negative outcome at all times.
He is a perfectionist too, which means he’s often disappointed because the world isn’t perfect! But, unfortunately, those disappointments only further prove his pessimistic view of the world.
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