The way Capricorn men flirt tends to be incredibly direct. They don’t tend to flirt unless they are serious about it!
Your Capricorn man might loosen up when trying to flirt with you. Not all Capricorn men are good at flirting, though.
Flirting can be difficult for some Capricorn men. They are used to being serious and reserved most of the time, and flirting tends not to be a very serious act!
Capricorn men tend to be straightforward when they are interested in someone. If you suspect that your Capricorn man is flirting with you, he likely is. He’s not very subtle. He might be shy, but it will still be obvious.
If a Capricorn man is flirting with you, he’s serious about it. Capricorn men don’t flirt just to play around. If he’s not interested, he won’t flirt with you.
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Body Language
Pay attention to a Capricorn man’s body language while he flirts with you. Capricorn men tend to be a bit more affectionate and open when they are flirting with someone.
Your Capricorn man might stand closer to you than he does to others. He may even brush knees with you while sitting next to you or put a hand on your arm.
Your Capricorn man might seem more relaxed around you while flirting too. On the opposite end of things, he might seem tenser while flirting! It all depends on how confident he is in his flirting abilities.
Whether he’s nervous or not, his entire focus will be on you while flirting. He’ll show that he’s paying attention to you with his whole body.
Your Capricorn man’s body will tilt toward you, and he may lean in close while you two talk. He may even adopt a protective stance to shield you from others to have you all to himself.
Is your Capricorn man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Eye Contact
How does a Capricorn man flirt? Eye contact is key to a Capricorn man’s flirting style. Pay attention to where his gaze is while he’s talking to you.
If a Capricorn man is interested in you, he won’t be able to take his eyes off you. He might look at you from across a crowded room or try to catch your eye while conversing in a group.
A Capricorn man’s eye contact can be intense. He knows how to catch someone’s gaze and maintain it. He’ll confidently maintain eye contact with you while flirting.
One of the signs a Capricorn man secretly likes you is that you’ll always catch him staring. He’ll make intense eye contact with you while you chat and maintain that eye contact as he starts to flirt with you.
Your usually emotionally distant Capricorn man might also be more expressive when flirting. Look deeply into his eyes. You’ll likely see more emotion there than usual!
He’s Direct
How do you know if a Capricorn man is flirting with you? Many Capricorn men are incredibly direct when they flirt. If he’s complimenting your looks or making obviously flirtatious comments, he’s flirting with you.
Capricorn men tend to be direct about their attraction to someone. If they are interested in pursuing them, they won’t typically beat around the bush or play coy.
Your Capricorn man will tell you exactly what he likes about you when he’s flirting. He’ll compliment your soft skin or your impeccable fashion sense.
Some Capricorn men will outright tell you they’re interested in you or even explicitly say that they’re flirting. They may also directly ask if you are flirting with them.
Subtlety isn’t always a Capricorn man’s strong suit, but it works for him! You’ll always know that a Capricorn man is flirting with you because he won’t try to hide the fact that he is.
Is your Capricorn man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Capricorn back in. →
Might Be Shy
A Capricorn man’s flirting style tends to be direct and confident, but some Capricorn men are shy, especially around the people they have crushes on. Not all Capricorn men will be confident and assertive when flirting!
If your Capricorn man seems shy or nervous around you, it might be because he has feelings for you. He may feel less confident than usual if he’s unsure about your feelings for him.
Your normally well-spoken Capricorn man might be a little tongue-tied when you’re around, but he’ll still do his best! It might take him a moment to approach you, but he’ll do it eventually.
You can help your Capricorn man open up and become less shy by making your interest in him obvious. If you start openly flirting with him, you might find that his confidence returns. He’ll go back to being his direct, well-spoken self.
Texts Often
What does it mean when a Capricorn man stares at you? It means that he likes you! Another sign he likes you is that he texts often.
Some Capricorn men have an easier time flirting over text. An inexperienced Capricorn man might seem shy and nervous in person but more confident and direct via text.
If a Capricorn man constantly texts you, he might be flirting with you. Capricorn men don’t usually text unless they are chatting with someone they genuinely want to talk to.
Your Capricorn man might compliment you often over text. If you send photos of yourself, he’ll always have a few kind words ready for you. He will likely also send jokes and may include emojis so that he can properly convey his tone.
If you’re unsure how a Capricorn man feels about you, send him a few flirty texts. If he’s not interested, he will likely just ignore them. If he is, though, he’ll reply as soon as possible.
Use these secrets to make your Capricorn man love you (they work like magic) →
Jokes Around
When a Capricorn man is flirting with someone, he’ll tell a lot more jokes than he usually does! Capricorn men love to make the people they’re interested in laugh.
When flirting with you, your Capricorn man will seem far less serious than usual. He’ll be able to loosen up a bit and just enjoy himself!
While Capricorn men take flirting seriously, they aren’t severe while flirting. They will smile and laugh! They’ll show a softer side of themselves that they don’t often show to people.
If your Capricorn man is always joking with you and trying to make you laugh, he might be flirting. He’ll throw in a few jokes in between compliments, and he’ll be delighted when you enjoy the jokes he tells.
Some Capricorn men have a dry sense of humor, so it might sometimes be difficult to tell when he’s joking. If you know him well, you’ll be able to catch all of your Capricorn man’s flirtatious jokes.
He Shows Off
When a Capricorn man likes a woman, he wants to impress her! Your Capricorn man will likely show off a bit while flirting with you.
Capricorn men don’t typically brag unless there is a reason for it. If your Capricorn man is always talking to you about his success, he’s likely showing off just for you.
If you want to flirt with your Capricorn man, act impressed! When he tells you something about himself, show interest. Compliment his skills and let him know his bragging was successful.
Most Capricorn men won’t use this as their only method of flirting. Your Capricorn will likely show off his talents and successes, but he’ll also acknowledge yours. He won’t make everything about himself.
A tiny trick to snatch your Capricorn man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Can Be Affectionate
Are Capricorn men flirty? Many of them are not. A Gemini man’s naturally social demeanor might make people think he’s flirting when he’s not, but people rarely make that mistake with Capricorn men.
It should be obvious if a Capricorn man is flirting with you. Whether he is bold and assertive or more on the shy side, you can tell he is flirting if he’s physically affectionate with you.
Capricorn men aren’t the most affectionate people. They keep their distance from people. If your Capricorn man is flirting with you, he’ll be more open.
Your Capricorn man won’t be too forward, but his affection will be obvious. He will stand closer to you than he does to others and may even hug you or initiate other forms of physical contact.
Doesn’t Flirt For Fun
Flirting with a Capricorn man can be fun, but he doesn’t flirt for fun. Capricorn men only flirt if they are genuinely interested in the person they’re flirting with!
How Capricorn men flirt can vary slightly, but they all have this in common. A Capricorn man won’t just flirt with you for entertainment. If he’s flirting with you, he wants that flirting to lead somewhere.
Flirting won’t necessarily tell you how interested your Capricorn man is, but it will tell you that he’s interested.
He might just be physically attracted to you, or he may be romantically interested, but he definitely wants the flirting to go somewhere.
If you’re the type of person who flirts for fun, don’t do that with a Capricorn man. If he flirts with you, and you flirt back, he’ll think you’re interested! Don’t be surprised if he asks you out or makes another move.
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