
How to Play Mind Games With an Aries Man

Updated December 23, 2024

When it comes to dating an Aries man, mind games are something you will have to master.

What can you do to mess with his head?

Every zodiac sign has pet peeves or different things that make them go crazy.

Whether you want to make him suffer or you’re trying to learn what to avoid if you want to keep him calm, you need to know what mind games work on an Aries guy.

Once you have a better understanding of his astrological sign’s typical personality traits, you will know just how to get under an Aries man’s skin.

Make Fun of Him

One of the things about an Aries guy that might confuse you is that he uses teasing and making jokes as a form of affection.

He might make fun of your hair, your clothes, the way you speak, or anything else he notices.

But usually, an Aries man isn’t trying to be cruel or hurtful with his snarky observations. He’s actually trying to create a connection and show you that he notices you.

All his teasing might have you wondering, “Is my Aries man testing me?” The answer is yes, he wants to see if you can handle his rude sense of humor.

He’s also just trying to get closer to you, and it’s his way of giving you extra attention that he doesn’t give every girl.

If you want to know how to make an Aries man obsessed with you, engage in playful banter. Teasing and poking fun at each other is his favorite form of flirting.

But if you want to mess with his head and make him unsure of your feelings for him, take your teasing a little too far.

Point out the things you know he’s sensitive about, but do it in a joking manner with a smile on your face.

He won’t be able to tell if you’re playing with him or if you’re trying to be mean, but either way, it will definitely mess with his head.

If you do this in front of other people, it’s even more effective because you will embarrass your Aries guy and he won’t know if he should respond playfully or not.

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Compare Him to Other Men

Aries seems like a very confident and self-assured astrological sign, but deep down, every Aries man is plagued by secret insecurities.

An Aries man is also highly competitive, so a good way to play mind games with him is to compare him unfavorably to other men.

If you want to know what to text an Aries man to make him insecure, message him about how you found out your ex just got a promotion at work or got married.

An Aries man especially hates being compared to your exes, so this will put pressure on him to speed up the relationship or perform better at work.

If you see a cute, muscular guy walking down the street while you’re with your Aries guy, point out how strong and attractive the other man looks.

Be careful; if you do this too often, your Aries man will get upset with you and it could end the relationship.

But if you just want to make him mad or get back at him, making unflattering comparisons to other men, especially your exes, is a great way to go about it.

Compete With Him

Since he’s so competitive, an Aries man is a very sore loser. One mind game you can play with an Aries man is to challenge him to competitions you know you will win.

For example, if your Aries guy likes video games, buy him one that you are really good at. Act like you’ve never played before, and challenge him to a game.

When you defeat him over and over and pretend to be surprised by your own skill, your Aries man will become pouty and jealous.

Whenever he tells you excitedly about his accomplishments, such as getting a promotion or a raise at work, yawn and tell him that you have been making more money than that for years.

If you know he’s training for a marathon, take up running and compare your miles and speed with his.

This only works if you can actually defeat your Aries guy at the competitions. If you fall behind, it will only boost his ego and fill him with pride.

But if you beat him time and time again, especially at something he expects to win, it will mess with your Aries man’s brain and make him go crazy.

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Flirt With Other Men in Front of Him

Aries is one of the zodiac signs that likes a little bit of jealousy in a relationship to keep it spicy and exciting.

If you want to know how to keep an Aries man chasing you, feel free to tell him about the cute bartender that gave you a free drink when you were out with your girlfriends.

But if you want to mess with his mind, you need to take it to the next level. Flirting with other guys right in front of him will make him insane with jealousy.

When you’re out with your Aries guy, pay little attention to him and instead focus on other men. Be chatty, flirtatious, and flattering to every guy in the room except for your Aries man.

If you’re not dating your Aries man, this will work to make him chase you even harder because he likes a challenge.

It will mess with his head in that he’ll think he has to compete with so many other guys for your attention.

But if you’re already in a committed relationship with your Aries guy, it will make him angry and get under his skin because that’s what happens when you ignore an Aries man.

Either way, flirting with other men in front of him is an effective mind game to play with an Aries man, depending on your goals.

Lie to Him

The typical Aries man’s communication style is direct and straightforward. This zodiac sign isn’t capable of telling a lie or hiding anything because he’s so honest and impulsive.

Aries is also an egocentric sign, so an Aries guy thinks that everyone else is as honest as he is. He’s very trusting and sometimes puts his faith in the wrong people.

An easy mind game to play with your Aries guy is to lie to him. He believes anything you say, especially if you’ve never been dishonest with him before.

Your lie could be anything, from something as small as what your favorite movie is to hiding that you cheated on him.

And when your Aries guy catches you in a lie, don’t give in and admit the truth. Instead, stubbornly cling to your lie, even when it’s obvious you’re in the wrong. This will gaslight him and make him feel crazy.

The biggest way you can mess with his head is when an Aries man is done with you, tell him that you won’t miss him at all.

When he dumps you, tell him that you were about to break up with him anyway, and act completely unaffected.

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Make Him Wait

One of an Aries man’s biggest pet peeves is having to wait for anything. Whether it’s waiting in line at a store or biding time until his food order arrives at a restaurant, an Aries guy can’t stand delays.

This is because Aries is one of the fastest signs of the zodiac in every way. He thinks and talks fast, moves quickly, and rushes everything.

An Aries man would rather complete a task hastily and sloppily than take his time making it perfect.

But as impatient as an Aries man is, he has no problem making other people wait on him.

When he sends you a text, especially a message with a question in it, he expects a response immediately; however, he might not reply to you for hours or even days at a time.

This can make him seem confusing, but you can beat an Aries man at the hot and cold game. Take your time getting back to him when he calls or sends you a text message.

Message back and forth with him for a while, and when he asks you a direct question, deliberately put your phone down and wait hours to respond.

Be Passive-Aggressive

As a very direct zodiac sign, an Aries man can’t stand it when other people are passive-aggressive.

Since he blurts out how he feels and never shies away from confrontation, he expects everyone else to do the same.

If you want to make an Aries man confused in love, be passive-aggressive and never explain why you’re acting this way.

If your Aries man stopped texting you, ignore him for several days in a row. When he asks if something is wrong, just say that everything is fine in a lofty voice.

Expect him to be a mind-reader and never confront him directly. Being passive-aggressive is sure to drive your Aries guy wild and mess with his mind.

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2 Comments Add one

  1. My Aries man accuse me of cheating… Which I did not! And he started to move different like we are not in a relationship.. tell me your asap ty ♥️

    1. I’m sorry to hear that. It’s important to talk to him about your feelings and reassure him of your loyalty. Clear communication can help resolve misunderstandings. Take care.

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