A Taurus man coming back after a breakup is fairly common. He has trouble letting go of things. He gets comfortable in relationships.
Regardless of who broke up with you, he’s likely to come back for a variety of reasons.
Will a taurus man come back after a breakup? Depending on the reason for the breakup, many will come back if their ex is willing to take them back. Even if she’s not, he’ll try to convince her to take him back anyway.
Relationships are important to Taurus. Once he commits to a long-term relationship, it’s hard for him to let go of it. He goes back to his ex sometimes just because she’s familiar and comfortable.
If his ex ended the relationship, he’ll be even more likely to try and get her back.
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Making Changes
Ending a relationship is a huge change. Taurus falls into routines with his partner. He gets comfortable. He gets a sense of stability from his relationship. When that goes away, he might feel lost.
If a taurus man disappears and comes back multiple times, it’s because he can’t handle a change. He might break up with you, thinking it’s for the best, only to realize he doesn’t actually want to make that change in his life.
Taurus men are confusing sometimes. Even if he’s the one who broke up with you, he might end up begging you to take him back. Why? It’s because he probably made a rash decision and then regretted it.
Even if the breakup was for the best, he might feel differently. Maybe you two really aren’t compatible. Maybe he doesn’t actually want to get back together with you.
He might just hate change. It’s easier to keep to the status quo. He doesn’t want to have to go through the effort of finding somebody new.
Use these secrets to make your Taurus man love you (they work like magic) →
If you and your Taurus ex broke up on good terms, he’s likely to stay in contact with you. This makes it easier to fall back into old patterns.
Many Taurus men will end up sleeping with their exes. They might “stay friends”, only to end up in more of a friends-with-benefits situation. Being in constant contact makes this happen all too easily.
When a Taurus man goes quiet after a breakup, that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s done with you. He might be taking a break to gather his thoughts and figure out how he really feels about you. He still may come back.
If a Taurus man misses you, he might not reach out at first. He’s stubborn and prideful at times. He might wait to see if you contact him first.
If you do initiate that contact, that will make it easier for him to slip back into your life.
Reasons for the Breakup
The reason for a breakup will determine whether or not Taurus is likely to come back.
Taurus sometimes breaks up with someone in a moment of anger and then regrets it once he’s calmed down. Some Taurus men end up in “on again off again” relationships because of this.
Even if he broke up with you for a good reason and not in a moment of anger, he might still regret it once he sees what life is like without you. He’ll suddenly feel unstable and lost.
If you were the one who broke up with him, he’ll likely try to get you back. This is especially true if he didn’t want to break up in the first place.
Even if the breakup was for the best, he still might have trouble letting go of the relationship. Sometimes you’ll break up for a good reason and think things are done but he’ll come back around anyway.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man... →
You might notice that he comes back around whenever you start to move on. Maybe you’re dating someone else when he calls you up. Maybe you’re flirting with someone at a party he also happens to be at and he approaches you there.
A Taurus man is jealous. Even if your relationship has ended, he might still think of you as “his”. This is especially true if the breakup is recent or if he didn’t initiate the breakup.
Seeing you with somebody else is going to upset him. He’s going to get jealous. If he broke up with you, he may regret it.
He’ll think about all the good times you had together and it’ll make his blood boil just thinking about you having a good time with someone who isn’t him.
Sometimes, he doesn’t even actually want you back. He just doesn’t want someone else to be with you. His jealousy can make him irrational at times.
When a Taurus man misses you after a breakup, he’s likely to keep up with you on social media.
Social media makes it especially hard for Taurus to move on. It’s so easy to see what you’re doing, especially if your accounts are public or you keep him friended.
He’ll see you out there living your life and he’ll start to miss you even more. He might see pictures of you with another man and get jealous.
Social media sites with “memories” features make things worse. A memory will pop up with a picture of you two together and he’ll get nostalgic. That might end with him calling you up out of the blue.
Taurus sometimes has a problem with “social media stalking” as well. Even if you blocked him, that doesn’t mean he’s not still keeping tabs on you.
You might have mutual friends he can convince to show him your posts. He might have fake accounts that you haven’t blocked.
A tiny trick to snatch your Taurus man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant... →
Will a Taurus man ever come back if you’ve done something to betray his trust? He might. Taurus can be very forgiving if he truly loves somebody.
If you cheated on him, he’s less likely to want you back but it does still happen.
When Taurus loves somebody and commits himself to them, he wants that relationship to last forever. He is sometimes willing to get over things he normally wouldn’t if it means saving the relationship.
With some time and space, he might decide he wants to forgive you. Maybe he thought he wouldn’t be able to but being away from you makes him realize he was wrong.
Taurus is a devoted partner. He loves with everything he has. It’s hard to just turn that off.
It will be hard for him to stop thinking about you. When he sees something you’d like, his first instinct is going to be to buy it for you.
If you two stay friends, be prepared for him to continue acting like you’re together in many ways. He’s not going to suddenly stop being devoted to you.
If he still loves you and didn’t want the relationship to end, he’s going to do anything he can to show you that you’ve made a mistake in breaking up with him.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man. →
It’s difficult to have patience with a Taurus man when he’s being stubborn. This is one of the traits that will drive people away from him and it’s also one of the traits that keeps him coming back to his exes.
It only takes one person to end a relationship but Taurus is going to convince himself otherwise.
He might pester you to just talk things out with him. If he doesn’t want the relationship to end, he might be convinced he can stop you from ending it.
This can be frustrating if you don’t actually want to get back together with him. He’ll keep calling. He’ll keep trying to get you to talk to him. He may even refuse to acknowledge that you broke up in the first place.
Doesn’t Give Up
If you broke up with him and he still loves you, he’s going to keep trying to get you back. He’ll have trouble moving on.
He’ll promise to change (even though he hates change). He might even put in the effort and show you that he has actually changed.
He’ll promise things will be different the second time around. It will take him a while to accept the breakup, especially if you do keep talking to him or give him any reason to believe you’ll get back together with him.
Some Taurus men get back together with their exes just because they are so persistent.
Is your Taurus man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
Loves Relationships
Why does he keep coming back and leaving again? It’s because he loves relationships. He loves love. He might not want to be alone and it’s easier to go to someone familiar than to find somebody new.
You already know him and he already knows you. You know his secrets, his fears, and his dreams. You’ve seen him vulnerable.
It’s simpler to get back together with an ex, rather than take a chance on someone new. It’s hard to open up to people. He already opened up to you in the past and it’s easy to just fall back into a relationship with you.
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