
September 23 Zodiac, Personality, Horoscope, and More

Updated February 17, 2025

Is September 23 a Libra or Virgo? Many ask this question because of the confusing nature of cusp birthdays.

In astrology, if you are born on September 23, you are a Libra. You’re in the first decan of this sign.

Astrologers describe the first decan as having the most intense traits of a sign. September 23 Libras have a connection to the planet Venus and are considered quintessential Libras.

They are romantic, sensitive, charming, and compassionate. People born on this date have many artistic talents. They love music, theater, and dance.

September 23 Libras are friendly and can get along with anyone. They love to meet new people and never go places alone. They easily attract romantic interests.

September 23 Info
DateSeptember 23
SignLibra ♎︎
SymbolBalance scales
StrengthsRomantic, Attractive, Compassionate
WeaknessesLow motivation, Hedonistic, Poor boundaries
Opposite signAries ♈︎
Best matchAries, Leo, Sagittarius
Worst matchCapricorn, Virgo, Taurus
Tarot birth cardsThe Hierophant, Temperance
Angel number5
Spirit animalsDolphin, Dove, Quokka


A birthday on September 23 suggests you are a natural confidant and love listening to people’s stories. People born on this date are gentle, kind, and good-natured.

They seldom get angry and love to find peaceful solutions to problems. People born on September 23 are conscientious, but they also love pleasure and are hedonistic.

They learn that doing nothing is often the best response as things fall into place with little intervention. Because of this, people sometimes judge them to be lazy. However, they have a passive nature.

They can be motivated and hard-working, but only if a topic is interesting. They love to make others feel welcomed and understood. People born on this date make excellent counselors, artists, musicians, entertainers, and philanthropists.

Their romantic nature can also lead them to work in the wedding industry or as couples’ counselors. They are obsessed with finding love, often from an early age.

They are often attractive and their looks combined with their friendly personality makes it easy for them to charm others. People are often willing to help them, and their network ensures they succeed in their careers.

For those with a September birthday, zodiac traits for Libra are prominent in the days close to the cusp. September 23 Libras are sweet, thoughtful, and romantic. They embody the best of this sign.

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People assume those born on the Virgo-Libra cusp are both signs, but this is not true. September 23 Libras are the embodiment of this sign’s energy. Their purpose is to create harmony and balance.

They were born to inspire love, joy, and happiness in everyone they meet. Their mission is to remind people of the great potential of all humans. They carry out this mission by uplifting the power of the arts and literature.

Their devotion to the humanities may show in their career choices. No matter what job they choose, Libras born on September 23 add beauty and pleasure to others’ lives.

They are also peacekeepers. They avoid conflict whenever possible and are intimidated by loud or aggressive people. Yet when they believe something is unfair, they will speak up.

Often, people born on September 23 use their gifts for art, music, or literature to draw attention to injustices and attempt to solve society’s problems. They are idealists who try to improve their communities.

The September zodiac for Libra is known for being artistic and empathic. They are far more sensitive than they let on and may try to stifle their feelings.

Positive Traits

September 23 Libras have an abundance of strengths. They are sensitive, good listeners, and great friends. They know how to comfort people in need and have a gift for recognizing beauty.

They are popular because of their fun and friendly nature. People born on this date don’t take their social status for granted. You won’t find them gossiping or bullying others.

They never have a mean thing to say about anyone. Even when successful, they don’t flaunt good fortune. They aren’t competitive or greedy. Instead, September 23 Libras share their wealth with others.

For those with a September birthday, personality traits for Libra attract others. September 23 Libras make friends no matter where they go. They also keep in touch with friends from years ago.

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Negative Traits

Libra people born on September 23 have flaws like anyone else. It’s part of the sign of the scales’ need for balance. They can be irresponsible, placing pleasure as a higher priority than work.

They aren’t self-disciplined and often miss deadlines because they procrastinate on challenging tasks. They can be people-pleasers, accommodating others at the expense of their own needs.

Their flaws aren’t the result of malevolence. Libras born on September 23 are focused on priorities and neglect other things. The more they work toward balance, the less their flaws show.


September 23 Libras have big hearts and can get along with people from all walks of life. They love getting to know people and try to build friendships with people who balance their personalities.

However, they do have excellent compatibility with some people. Of all the zodiac signs, September 23 Libras have the best connection with Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo.

They are attracted to people who balance their personalities. Any of the three fire signs are their perfect match. Aries and Libra are opposites, but in the case of someone born on September 23, opposites attract.

Libras born on this date love the courage Aries brings to the relationship. They don’t compete with Aries for the spotlight and can be supportive of this domineering sign.

September 23 Libras love to be entertained by flamboyant Leo. They appreciate Leo’s love of the humanities. They share a love of the arts and performance with people born under the sign of the lion.

Sagittarius is an independent wanderer who fascinates Libras born on September 23. Their interest in each other is mutual. Usually, romantic signs struggle with Sagittarius’s independent streak.

This is not the case for a September 23 Libra. People born on this date love companionship but also need space to maintain their busy social calendar. Libra and Sagittarius charm each other without making each other feel fenced in.

September 23 Libras want to bring harmony to relationships, but some relationships are difficult for them. Their least compatibility is with people born under the signs of Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus.

The earth signs are too practical for idealistic Libra. Capricorn is work-obsessed and doesn’t understand Libra’s need for pleasure and fun. People born on September 23 don’t understand Capricorn’s aloof nature.

Although Virgo is a neighboring sign for someone born on September 23, there is no common ground between these two. Libra wants to savor life, but Virgo is too busy planning for a rainy day.

Taurus has the same planetary ruler as someone born on September 23, yet they are still incompatible. Libra loves the idea of romance and love, but Taurus needs concrete proof.

Libra sees Taurus as insecure and demanding. Taurus sees Libra as flighty and noncommittal. These two may attract each other but a relationship won’t last easily.

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Libras born on September 23 are diplomatic. They can be shy about expressing how they feel. They take care to avoid controversy or conflict and may stifle their voices initially.

People born on this date love to give compliments and will offer advice if asked. Yet they are not assertive. They need some coaxing before they initiate communication.

If you’ve been flirting with a September 23 Libra and they never text you first, they don’t feel comfortable yet. They need time to build up confidence and pursue you.

Encourage them and keep lines of communication open. Don’t take it personally if they are slow to open up at first. Once they are comfortable, they become chatty.


No one radiates attraction energy like a September 23 Libra. Heads turn when they walk past. They are beautiful, but that is only part of their appeal. They don’t have to be loud to get attention.

Their attraction power stems from their loving nature. They are usually happy, and people want to be around them to share the joy and fun they’re having.

Be decisive and confident if you want to attract someone born on this date. Support community arts and theater. Dress fashionably and show your imaginative side.

You can also attract someone born on this date by volunteering at grassroots organizations. Being optimistic and having a good sense of humor will also get you noticed by someone born on September 23.

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Dating a September 23 Libra is easy. When they are interested in you, their favorite place to go is wherever you are. You can pick the venue you like.

But if you want to impress them, treat them to their favorite places. Never ask them directly, they’ll deflect and leave the decision up to you. Check their social media feed. They post about their favorite places.

Surprise them with an evening of gourmet food and plan on staying for desserts. No diet will keep Libra from enjoying the food they love. They aren’t shy and want appetizers and drinks to round out the experience.

Next, they want to go dancing or to a romantic movie. They also love evening strolls through the park. Ambiance and comfort are crucial to them. The best Libra dates involve a romantic atmosphere.

Libras born on this date love to get dressed up. Match their effort, don’t dress casually if you’re going out with someone born on this date.

This zodiac sign’s dates need to be fun-filled and exciting. They don’t need an adrenaline rush but enjoy intellectually stimulating dates. For the September zodiac, dates that impress Libras need to be fun.

If you take someone born on this date to a movie, make sure it isn’t too violent or graphic. They don’t like disturbing films. Everything they do must be pleasant.


Because of their idealistic personalities, Libras born on September 23 fall in love easily. At least, they think they do. Often, they use the word love to describe the pleasure they feel when they’re having fun with someone.

They need time to discern whether they’re really in love with a person or in love with a fantasy. They confuse love and pleasure, only realizing too late that they have nothing in common with a partner.

People born on this date should be encouraged to take it slow in love. A partner who shares their passion and moves too quickly will end up disappointed in the long run.

When a September 23 Libra says they love you, it is flattering, but your best bet is to give them time to be sure they mean it. When they are in love, they can be devoted partners.

For those born on September 23, seasons don’t matter. Love is always in the air. They find romance all year round.

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September 23 Libras follow a confusing pattern in relationships. They profess love early on and want to spend all their time with you. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, they become hesitant.

They backpedal and start to question if they’re doing the right thing. Libras born on this date are indecisive and panic when a relationship becomes serious.

Give them space when this happens. In a few days, they’ll come around and resume the romance as if nothing happened. It may seem like they’re testing you. They’re trying to figure out their boundaries.

As the sign of the scales, September 23 Libras need to go to extremes before they find their comfort zone. They may seem to go hot and cold, but it’s because they are finding balance in the relationship.


People born on September 23 dream of being married. Yet they often struggle to get to this milestone. This is because they have to learn to discern their romantic partners.

They are often so in love with the idea of being in love that they don’t take the time to evaluate if a relationship is right for them. As they grow, they learn to have better boundaries in relationships.

If they grasp this lesson, they find ideal marriage partners. They are devoted, faithful, and attentive spouses. They are supportive partners and loving parents.

A marriage to a September 23 Libra never grows cold. They keep the romance alive even after years have passed. People born on this date are nurturing and affectionate in marriage as well.

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September 23 Libras are all about pleasure. They are eager to please their partner and can be receptive to exploring in the bedroom. They need affection and sensuality to feel satisfied in bed.

They are attentive lovers who enjoy taking their time and ensuring their partner is happy. They don’t ask for much in return but expect a partner to reciprocate.

They are turned on by visual cues. Candlelight and romantic atmosphere help to get them in the mood for intimacy. They also enjoy listening to seductive or romantic music during sex.

People Born on September 23

Çağatay UlusoySeptember 23, 1990Jobe BellinghamSeptember 23, 2005Bai Lu September 23, 1994Mohammad-Reza ShajarianSeptember 23, 1940Rahul VaidyaSeptember 23, 1987Max AminiSeptember 23, 1977Napheesa CollierSeptember 23, 1996Darcey SilvaSeptember 23, 1974Jordyn WoodsSeptember 23, 1997Yorgos LanthimosSeptember 23, 1973Pamela Harris September 23, 1962Ruger September 23, 1999Alex KarpovskySeptember 23, 1975Andy PuddicombeSeptember 23, 1972Tiara AndiniSeptember 23, 2001Roxxxy AndrewsSeptember 23, 1983Zach Tyler EisenSeptember 23, 1993Bruce SpringsteenSeptember 23, 1949Julio IglesiasSeptember 23, 1943Shyla StylezSeptember 23, 1982Warren KoleSeptember 23, 1977Ani DiFrancoSeptember 23, 1970Mona el-ShazlySeptember 23, 1973Susan RoshanSeptember 23, 1967Agit KabayelSeptember 23, 1992Grace DeccaSeptember 23, 1966Liberty RossSeptember 23, 1978Oğuzhan ÖzyakupSeptember 23, 1992Rohan CampbellSeptember 23, 1997Suzanne TamimSeptember 23, 1977Walter LippmannSeptember 23, 1889Adán Augusto LópezSeptember 23, 1963Anthony MackieSeptember 23, 1978Crispin Bonham-CarterSeptember 23, 1969Emily Warren RoeblingSeptember 23, 1843Hasan MinhajSeptember 23, 1985John Collins September 23, 1997Kairi SaneSeptember 23, 1988Koshi InabaSeptember 23, 1964Mary MallonSeptember 23, 1869Robert Gerald CaseySeptember 23, 1967Rui Andrade September 23, 1999Sheff GSeptember 23, 1998Sonia MartínezSeptember 23, 1963Yvette FieldingSeptember 23, 1968Abdel Khaliq MahjubSeptember 23, 1927Addison Richards September 23, 1993Åge HareideSeptember 23, 1953Agustin CuevaSeptember 23, 1937Aimi KobayashiSeptember 23, 1995
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