When a Sagittarius man is ignoring you, it may not be cause for alarm. Sagittarius men often make themselves scarce even when in love.
They are independent and get bored easily. They think nothing of taking a week to reply to a text.
You’ve made sparks fly with a Sagittarius man, and you may even see signs that he is falling in love with you. But in spite of all this, he suddenly stops responding.
If you know what to do when a Sagittarius man ignores you, you can avoid drama and crucial mistakes. If you play your cards right, he’ll be back in no time.
Most of the time, this is simply an indication he needs space. A Sagittarius man may ignore you because he wants breathing room or is exploring new interests.
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1. Keep Your Distance
The first thing you need to do when a Sagittarius man doesn’t respond is to keep a distance. If you stay away from him for a while, he’ll start to miss you. This will make a Sagittarius man miss you and become curious about what you’re up to.
He’ll start responding to you and may even initiate contact more often if you stay away for a while. It may take a week or more of keeping your distance, but a Sagittarius man will start to open up to you again.
When you step back and give a Sagittarius man space, he’ll have more respect for you. He’ll see you as independent and assume you are busy with many exciting projects to work on. What a Sagittarius man likes in a woman is someone who isn’t dependent on him for happiness.
If you keep a distance from a Sagittarius man, he’ll also feel more comfortable with you because he won’t worry about becoming emotionally overwhelmed. It may take him some time, but he will stop ignoring you.
What a Sagittarius man wants to hear is that you love him enough to let him go. When he feels that he has the freedom to roam without making you suspicious, he’ll be reassured. When he feels too confined, he may go quiet for a few days.
2. Take a Trip
Sometimes a Sagittarius man goes silent because he’s gotten bored or busy with other plans or both. He’s not always a great communicator when it comes to letting you know how he’s feeling.
One way you can get his attention again after he’s started ignoring you is to take a solo trip or go on a trip with girlfriends. When he sees you posting photos online of the fun you’re having hiking through the mountains or hanging out at the beach, a Sagittarius man will be intrigued.
He loves to travel. Even when you travel without him, he enjoys it vicariously through you. You can get him to contact you by traveling and triggering his feelings of excitement and adventure.
When you don’t text a Sagittarius man for several days because you’re traveling down the countryside on a road trip with friends, he’ll start to become jealous of your adventures. He’ll become eager to hear from you and will make a point to reach out.
3. Post Photos Online
Even if you’re not in a position to take off and see the world, you can make your Sagittarius man want to reach out to you and catch up by posting strategic photos on your social media pages. Go out with friends and have a great time. Take selfies and group photos.
When he sees that you aren’t just sitting at home passing the time but are out having fun and doing interesting things, he’ll be more inclined to reach out to you. A Sagittarius man will want to spark up a conversation when he sees photos of you happy and smiling.
Sometimes a Sagittarius man will ignore you if he feels like the relationship has become too dramatic or too high maintenance. If you show him that you are happy and carefree, enjoying your life, he will relax and get back to talking with you.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Sagittarius man... →
4. Take a College Class
If you want to know how to impress a Sagittarius man and get him to take you seriously, further your education. Sagittarius men are drawn to highly educated and thoughtful women. They love to have intellectual discussions.
If you sign up for a college class or enroll in a program to further your knowledge about your interests, a Sagittarius man will want to connect with you. He’ll want to know what you’re learning and enjoy lengthy discussions on new subjects.
He’ll also just appreciate that you’re taking a bold step to further your education. Sagittarius men love academic settings and enjoy sharing new ideas. If you further your education, you’ll spark his interest and he’ll take the lead in contacting you again.
If you want to know how to get a Sagittarius man to chase you, advance your skills and knowledge on interesting topics. He will show renewed interest in you when he sees that you have new knowledge and ideas to share.
5. Learn Philosophy
Of all the topics you could explore while trying to get the attention of a Sagittarius man who has been ignoring you, philosophy should be high on the list. Sagittarius men love to talk about philosophy.
He’ll be eager to get in touch with you if you show an interest in philosophers not only from ancient Greece but from around the world. He will also see you in a different light and will want to have conversations about your interpretation of various philosophies.
Giving a Sagittarius man the silent treatment can work well. If you step aside and keep yourself busy exploring new studies and expanding your mind, he’ll start to miss you. He’ll be impressed to learn you’ve been hitting the books while he was acting distant. If you see signs a Sagittarius man is not interested in spite of this effort to be more philosophical, it’s time to move on and leave him alone.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man. →
6. Attend a Rally
You may even surprise a Sagittarius man by randomly showing up at a rally. When you want to get him to contact you again, show an interest in humanitarian causes. Attend a demonstration or protest for a cause that is important to you.
When he sees that you are getting involved in the larger community, he’ll be overjoyed. He’ll want to talk to you about your experience and give suggestions of other actions you can take to help with the campaign you’ve gotten involved in.
When a Sagittarius man is done with you, there may be little you can do to change his mind. But if he’s just been quiet or you think he’s growing bored with the relationship, you can surprise him by showing him your daring side. When he sees how conscientious and civic-minded you are, he’ll start to chase you all over again.
A Sagittarius man who still cares about you or who was getting cold feet about the relationship, will fall in love all over again. He’ll want to stand by your side as you march for a cause that is meaningful to you.
7. Text Him Briefly
If you absolutely must break a no contact rule with a Sagittarius man, do so briefly. Send a one or two-word text to get your message across. Keep it positive, this is not the time to pour your heart out or dump on him for disappearing.
Avoid drama and just make it clear you are checking in or have a specific message to convey. This can get him to reply if he wasn’t really intentionally ignoring you but has just been busy and hasn’t had a reason or the time to text you.
Leaving a Sagittarius man alone is the best way to spark his interest when he’s gone radio silent. This takes patience. If you can’t completely ignore him back, at the very least text him briefly. Try to wait him out and let him come to you when he’s ready to re-engage.
Use these secrets to make your Sagittarius man love you (they work like magic) →
8. Send Him Jokes
When you want to get a response from a Sagittarius man you can try to send him jokes through text. Send a link to a funny video making the rounds online. Send him a clever joke you came up with.
Sagittarius men have a particular sense of humor. They can be carefree and enjoy hours of jokes and laughter, but if the topic of humor crosses a line they will easily shut down. Don’t offend a Sagittarius man’s sense of integrity or morality. Jokes at the expense of any oppressed group of people will turn him off.
Try to stick to neutral subjects and if you must make a joke at someone’s expense, joke about yourself in a lighthearted and non-degrading way. When you’re wondering how to deal with a Sagittarius man who has become distant, sometimes a little clean humor can break the ice and get him to warm up to you again.
9. Avoid Drama
Sagittarius men are feisty and passionate, but they don’t tolerate drama. When he ignores you, the last thing you want to do is to get confrontational. Sagittarius men won’t abide someone demanding to know why they didn’t text or call.
He’s fiercely independent and will interpret such questions as a challenge or even a threat to his independence. He may block you completely if you respond to him with any kind of aggression or confrontational messages.
When a Sagittarius man hurts you, you may be tempted to get even with him. Try to resist the temptation to seek vengeance. This only escalates the situation and causes drama. He won’t stand for it. Rather than letting you vent at his expense or make a scene he’ll just leave for good.
This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you. →
10. Don’t Confront Him
It’s a common mistake for women to respond to a Sagittarius man ignoring them by becoming confrontational and asking a lot of questions. Asking where he has been, who he has been with, where the relationship stands and demanding an explanation for his lack of communication may seem reasonable.
But to a Sagittarius man, these measures will seem offensive and intrusive. In his world view, relationships are not a reason to change his routines or diminish his level of independence. He will resent being questioned or confronted even if he was ignoring you.
If you’re wondering how to deal with a Sagittarius man ignoring you, keep in mind his actions are usually not personal. You may think he’s abandoning you but that is seldom his intention. He may just be trying to separate himself from the relationship as he needs to feel independent. Don’t confront him for an explanation no matter how tempting.
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