
Are Sagittarius Men Control Freaks?

Updated December 31, 2024

Most of the time, if a Sagittarius man is a control freak, it’s because he’s attempting to control his own life, not the people around him.

Sagittarius men have dominant personalities. They also value freedom, though, and don’t want to take that away from anyone.

Are Sagittarius men control freaks? Yes, but most don’t want to control their friends or partners. They mostly want to be in control of their own lives and the situations surrounding them.

Sagittarius men are very concerned with retaining their independence and freedom. If they feel like somebody is getting in the way of this, they may start being controlling in their attempts to regain that freedom.

A Sagittarius man isn’t trying to be controlling. If he’s coming across that way, the issue is usually his need to be in control of himself.


Many Sagittarius men are flexible and open-minded. They can adapt to new situations and aren’t always going to be stressed out when they need to change plans last minute.

This is a versatile sign. A Sagittarius man will go with the flow most of the time. He’s not somebody who sticks to rigid schedules or gets upset by a change in routine.

In times of high stress, some of this versatility goes away.

A Sagittarius man is only able to be versatile and adaptable when he still feels like he has a certain level of control over a situation.

When he’s in a good mood, he won’t be upset about the weather ruining his plans. He’ll just make new plans! If he’s already in a bad mood, having his plans ruined will only make things worse.

Use these secrets to make your Sagittarius man love you (they work like magic) →


Are Sagittarius men controlling? The short answer is yes. Most of the time, this control is focused on themselves, though.

Sagittarius men like to feel like they can control their reactions to everything. Even if they get angry, they will want to push down that anger. They don’t want to explode.

Sagittarius men also like to feel like they have control over their impulses. They might be spontaneous but only when they want to be. If he gets an impulse that he knows might be harmful, he wants to ignore that impulse.

A Sagittarius man will like to feel like he’s in control of himself at all times. If something makes him lose that control, he’ll become extremely upset.

Many Sagittarius men like to maintain a certain public image. He will want to come across as fun-loving and adventurous but he doesn’t want people to think that he’s impulsive or reckless.

Emotional Control

Some Sagittarius men are obsessive when it comes to their need to control their emotions. A Sagittarius man hates coming across as overly emotional.

A Sagittarius man’s anger is usually not explosive. It’s also short-lived. While some men might exhibit controlling or possessive behavior when jealous or angry, a Sagittarius man often won’t.

This lack of emotional reaction doesn’t come naturally to all Sagittarius men. It is a concerted effort to control his emotions and keep himself from embarrassing himself with an explosion of emotion.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Sagittarius man (they work like magic) →


The dark side of a Sagittarius man can be seen if he has too much confidence in his views.

Some Sagittarius men see themselves as being the most ethical, the most intelligent, the most correct, etc. If he thinks of himself this way, he’s likely to shut down your ideas when they oppose his own.

You might find that your Sagittarius man starts to subtly control you by turning down your opinions.

He may get upset when you disagree with him. He might even outright tell you that you’re wrong, even if something is just a matter of opinion.

If you find yourself agreeing with him to avoid upsetting him, that’s a sign he’s exhibiting a form of emotional control over you.

If you’re walking on eggshells to avoid self-righteous reactions from him, he’s controlling you. It may not be on purpose but he still is.


Most Sagittarius men are spontaneous people. They don’t always plan things out before they do them.

Even when they do make plans, they are likely to mix them up at the last minute. If something catches his eye, he’s fine going off course to go have some unscheduled fun.

They also tend to like being around other people who are spontaneous. A Sagittarius man will prefer it when somebody is just willing to go along with his spontaneous actions, though, rather than trying to pull him into their own.

If he’s feeling spontaneous, a Sagittarius man will want whoever he’s with to just go with it. If he decides he wants to go to a different restaurant last-minute during your date night, he expects you to go with him without questioning it.

When you’re feeling spontaneous, he might agree to do what you want to do. This will only happen if it’s already something he wants to do, though.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man. →

Value Freedom

A Sagittarius man in love’s behavior usually isn’t controlling. He loves his freedom and he wants other people to have that same level of freedom.

Problems can arise if he ever feels like his freedom is being threatened.

Some Sagittarius men will get up in arms when their partner disagrees with them. If he says he wants to do one thing for date night and you say you want to do something else, he may become upset.

The best way to calm a Sagittarius man down if he feels like his freedom is being impeded is to reassure him that you’re not trying to control him. Give him some space.

Once he’s calm, let him know that you disagree with him isn’t you trying to take away his freedom. Relationships are about compromise. He needs to learn that.

Highly Independent

A Sagittarius man’s weakness in love is often his need to be independent. He’ll have a hard time learning how to rely on his partner and allowing them to rely on him in turn.

This level of independence is nice sometimes. It means that he’ll be fine doing things by himself if you don’t want to do them with him. He’ll also be fine with you going off and doing your own thing without him.

A Sagittarius man’s independence can also help if he is becoming too controlling. He won’t be offended if you tell him that you two need some space and time apart.

Is your Sagittarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →


If you’ve ever argued with a Sagittarius man, you know that he can be highly opinionated.

He will gladly listen to the opinions and views of others when it comes to some topics. If he doesn’t have a set opinion about something, he’ll want to hear different sides of an argument to get more information.

Even if he does have an opinion about something, if it’s not something highly important to him, he won’t get upset when others express their views.

If an issue is important to him, he may have a strong opinion about it. When this happens, he’s more likely to push his own opinion on other people.

When he has a strong opinion about something, he’ll let you know! If you disagree, even if you’re not being argumentative about it, he’s likely to get heated.

This is one way a Sagittarius man will try to exert control over the people around him. When he feels strongly about something, he wants everyone else to agree with him.


The dark side of a Sagittarius man in a relationship can be seen when he’s not getting his way. If he feels like he’s lost control of a situation, he’ll react by being bossy and domineering.

He’s fine changing plans most of the time but only if he is the one making the change.

If there’s a circumstance out of his control that ruins his plans, he’ll be fine with it as long as he’s the one who gets to come up with the new plan.

A Sagittarius man will have no problem bossing you around when you two are on a vacation together.

If he wants to go explore one area of town but you want to explore another, you need to go to where he wants to go or you two aren’t going together.

He may compromise by saying you can choose the activity on a different day or that you two can go explore where you want to when he’s done with what he wants to do. He is unlikely to just do what you want, though.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Sagittarius man... →

Dominant Personality

The early stages of dating a Sagittarius man can be either exciting or exasperating, depending on your personality.

If you’re somebody who tends to go with the flow, his dominant personality might not phase you. If he’s always picking where you go on dates or you end up working around his schedule, you might not mind.

If you’re also somebody with a dominant personality, that might cause problems. He might push back if you disagree with his plans or suggest something else.

As you two get to know one another, it’ll be easier to balance things out when it comes to who plans dates or chooses activities.

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