
How to Make a Gemini Man Chase You

Updated January 29, 2025

If you want to make a Gemini man chase you, be clever and strategic. He’s known for vacillating in love.

You may feel like you’re playing a game of chess but dating a Gemini man requires careful planning and patience.

Gemini men are notorious for getting cold feet in relationships. The best way to keep the passion alive is to lure him with your intellect. He pursues intelligent women.

Pouring your heart out to a Gemini man is a mistake. He won’t chase you; he’ll run the other way. You’ve got to keep conversations light and fun.

Gemini men also become bored quickly. You’ve got to keep him feeling entertained so he’ll continue pursuing you. Routine and monotony in the relationship will turn him off eventually.

End The Conversation First

If you always have a reason to hang up the phone, or you’re the first to end a chat with a Gemini man, he’ll become fascinated with you. He’ll crave further conversation with you. Give him time to miss you.

Like Prince Charming, after Cinderella has to flee from the ball, he’ll wonder why you’re so elusive. His chase instinct is triggered when you are the first to end conversations. Don’t be abrupt or rude. Find interesting excuses.

Tell him you are visiting family from out of town, or that you have a meeting or a class about to begin. It’s one thing to make excuses, but all the better if they are valid.

By ending the conversation, you give him time to fantasize about when he talks to you again. Don’t use this tactic immediately. Give him time to get into the conversation. When the topics start to lag, it’s time to bail.

When you end the conversation first, he won’t have a chance to get bored. He’ll associate you with engaging discussions. He’ll also feel the urge to pursue you since you’ll seem hard to pin down.

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Know Your Pop Culture

Brush up on celebrity gossip as well as current events. A Gemini man wants to cover all bases when talking about the latest news. If you want him to chase you, be a pop culture expert.

You don’t have to like all the chart-topping music or the latest streaming movies. But be prepared to refer to them. Gemini men love conversations about pop culture. They enjoy critiquing the latest trends.

Having an opinion of what’s popular on podcasts and films endears you to a Gemini man. He’ll want to spend time with you binge-watching popular shows or retro movies. Learn the basics so you can keep up with him.

Be Witty

A Gemini man will not waste his time with a dull woman. If you want him to chase you, show him you are witty and sharp. He’ll continually seek you out for fun and inspiring conversations.

Gemini men aren’t snobs when it comes to intelligence. You don’t have to have an advanced degree to make him chase you. You need to be able to impress him with clever insights. Puns and wordplay are fascinating to him.

Gemini men chase women who appeal to their desire to learn. If you can teach him something new, he’ll want to stick around. He’ll also chase you if you are open-minded and have a unique perspective.

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Share Riddles with Him

Gemini men are obsessed with words and double meanings. If you tease him with complex riddles, he’ll follow your lead. Make him feel like he’s in a game. Leave clues or use riddles to let him find you.

Don’t play mind games that make him jealous. Use riddles to keep him focused on you. He needs problems to solve or else he’ll become bored. Be playful; give him clues to figure out as he’s getting to know you.

Being enigmatic makes him see you as a riddle. Being mysterious keeps him interested in you. He will be more likely to chase you because he wants to figure you out and solve the puzzle.

Make Him Laugh

If you want a Gemini man to chase you, you need to have a sense of humor. Otherwise, he’ll lose interest. Luckily, Gemini men are light-hearted. Making them laugh is easy. Humor is a necessary ingredient.

Most Gemini men love intelligent humor and silly humor. Let your Inner Child emerge around him. Being playful and silly helps him feel comfortable with you. He’ll want to be around you if you make him laugh.

Making ironic observations about daily life is one of the easiest ways to make a Gemini man laugh. Word plays and jokes about famous people or current events are another way to appeal to him.

For a Gemini man, mirroring is crucial. Your sense of humor can help lift him out of a bad mood. He will pursue you because he knows you can brighten his day.

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Act Aloof

Wondering how to make a Gemini man chase you after a break-up? The best thing to do is act like you don’t want him back. Gemini men overthink things. If he has gone cold, leave him alone.

At first, he’ll feel confident about his decision. But in a day or two, he’ll ruminate about what he’s done. It won’t be long before he’s chasing you again. He’ll talk himself back into pursuing the relationship.

Even when he’s in hot pursuit of you, never show a Gemini man how interested you are in him. Show him enough attention to keep him happy. Don’t go overboard pouring your heart out. He gets overwhelmed by emotional displays.

What happens when you ignore a Gemini man? He’ll feel compelled to chase you even more. The trick is to respond when he starts to put effort into the relationship. Don’t ignore him for too long.

When a Gemini man kisses you, kiss him back, but don’t be too passionate. Gemini men prefer brief interludes of seduction and passion, alternating with conversation. Interject playful teasing to keep him interested in you.

Be His Best Friend

If you want to know how to make a Gemini man fall in love with you, be his best friend first. Gemini men crave a romantic partner who acts like a friend. He wants to be casual around you.

He doesn’t want to worry about impressing you or getting dressed up to see you. He wants a partner with whom he can sit on the couch and watch silly movies. He wants a companion to go places with him.

He doesn’t want to focus on romance. He wants you to be his pal. A Gemini man loves it when you take an interest in things he likes. He’s social and wants a partner who can fit in with his group of friends.

How does a Gemini man test a woman? He’ll introduce her to his friends. If his group of friends accepts her, she’s passed his test. Be friendly, adaptable, and fun to be around.

This magic will make your Gemini man want a relationship with you. →

Be Authentic

Although Gemini men love games, they don’t like to be toyed with. If you want to know how to play a Gemini at his own game be subtle. Be authentic even if you’re testing him. He doesn’t like deception.

This may seem like a double standard because Gemini men are known for being two-faced. But the best way to ensure a man born under this sign will chase you is to be true to yourself.

He detests pretentious people. He also doesn’t like it when people appear one way in public but have a hidden private persona. A Gemini man will back off if he feels you are hiding behind a fake image.

When you see signs a Gemini man is falling in love with you, don’t become complacent. It’s vital you remain true to yourself. He doesn’t like to fall for someone to find out he was seeing an illusion.

Be Youthful

He can be flighty, and you may wonder how to tell if a Gemini man is playing you. If you see him wavering and not making a commitment, double down on youthful energy. Don’t take things seriously.

He’ll start to come around when he sees that you know how to enjoy life. Gemini men are attracted to women who never lose their childlike perspective. This is why you’ll often see a Gemini man chasing a Leo woman.

He recognizes her exuberant, passionate nature. Even if you’re not a Leo, you can embody these traits. Explore the things that interested you as a child. Treat life as an adventure.

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Don’t Give Ultimatums

A Gemini man’s weakness in love is his indecisiveness. He takes so long committing you may be tempted to push him forward. This is a big mistake. If you want him to chase you, be subtle.

Use your knowledge of his desires to encourage him to pursue you. Never give a Gemini man an ultimatum. He’ll panic and run away. Even if he doesn’t, he’ll start to feel crowded. Gemini men need breathing room.

It will only be a matter of time before he second-guesses his decision. It’s best to let him conclude that you’re the one all on his own. If he feels cornered, he’ll shut down.

If you know how to make a Gemini man think about you, step back. Let him become obsessed with you because you triggered his chase instinct, not because you’re coercing him.

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