A loyal Sagittarius man isn’t hard to come by. Many Sagittarius men are very loyal friends and partners.
You can’t expect loyalty from him right away, though. He needs to be ready to devote himself to you. That takes time.
You can’t expect a Sagittarius man to be loyal to you the second you two start a relationship. This is where you two might differ. He needs to build a relationship with you. You need to earn his loyalty.
Once he’s committed to you, though, he is a very loyal partner! He will stand by you no matter what. He’ll be devoted to you. You’ll be able to trust him with anything.
You need to be just as loyal to him as he is to you. If you aren’t, his loyalty is going to wane.
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Length of Relationship
If you are in the early stages of dating a Sagittarius man, you shouldn’t assume that you two are exclusive.
If you’ve been dating for a few weeks and things seem serious, you still need to make sure that you two are on the same page.
If you want to know if a Sagittarius guy is serious about you, the best thing to do is just ask him! He’s usually honest and straightforward when it comes to relationships.
A new relationship isn’t going to be as serious to him as a relationship he’s been in for years. The level of loyalty is going to vary based on how long he’s been in a relationship with you.
When a Sagittarius man is done with you, he’s likely to just move on if you two haven’t been together that long. He’s not going to feel loyal to you unless he has a reason to.
Intensity of Feelings
A Sagittarius man expresses his love openly most of the time. You won’t have to wonder if he cares about you because he’ll do everything he can to show you he cares.
If he truly loves you, he’s going to be as loyal as possible. If you two just started a relationship and he’s not sure about his feelings, he might not be loyal.
He might see your relationship as a casual one, even if you two have been dating for a while.
If he hasn’t said he loves you or done anything to indicate he takes the relationship seriously, you won’t always be able to expect loyalty from him.
If his feelings for you are intense, he’ll make sure you know! He’ll be loyal to you as well.
You’ll usually be able to know a Sagittarius man is cheating on you because there will be a sudden shift in his feelings and how he expresses them.
A Sagittarius man in love is someone who is truly devoted to his partner. If he loves you and values your relationship, he won’t want to do anything to ruin that relationship.
Sagittarius men make excellent partners when they decide to settle down with somebody.
If he is committed to you, he’ll do everything he can to show you how much he cares about you.
He will be entirely devoted to you and the relationship you two have. He’ll make sure everyone knows that he’s taken.
This devotion will stop him most of the time if he is tempted to cheat. If he’s promised to be faithful to you, he’ll try to keep that promise.
He won’t always necessarily be successful. His devotion might waver. His loyalty might falter. He’s not perfect. He’ll try, though, for the sake of your relationship.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Sagittarius man. →
Two-Way Street
Loyalty is a two-way street. A Sagittarius man isn’t going to be hopelessly devoted to somebody who isn’t loyal to him.
Loyalty means a lot of things too. It isn’t just about being faithful to your partners.
He’ll expect you to stand up for him if one of your friends or family members is badmouthing him. If he tells you a secret, he’s trusting you to keep it. You should stand by him even in hard times.
If you always spill his secrets to your best friend, you’re not being loyal to him. If you stay quiet while somebody insults him, you’re not showing loyalty to your Sagittarius man.
If he can’t trust you to have his back, don’t expect him to be loyal to you either! He won’t fight for your relationship if you won’t fight for him.
Sagittarius men can make very loyal friends. Even Sagittarius men who have trouble being loyal in romantic relationships will have no trouble staying loyal to their inner circle.
If you are friends with a Sagittarius man, you already know if he’s loyal to you. If you’re thinking about changing the nature of your relationship, that loyalty and friendship aren’t going to be left behind when you do.
Being loyal to your friends and being loyal to your partner isn’t a problem most of the time. You can be fully supportive and loyal to multiple people.
However, if his partner and one of his close friends don’t get along, that can cause problems.
If you don’t like his best friend, don’t expect him to drop them for you! If he’s loyal to that friendship, nothing you do is going to change that.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Sagittarius man (they work like magic) →
Commitment Issues
Commitment is truly a Sagittarius man’s weakness in love. He has a hard time committing to people for various reasons.
A Sagittarius man will dive right into a relationship when he wants to. If he’s reluctant for any reason, though, you can’t force him to settle down.
Commitment sometimes feels suffocating to a Sagittarius man. He is highly independent. He values his freedom more than anything.
Being in a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean you give up your freedom but some Sagittarius men see it that way.
When a Sagittarius man is not interested in a long-term relationship, nothing you do is going to change that. You cannot force him to be loyal and faithful to you.
He might casually date somebody for months (or longer!) without committing to them. The length of time might cause you to think the relationship is serious but if he doesn’t see it that way, don’t expect him to be loyal.
Sagittarius men are highly independent. They are also usually focused on making sure their own needs are met before anything else.
A Sagittarius man might be loyal to himself before anyone else. Even if he is loyal to a partner or a friend, his loyalty to himself is going to win at the end of the day.
His independence and freedom are often the most important things to him. If being loyal to you gets in the way of those things, his loyalty is going to falter.
Most of the time, his partners just need to have realistic expectations when it comes to loyalty from a Sagittarius man.
Don’t expect him to always put you first. He will sometimes but that isn’t always going to happen.
Don’t expect blind loyalty from him either. He thinks for himself. If he thinks you’re doing something wrong, he’s not going to support you.
Is your Sagittarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love. →
When a Sagittarius man says he loves you, he means it. He is not the kind of person to say empty words to get what he wants.
The best way to know if a Sagittarius man is playing you is to pay attention to the way he acts toward you. He won’t tell you that he cares about you if he doesn’t. He will likely just tell you if he wants something casual too.
Sometimes, even the most loving of Sagittarius men have trouble being loyal. Why? Because they might just be loyal to those feelings of love, not necessarily to you or the relationship itself.
Being loyal to a person is hard. It’s much easier to be loyal to your feelings.
Needs Satisfaction
Sagittarius men hate being bored. They need to feel a certain level of excitement in their lives at all times.
If he feels dissatisfied in your relationship or just bored in general, a Sagittarius man is likely to do anything to spice things up.
Hopefully, he will talk to you about his feelings when this happens. You might be able to help relieve his boredom.
Unfortunately, some Sagittarius men let their spontaneity get the better of them.
He might seek instant gratification. That may mean being disloyal to you. Sometimes, his need to act gets in the way of his better judgment.
Use these secrets to make your Sagittarius man love you (they work like magic) →
Knows Boundaries
A Sagittarius man will always try to respect your boundaries.
If he does something to betray you, he’s going to feel terrible about it. Sagittarius men don’t often carry on secret affairs. If he cheats on you, he’s going to let you know right away.
If he does something else to break his loyalty to you, he’s likely to just confess. If he spills one of your secrets or one of his friends says rude things about you, he’ll let you know.
Even if he isn’t always loyal to you, you can trust that you’re going to find out about it from him and not somebody else. He won’t want to further push the boundaries of your relationship by being a liar.
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